@Override public boolean canAttack(QueenBlackDragon npc, Player victim) { Integer last = (Integer) npc.getTemporaryAttributtes().get("_last_soul_summon"); return last == null || last < npc.getTicks(); }
@Override public int attack(QueenBlackDragon npc, Player victim) { for (Iterator<TorturedSoul> it = npc.getSouls().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (it.next().isDead()) { it.remove(); } } npc.getTemporaryAttributtes().put("_last_soul_summon", npc.getTicks() + Utils.random(41, 100)); int count = npc.getPhase() - 1; if (count == 3) { count = 4; } if (npc.getSouls().size() < count) { victim .getPackets() .sendGameMessage( (count - npc.getSouls().size()) < 2 ? "<col=9900CC>The Queen Black Dragon summons one of her captive, tortured souls.</col>" : "<col=9900CC>The Queen Black Dragon summons several of her captive, tortured souls.</col>"); for (int i = npc.getSouls().size(); i < count; i++) { npc.getSouls() .add( new TorturedSoul( npc, victim, npc.getBase().transform(SPAWN_LOCATIONS[i][0], SPAWN_LOCATIONS[i][1], 0))); } } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i >= npc.getSouls().size()) { break; } TorturedSoul s = npc.getSouls().get(i); if (s == null || s.isDead()) { continue; } s.specialAttack(npc.getBase().transform(SPAWN_LOCATIONS[i][0], SPAWN_LOCATIONS[i][1], 0)); } return Utils.random(4, 15); }