Exemplo n.º 1
  // can this func be called using a call with signature callSig?
  // if callSig.returnType is any, then ignore return type compatibility
  // (NB: this doesn't consider implicit argument conversions, use
  // TypeManager.isMatchingFunc() for that)
  public boolean callCompatible(final FuncInfo callSig) {
    Debug.Assert(callSig != null);

    if (callSig.numArgs() < numRequiredArgs()) {
      return false; // not enough args
    if (callSig.numArgs() > numArgs()) {
      return false; // too many args

    // check types
    for (int a = 0; a < callSig.numArgs(); a++) {
      if (!_paramTypes[a].equals(callSig._paramTypes[a])) {
        return false;

    if (callSig.getReturnType() != null) {
      if (!callSig.getReturnType().equals(TypeSpec.typeOf("any"))) {
        if (!_returnType.equals(callSig.getReturnType())) {
          return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public FuncInfo() {
   // default to noarg, any return
   _paramNames = new String[0];
   _paramTypes = new TypeSpec[0];
   _paramDefaults = new Object[0];
   _paramHasDefault = new boolean[0];
   _returnType = TypeSpec.typeOf("any");
Exemplo n.º 3
  // construct from types of an argument list
  public FuncInfo(final ArrayList args) {
    if (args == null) {
      // default to noarg, any return
      _paramNames = new String[0];
      _paramTypes = new TypeSpec[0];
      _paramDefaults = new Object[0];
      _paramHasDefault = new boolean[0];
      _returnType = TypeSpec.typeOf("any");
    } else {
      final int n = args.size();
      _paramNames = new String[n];
      _paramTypes = new TypeSpec[n];
      _paramDefaults = new Object[n];
      _paramHasDefault = new boolean[n];
      _returnType = TypeSpec.typeOf("any");
      for (int a = 0; a < n; a++) {
        _paramNames[a] = null;
        _paramTypes[a] = null;
        if (args.get(a) instanceof Value) {
          // if an arg is null and is an LValue, extract it's declared
          // type
          final Value v = (Value) args.get(a);
          final boolean isNull =
              (v.getValue() == null)
                  || ((v.getValue() instanceof Any) && (((Any) v.getValue()).value == null));
          if (isNull && v.isLValue()) {
            _paramTypes[a] = v.getLValue().getSymbol().getType();
          // if we have an Any value, try to deduce the type from the
          // actual value within
          else if (v.getValue() instanceof Any) { // if we have an Any
            if (v.getValue() != null) {
              _paramTypes[a] = TypeSpec.typeOf(((Any) v.getValue()).value);
        if (_paramTypes[a] == null) {
          _paramTypes[a] = TypeSpec.typeOf(args.get(a));

        _paramDefaults[a] = null;
        _paramHasDefault[a] = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
  // convert the args for a call with signature callSig that is compatible
  // with this
  // to exactly the types this func expects (including filling in defaults if
  // possible)
  // throws on arg type or number mismatch
  public Object[] convertParameters(
      final FuncInfo callSig, Object[] args, final boolean externCall) {
    if (args == null) {
      args = new Object[0];

    Debug.Assert(callSig != null);
    Debug.Assert(callSig.numArgs() == args.length, "supplied arg count must match callSig");

    // if (externCall) //!!!
    // Debug.WriteLine("Warning: FuncInfo.convertParameters() - externCall being ignored
    // (unimplemented)");

    if (numRequiredArgs() > callSig.numArgs()) {
          "not enough arguments for function " + this + " in call with signature " + callSig);

    if (callSig.numArgs() > numArgs()) {
          "too many arguments for function " + this + " in call with signature " + callSig);

    final Object[] convertedArgs = new Object[numArgs()];

    // for each formal param
    for (int a = 0; a < numArgs(); a++) {

      if (a < callSig.numArgs()) { // if param supplied
        Object arg =
            ((args[a] instanceof Value)
                ? (((Value) args[a]).getValue())
                : args[a]); // convert from Value if
        // necessary

        TypeSpec argType = TypeSpec.typeOf(arg);
        if (!argType.isAny()) { // implicit conversion from any always
          // exists
          // does an implicit conversion from the argType to the
          // parameter type exist?
          if (!TypeManager.existsImplicitConversion(argType, _paramTypes[a], new Value(arg))) {
                "argument "
                    + a
                    + " ("
                    + _paramNames[a]
                    + ") to func with signature "
                    + this
                    + " is of type '"
                    + argType
                    + "' which is incompatible with parameter type '"
                    + _paramTypes[a]
                    + "'");
        } else {
          arg = TypeSpec.unwrapAny(arg);
          argType = TypeSpec.typeOf(arg);

        // conversion
        final Value convertedArg =
            TypeManager.performImplicitConversion(argType, _paramTypes[a], new Value(arg));

        if (convertedArg == null) {
              "argument "
                  + a
                  + " ("
                  + _paramNames[a]
                  + ") to func with signature "
                  + this
                  + " is of type '"
                  + argType
                  + "' which cannot be converted into the required parameter type '"
                  + _paramTypes[a]
                  + "'");

        convertedArgs[a] = convertedArg.getValue();
      } else { // not supplied
        // do we have a default value?
        if (!_paramHasDefault[a]) {
              "in call to function "
                  + this
                  + ", no argument was supplied for parameter "
                  + _paramNames[a]
                  + " (which has no default)");

        // use default
        convertedArgs[a] = _paramDefaults[a];
    } // for each param

    return convertedArgs;