   * This method verifies the busy status of the template to be used. In the event of a busy status,
   * it enters a wait/retry loop.
   * @param tempId
  private Boolean checkIsTemplateAvailable(String tempId) {

    JenkinsLogger.log("Checking availability of template with id: " + tempId);

    // build busy check request
    String requestURL = buildCheckTemplateURL(tempId);
    HttpGet hg = SkytapUtils.buildHttpGetRequest(requestURL, this.authCredentials);

    // repeatedly execute request until template is not busy
    String httpRespBody = "";
    Boolean templateIsAvailable = false;

    try {

      int numPollingAttempts = 0;

      while (!templateIsAvailable && (numPollingAttempts < this.NUMBER_OF_RETRIES)) {

        httpRespBody = SkytapUtils.executeHttpRequest(hg);

        // get json object from the response
        JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
        JsonElement je = parser.parse(httpRespBody);
        JsonObject jo = je.getAsJsonObject();

        // get busy status - if busy in returned
        // JSON array is 'null', means template is not busy

        if (jo.get("busy").isJsonNull()) {
          templateIsAvailable = true;
          JenkinsLogger.log("Template is available.");
        } else {
          templateIsAvailable = false;
          JenkinsLogger.log("Template is busy.");

          // wait before trying again
          int sleepTime = this.RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS;
          JenkinsLogger.log("Sleeping for " + sleepTime + " seconds.");
          Thread.sleep(sleepTime * 1000);


      return templateIsAvailable;

    } catch (SkytapException ex) {
      JenkinsLogger.error("Request returned an error: " + ex.getError());
      JenkinsLogger.error("Failing build step.");
      return false;
    } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
      return false;