Exemplo n.º 1
  private static Tag newTag(String tagType, String tagID, UCMEntity entity, String cgi)
      throws TagException, UnableToCreateEntityException, UCMEntityNotFoundException,
          UnableToGetEntityException, UnableToInitializeEntityException {
    logger.fine("ENTITY=" + entity.toString());
    logger.fine("CGI FOR NEW = " + cgi);
    // System.out.println( "CGI==="+cgi );

    /* Delete any existing Tags with the unique ID */
        "Deleting Tags with ID: "
            + tagType
            + tagID
            + " for entity "
            + entity.getFullyQualifiedName());
    deleteTagsWithID(tagType, tagID, entity);

    cgi = "tagtype=" + tagType + "&tagid=" + tagID + (cgi.length() > 0 ? "&" + cgi : "");
    String fqname = storeTag(entity, cgi);

    Tag tag = (Tag) UCMEntity.getEntity(Tag.class, fqname);
    // tag.SetEntry( "tagtype", tagType );
    // tag.SetEntry( "tagid", tagID );

    return tag;
Exemplo n.º 2
  private static String storeTag(UCMEntity entity, String cgi) throws TagException {

    String cmd = "mkhlink -ttext \"" + cgi + "\" " + __TAG_NAME + " " + entity;

    CmdResult res = null;
    try {
      res = Cleartool.run(cmd);
    } catch (AbnormalProcessTerminationException e) {
      logger.warning("Unable add tag: " + e.getMessage());
      Matcher match = pattern_hlink_type_missing.matcher(e.getMessage());
      if (match.find()) {
        logger.fine("Found match");
        // UCM.addMessage( "The Hyperlink type \"" + match.group( 1 ) + "\" was not
        // found.\nInstallation: \"cleartool mkhltype " + __TAG_NAME + " -c \"Hyperlink type for
        // tagging entities\"\"" );
        // throw new UCMException( "ClearCase hyperlink type \"" + match.group( 1 ) + "\" was not
        // found.", e.getMessage(), UCMType.UNKNOWN_HLINK_TYPE );

        // UCMException ucme = new UCMException( "ClearCase hyperlink type \"" + match.group( 1 ) +
        // "\" was not found. ", e, UCMType.UNKNOWN_HLINK_TYPE );
        // ucme.addInformation(  "The Hyperlink type \"" + match.group( 1 ) + "\" was not
        // found.\nInstallation: \"cleartool mkhltype -global -c \"Hyperlink type for tagging
        // entities\" " + __TAG_NAME + "@" + match.group( 2 ) );
        TagException te = new TagException(entity, cgi, __TAG_NAME, Type.NO_SUCH_HYPERLINK, e);
            "The Hyperlink type \""
                + match.group(1)
                + "\" was not found.\nInstallation: \"cleartool mkhltype -global -c \"Hyperlink type for tagging entities\" "
                + __TAG_NAME
                + "@"
                + match.group(2));
        throw te;
      } else {
        // throw new UCMException( e );
        throw new TagException(entity, cgi, __TAG_NAME, Type.CREATION_FAILED, e);

    String tag = res.stdoutBuffer.toString();

    Matcher match = pattern_remove_verbose_tag.matcher(tag);
    if (!match.find()) {
      // throw new UCMException( "Could not create tag", UCMType.TAG_CREATION_FAILED );
      throw new TagException(entity, cgi, __TAG_NAME, Type.CREATION_FAILED);

    return match.group(1);