Exemplo n.º 1
  /** @exclude */
  public Object serviceMessage(Message message, boolean throttle, MessageDestination dest) {
    if (managed) incrementMessageCount(false, message);

    if (throttle) {
      // Throttle the inbound message; also attempts to prevent duplicate messages sent by a client.
      dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
      ThrottleManager throttleManager = dest.getThrottleManager();
      if (throttleManager != null && throttleManager.throttleIncomingMessage(message))
        return null; // Message throttled.

    // Block any sent messages that have a subtopic header containing
    // wildcards - wildcards are only supported in subscribe/unsubscribe
    // commands (see serviceCommand() and manageSubscriptions()).
    Object subtopicObj = message.getHeader(AsyncMessage.SUBTOPIC_HEADER_NAME);
    List<Subtopic> subtopics = null;
    if (subtopicObj != null) {
      if (subtopicObj instanceof Object[]) subtopicObj = Arrays.asList((Object[]) subtopicObj);

      if (subtopicObj instanceof String) {
        String subtopicString = (String) subtopicObj;
        if (subtopicString != null && subtopicString.length() > 0) {
          if (dest == null) dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
          Subtopic subtopic =
              testProducerSubtopic(dest.getServerSettings().getSubtopicSeparator(), subtopicString);
          if (subtopics == null) subtopics = new ArrayList<Subtopic>();
      } else if (subtopicObj instanceof List) {
        List<String> subtopicList = (List<String>) subtopicObj;
        String subtopicSeperator = null;
        for (String subtopicString : subtopicList) {
          if (subtopicString != null && subtopicString.length() > 0) {
            if (dest == null) dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
            subtopicSeperator = dest.getServerSettings().getSubtopicSeparator();
            Subtopic subtopic = testProducerSubtopic(subtopicSeperator, subtopicString);
            if (subtopics == null) subtopics = new ArrayList<Subtopic>();

    // Override TTL if there was one specifically configured for this destination
    if (dest == null) dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
    ServerSettings destServerSettings = dest.getServerSettings();
    if (destServerSettings.getMessageTTL() >= 0)

    long start = 0;
    if (debug) start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Give MessagingAdapter a chance to block the send.
    ServiceAdapter adapter = dest.getAdapter();
    if (adapter instanceof MessagingAdapter) {
      MessagingSecurityConstraintManager manager =
          ((MessagingAdapter) adapter).getSecurityConstraintManager();
      if (manager != null) manager.assertSendAuthorization();

    Object result = adapter.invoke(message);

    if (debug) {
      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
          .debug("After invoke service: " + getId() + "; execution time = " + (end - start) + "ms");

    return result;