Exemplo n.º 1
   * @param ci
   * @param useWeighted
   * @param robust
   * @param cluster
   * @throws Exception
  public void coxphfitSCleanup(
      CoxInfo ci, boolean useWeighted, boolean robust, ArrayList<String> cluster) throws Exception {
    // Do cleanup found after coxfit6 is called in coxph.fit.S
    // infs <- abs(coxfit$u %*% var)
    // [ a1 b1] * [a1 b1]
    //           [a2 b2]
    double[][] du = new double[1][ci.u.length];
    du[0] = ci.u;
    double[] infs = Matrix.abs(Matrix.multiply(ci.u, ci.getVariance()));
    //        StdArrayIO.print(infs);

    ArrayList<CoxCoefficient> coxCoefficients =
        new ArrayList<CoxCoefficient>(ci.getCoefficientsList().values());

    for (int i = 0; i < infs.length; i++) {
      double inf = infs[i];
      double coe = coxCoefficients.get(i).getCoeff();
      if (inf > ci.eps && inf > (ci.toler * Math.abs(coe))) {
        ci.message = "Loglik converged before variable ";

    // sum(coef*coxfit$means)
    double sumcoefmeans = 0;
    for (CoxCoefficient cc : coxCoefficients) {
      sumcoefmeans = sumcoefmeans + cc.getCoeff() * cc.getMean();

    // coxph.fit.S line 107
    // lp <- c(x %*% coef) + offset - sum(coef*coxfit$means)
    for (SurvivalInfo si : ci.survivalInfoList) {
      double offset = si.getOffset();
      double lp = 0;
      for (CoxCoefficient cc : coxCoefficients) {
        String name = cc.getName();
        double coef = cc.getCoeff();
        double value = si.getVariable(name);
        lp = lp + value * coef;
      lp = lp + offset - sumcoefmeans;

      //           System.out.println("lp score " + si.order + " " + si.time + " " + si.getWeight()
      // + " " + si.getClusterValue() + " " + lp + " " + Math.exp(lp));
    //       ci.dump();
    // begin code after call to coxfit6 in coxph.fit.S
    // Compute the martingale residual for a Cox model
    // appears to be C syntax error for = - vs -=
    // (if (nullmodel) in coxph.fit
    double[] res = CoxMart.process(ci.method, ci.survivalInfoList, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < ci.survivalInfoList.size(); i++) {
      SurvivalInfo si = ci.survivalInfoList.get(i);

    // this represents the end of coxph.fit.S code and we pickup
    // after call to fit <- fitter(X, Y, strats ....) in coxph.R

    if (robust) {
      double[][] temp;
      double[][] temp0;

      if (cluster != null) {

        temp = ResidualsCoxph.process(ci, ResidualsCoxph.Type.dfbeta, useWeighted, cluster);
        // # get score for null model
        //    if (is.null(init))
        //          fit2$linear.predictors <- 0*fit$linear.predictors
        //    else
        //          fit2$linear.predictors <- c(X %*% init)
        // Set score to 1

        double[] templp = new double[ci.survivalInfoList.size()];
        double[] tempscore = new double[ci.survivalInfoList.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (SurvivalInfo si : ci.survivalInfoList) {
          templp[i] = si.getLinearPredictor();
          tempscore[i] = si.getScore();
          si.setScore(1.0); // this erases stored value which isn't how the R code does it

        temp0 = ResidualsCoxph.process(ci, ResidualsCoxph.Type.score, useWeighted, cluster);

        i = 0;
        for (SurvivalInfo si : ci.survivalInfoList) {
          si.setScore(tempscore[i]); // this erases stored value which isn't how the R code does it

      } else {
        temp = ResidualsCoxph.process(ci, ResidualsCoxph.Type.dfbeta, useWeighted, null);
        //     fit2$linear.predictors <- 0*fit$linear.predictors
        double[] templp = new double[ci.survivalInfoList.size()];
        double[] tempscore = new double[ci.survivalInfoList.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (SurvivalInfo si : ci.survivalInfoList) {
          templp[i] = si.getLinearPredictor();
          tempscore[i] = si.getScore();
        temp0 = ResidualsCoxph.process(ci, ResidualsCoxph.Type.score, useWeighted, null);

        i = 0;
        for (SurvivalInfo si : ci.survivalInfoList) {
          si.setScore(tempscore[i]); // this erases stored value which isn't how the R code does it
      // fit$var<- t(temp) % * % temp
      double[][] ttemp = Matrix.transpose(temp);
      double[][] var = Matrix.multiply(ttemp, temp);
      // u<- apply(as.matrix(temp0), 2, sum)
      double[] u = new double[temp0[0].length];
      for (int i = 0; i < temp0[0].length; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < temp0.length; j++) {
          u[i] = u[i] + temp0[j][i];
      // fit$rscore <- coxph.wtest(t(temp0)%*%temp0, u, control$toler.chol)$test
      double[][] wtemp = Matrix.multiply(Matrix.transpose(temp0), temp0);
      double toler_chol = 1.818989e-12;
      //  toler_chol = ci.toler;
      WaldTestInfo wti = WaldTest.process(wtemp, u, toler_chol);
      // not giving the correct value

    if (ci.getNumberCoefficients() > 0) {
      double toler_chol = 1.818989e-12;
      //  toler_chol = ci.toler;
      double[][] b = new double[1][ci.getNumberCoefficients()];
      int i = 0;
      for (CoxCoefficient coe : ci.getCoefficientsList().values()) {
        b[0][i] = coe.getCoeff();
      ci.setWaldTestInfo(WaldTest.process(ci.getVariance(), b, toler_chol));