private void visitNewNode(NodeTraversal t, Node newNode) {
    Node qNameNode = newNode.getFirstChild();

    // Single names are likely external, but if this is running in single-file mode, they
    // will not be in the externs, so add a weak usage.
    if (mode == Mode.SINGLE_FILE && qNameNode.isName()) {
      weakUsages.put(qNameNode.getString(), qNameNode);

    // If the ctor is something other than a qualified name, ignore it.
    if (!qNameNode.isQualifiedName()) {

    // Grab the root ctor namespace.
    Node root = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(qNameNode);

    // We only consider programmer-defined constructors that are
    // global variables, or are defined on global variables.
    if (!root.isName()) {

    String name = root.getString();
    Var var = t.getScope().getVar(name);
    if (var != null && (var.isExtern() || var.getSourceFile() == newNode.getStaticSourceFile())) {
    usages.put(qNameNode.getQualifiedName(), newNode);

    // for "new" add weak usages for "", "", and "foo"
    // because those might be goog.provide'd from a different file than,
    // so it doesn't make sense to require the user to goog.require all of them.
    for (; qNameNode != null; qNameNode = qNameNode.getFirstChild()) {
      weakUsages.put(qNameNode.getQualifiedName(), qNameNode);
  private void visitCallNode(NodeTraversal t, Node call, Node parent) {
    String required = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfRequire(call, parent);
    if (required != null) {
      visitRequire(required, call);
    String provided = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfProvide(call, parent);
    if (provided != null) {

    if (codingConvention.isClassFactoryCall(call)) {
      if (parent.isName()) {
      } else if (parent.isAssign()) {

    Node callee = call.getFirstChild();
    if (callee.isName()) {
      weakUsages.put(callee.getString(), callee);
    } else if (callee.isQualifiedName()) {
      Node root = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(callee);
      if (root.isName()) {
        Var var = t.getScope().getVar(root.getString());
        if (var == null || (!var.isExtern() && !var.isLocal())) {
          String name = getOutermostClassName(callee.getQualifiedName());
          if (name == null) {
            name = callee.getQualifiedName();
          usages.put(name, call);
  private void visitClassNode(NodeTraversal t, Node classNode) {
    String name = NodeUtil.getName(classNode);
    if (name != null) {

    Node extendClass = classNode.getSecondChild();

    // If the superclass is something other than a qualified name, ignore it.
    if (!extendClass.isQualifiedName()) {

    // Single names are likely external, but if this is running in single-file mode, they
    // will not be in the externs, so add a weak usage.
    if (mode == Mode.SINGLE_FILE && extendClass.isName()) {
      weakUsages.put(extendClass.getString(), extendClass);

    Node root = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(extendClass);

    // It should always be a name. Extending this.something or
    // super.something is unlikely.
    // We only consider programmer-defined superclasses that are
    // global variables, or are defined on global variables.
    if (root.isName()) {
      String rootName = root.getString();
      Var var = t.getScope().getVar(rootName);
      if (var != null && (var.isLocal() || var.isExtern())) {
        // "require" not needed for these
      } else {
        usages.put(extendClass.getQualifiedName(), extendClass);