Exemplo n.º 1
 public static String randomSplit(String str, String divisor) {
   if (str.contains(divisor)) {
     String tokens[];
     tokens = str.split("[/]");
     if (tokens.length > 0) {
       return tokens[RandomHandler.random(tokens.length)];
   return str;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * This is the workhorse function of the class. It takes a string and strips out the formatting
  * code, replacing it with appropriate text from the variables.
  * <p>Formatting code:
  * <p>[/TEXT0/TEXT1/TEXT2/.../] Randomly selects one text fragment to display.
  * <p>[# VARIABLE / TEXT0 / TEXT1 / TEXT2 #] Selects a text fragment based on the variable. A
  * value of 0 selects the first variable, 1 selects the second, and any other value selects the
  * third. This is useful to handle text where you are not sure of the plural (e.g, [# $number /no
  * cannon/1 cannon/many cannons#]
  * <p>$VARIABLE The appropriate variable is selected; integer, doubles and strings are substituted
  * directly into the text; for BaseObject variables, the appropriate text is retrieved using the
  * getString methods. Dot notation is used (e.g., $MyObject.MyString - MyString is passed to the
  * getString function).
  * @param c Context object (usually an Application or Activity)
  * @param text The text to be formatted
  * @param variables A hash map containing variables
  * @return String with all of the scripting code replaced appropriately
 public static String format(Context c, String text, HashMap<String, Object> variables) {
   int start, end;
   String ret = text;
   // Insert Line breaks
   ret = ret.replace("\\n", System.getProperty("line.separator"));
   // Handle random choice
   start = ret.indexOf("[/");
   while (start != NOTFOUND) {
     end = ret.indexOf("/]", start);
     if (end != NOTFOUND) {
       String replace = ret.substring(start, end + 2);
       String sub = ret.substring(start + 2, end);
       String tokens[] = sub.split("[/]");
       ret = ret.replace(replace, tokens[RandomHandler.random(tokens.length)]);
       start = ret.indexOf("[/");
     } else start = NOTFOUND;
   // Handle plurals
   start = ret.indexOf("[#");
   while (start != NOTFOUND) {
     end = ret.indexOf("#]", start);
     if (end == NOTFOUND) end = ret.length();
     String replace = ret.substring(start, end + 2);
     String sub = ret.substring(start + 2, end);
     String tokens[] = sub.split("[/]");
     if (tokens.length == 4) {
       String nStr = tokens[0];
       int nInt = 0;
       try {
         nInt = Integer.parseInt(nStr.trim());
       } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
         if (variables != null) {
           String vars[] = nStr.split("[.]");
           Object obj = variables.get(vars[0].trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US));
           if (obj != null) {
             if (vars.length == 1) {
               if (obj instanceof Integer) {
                 nInt = ((Integer) obj).intValue();
               } else if (obj instanceof Double) {
                 nInt = ((Double) obj).intValue();
               } else if (obj instanceof BaseObject) {
                 nInt = ((BaseObject) obj).getInteger("value");
             } else {
               nInt = ((BaseObject) obj).getInteger(vars[1].trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US));
       if (nInt == 0) {
         ret = ret.replace(replace, tokens[1]);
       } else if (nInt == 1) {
         ret = ret.replace(replace, tokens[2]);
       } else {
         ret = ret.replace(replace, tokens[3]);
     } else {
       ret = ret.replace(replace, "VariablePluralError:" + sub);
     start = ret.indexOf("[#");
   // Game variable substitution
   if (variables != null) {
     start = ret.indexOf('$');
     while (start != NOTFOUND) {
       // Regular Variable
       end = ret.indexOf(' ', start);
       if (end == NOTFOUND) end = ret.length();
       while (punctuation.indexOf(ret.charAt(end - 1)) != NOTFOUND) end--;
       String variable = ret.substring(start, end);
       String tokens[] = variable.split("[.]");
       if (tokens.length == 1) {
         Object obj = variables.get(tokens[0].trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US));
         if (obj != null) {
           if (obj instanceof Integer) {
             ret = ret.replace(variable, ((Integer) obj).toString());
           } else if (obj instanceof Double) {
             ret = ret.replace(variable, ((Double) obj).toString());
           } else if (obj instanceof String) {
             ret = ret.replace(variable, ((String) obj));
           } else if (obj instanceof BaseObject) {
             ret = ret.replace(variable, ((BaseObject) obj).getName());
           } else {
             ret =
                         + tokens[0].trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace('$', ' '));
         } else {
           ret =
                       + tokens[0].trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace('$', ' '));
       } else {
         Object obj = variables.get(tokens[0].trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US));
         if (obj != null) {
           if (obj instanceof BaseObject) {
             ret = ret.replace(variable, ((BaseObject) obj).getString(c, tokens[1].trim()));
           } else {
             ret = ret.replace(variable, "VariableTypeError:" + variable);
         } else {
           ret =
                       + tokens[0].trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace('$', ' '));
       start = ret.indexOf('$');
   return ret;