public static void main(String args[]) {
    // Declare variables
    double aRadius;
    double aVolume;

    // Declare objects
    MainWindow mWindow;
    InputBox iBox;
    OutputBox oBox;

    Sphere aSphere;

    // Create objects
    mWindow = new MainWindow();
    iBox = new InputBox(mWindow);
    oBox = new OutputBox(mWindow);

    aSphere = new Sphere();

    // Use objects;

    // get Input
    aRadius = iBox.getDouble("Please enter the radius of the sphere: ");

    // debug code
    System.out.println("value input:" + aRadius);
    System.out.println("the radius value in the sphere object:" + aSphere.getTheRadius());

    // Process
    aVolume = aSphere.getTheVolume();

    // Output;
    oBox.print(" The volume of a sphere with a radius of  " + aRadius + " is " + aVolume);