@Test public void logSuccessfulResponse() { log.logResponse(status); assertTrue(mock_simulator.getLastLog().equals("Response: " + status.toString())); // make emma happy status.isInvalidPIN(); status.getMessage(); }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuffer strb = new StringBuffer(); strb.append("Test " + getName()); strb.append("\n Description of the platform :" + plateforme.getName()); strb.append("\n Os Name :" + plateforme.getOsName()); strb.append("\n---------------------------------------"); if (isCompileTime) { strb.append("\nCompile Time : " + compileTime.getMeasure() + " " + compileTime.getUnit()); } if (isExecutionTime) { strb.append( "\nExecution Time : " + executionTime.getMeasure() + " " + executionTime.getUnit()); } if (isPerformance) { strb.append("\nPerformance : " + performance.getMeasure() + " " + performance.getUnit()); } if (isSuccess) { strb.append("\nSuccess State : " + success.getState() + " %"); } if (metrics.size() > 0) { strb.append("\nYour metrics : "); for (String metric_name : this.metrics.keySet()) { strb.append("\n" + metric_name + " : " + this.metrics.get(metric_name)); } } return strb.toString(); }
public boolean isHasTimedOut() { return success.isHasTimedOut(); }
public boolean isHasNotTimedOutButHasFailed() { return (!success.isHasTimedOut() && !success.isPassed()); }
public boolean isSuccessfull() { return success.isPassed(); }