Exemplo n.º 1
  public static void draw(Pane canvas, ContextMenu contextMenu) {
    System.out.println("Number of Vm's Present " + application.Data.vmMap.keySet().size());
    System.out.println("Number of Hub's Present " + application.Data.hubMap.keySet().size());
    // the pane should be cleared each time

    // if(!Data.vmMap.isEmpty() && !Data.hubMap.isEmpty()) {
    // if(!(Data.hubMap.size() == 0)) {
    canvas.getChildren().add(createVlanNode("V2", canvas, contextMenu));
    // }

    // we don't actually want to change the value of Data.hubStartPosY
    // instead we initially set our tempPosY to the startPos and alter that
    int tempPosX = Data.hubStartPosX;
    int tempPosY = Data.hubStartPosY;
    // Draw a Blue rectangle for each hub
    for (Map.Entry<String, HUB> hubEntry : application.Data.hubMap.entrySet()) {

      String currentHubName = hubEntry.getKey();
      HUB currentHub = application.Data.hubMap.get(currentHubName);
      canvas.getChildren().add(application.Graphics.createHUBNode(currentHub, canvas, contextMenu));
      // cashe wither the hub has connections
      // if it don't then theres no need to draw the lines
      boolean haveConnections = !currentHub.getInfs().isEmpty();
      // ----- Draws a horizontal line from the hub to the middle of the space
      // between hubs and vms
      if (haveConnections) {
        drawLine(canvas, tempPosX + 100, tempPosY + 50, tempPosX + 150, tempPosY + 50);

      // Draw a Red rectangle for each vm
      tempPosX += 200;
      for (Map.Entry<String, VM> vmEntry : application.Data.vmMap.entrySet()) {
        String currentVMName = vmEntry.getKey();
        VM currentVM = application.Data.vmMap.get(currentVMName);
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> vmInterface : currentVM.getInterfaces().entrySet()) {
          // If the the first three octals of the vm's interface match
          // the first three octals of the hub's subnet
          // Draw the vm to the left of the hub as they are connected
          int ipClass = Data.getIPClass(application.Data.hubMap.get(currentHubName).getNetmask());
          String replaceRegex = "\\.\\d{1," + String.valueOf(ipClass) + "}\\z";
          if (vmInterface
              .replaceAll(replaceRegex, "")
                      .replaceAll(replaceRegex, ""))) {
                .addInf(currentVM.getName() + "." + vmInterface.getKey());
                .add(application.Graphics.createVMNode(currentVM, canvas, contextMenu));

            // draws a horizontal line from each vm to the middle of
            // the space between hubs and vms
            if (haveConnections) {
              drawLine(canvas, tempPosX, tempPosY + 50, tempPosX - 50, tempPosY + 50);

            tempPosY += 150;
      if (!haveConnections) {
        tempPosY += 150;

      // draw vertical in the middle of the space between hubs and vms
      if (haveConnections) {
        drawLine(canvas, tempPosX - 50, currentHub.getPosY() + 50, tempPosX - 50, tempPosY - 100);
      // draw horizontal line from the vlan to the hub
          Data.vlanstartPosX + 100,
          currentHub.getPosY() + 50,
          currentHub.getPosY() + 50);
      tempPosX += 200;
      // tempPosY += 150;