Exemplo n.º 1
   * Run a shell command.
   * @param args shell arguments to call
   * @return the result of running the command
   * @throws ProcessRunException if there's an error running the process
  public RunResult run(List<String> args) throws ProcessRunException {

    for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++) {

      LOG.debug("Running: " + args);
      ProcessRunner runner = new ProcessRunner(args);
      RunResult result = runner.run();
      if (result.getReturnCode() == 0) {
        return result;

      LOG.error("Error running command! Got return code: " + result.getReturnCode());

      if (i + 1 == retries) {
        return result;

      try {
        LOG.debug("Sleeping for " + RETRY_SLEEP_TIME / 1000 + "s");
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't happen!");
    throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't happen");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void shutDown() {
   synchronized (this.extensionToRunnerMap) {
     for (ProcessRunner runner : this.extensionToRunnerMap.values()) {
       for (Process p : runner.getProcesses()) p.destroy();
Exemplo n.º 3
  public void directoryChanged(DirectoryEvent e) {
    // Only interested in file create event
    if (e.getEventType() != DirectoryEvent.ENTRY_CREATE) return;

    String[] parts = e.getFile().toString().split("\\.");
    if (parts.length == 0) return;

    ProcessRunner runner = this.extensionToRunnerMap.get(parts[parts.length - 1]);
    if (runner == null) return;

    try {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Blocking method that saves (if required) a finished workflow runs output.
  * <p>Blocks until the workflow run has finished. Works even if the workflow result was not 0. The
  * first time this method is called it saves the output to file.
  * @return Output of this class including parameters passed to the bat.script and a capture of
  *     anything that sends to output or error streams. Does not include the results of the
  *     workflow run use getOutputFile() for these.
  * @throws TavernaException Thrown if there is an InterruptedException, ProcessException or error
  *     saving the output.
  * @throws ProcessException If the process was not started.
 public String getOutput() throws TavernaException, ProcessException {
   if (outputFile == null) {
     return saveOutput();
   try {
     return runner.getOutput();
   } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
     throw new TavernaException("Workflow was interrupted.", ex);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Blocks until the workflow run has finished and then reports if it was successful.
  * <p>A workflow run is considered successful if it returns with a 0 result.
  * @return True is and only if the workflow run ended with a 0.
  * @throws TavernaException Wrapper around any InterruptedException, or if the process was never
  *     started.
  * @throws ProcessException If the process was not started.
 public boolean wasSuccessful() throws TavernaException, ProcessException {
   try {
     boolean result = runner.waitFor() == 0;
     if (outputFile == null) {
     return result;
   } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
     throw new TavernaException("Error checking if run was successfull", ex);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private String saveOutput() throws TavernaException, ProcessException {
   String output = null;
   FileWriter writer = null;
   try {
     output = runner.getOutput();
     outputFile = new File(runDirectory, "Output.txt");
     writer = new FileWriter(outputFile);
   } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
     throw new TavernaException("Workflow was interrupted.", ex);
   } catch (IOException ex) {
     throw new TavernaException("Workflow output could not be saved.", ex);
   } finally {
     try {
       if (writer != null) {
     } catch (IOException ex) {
       throw new TavernaException("Workflow output could not be saved.", ex);
   return output;
Exemplo n.º 7
   * Starts a run of Tavernas Command Line tool based on the provided parameters.
   * @param tavernaHome Location of the bat or sh file to be run.
   * @param outputRoot Location where the different outputs will be written. This are:
   *     <dl>
   *       <dt>BaclavaOutput.xml
   *       <dd>Output saved by the workflow
   *       <dt>Output.txt
   *       <dd>Output of this class including parameters passed to the bat.script and a capture of
   *           anything that sends to output or error streams.
   *       <dt>TavernaLog.txt
   *       <dd>Log file generated by the workflow
   *     </dl>
   * @param inputs Array of the inputs plus the values provided by the users. If not null this is
   *     the preferred source of inputs.
   * @param inputsURI URI to a Baclava file that holds the inputs. File uris should begin with
   *     "file:" Ignored if null or "inputs" not null. If both "inputs" and "inputsURI" are null
   *     workflow is assumed not to have any inputs.
   * @param workflowURI URI to a workflow file that holds the inputs. File uris should begin with
   *     "file:"
   * @throws TavernaException Throw if the inputs passed in are determined as incorrect before the
   *     workflow is run.
   * @throws IOException Throw if accessing any of the File parameters, or child files created,
   *     causes such an exception.
  public CommandLineRun(
      File tavernaHome,
      File outputRoot,
      TavernaInput[] inputs,
      String inputsURI,
      String workflowURI)
      throws TavernaException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
    ArrayList<String> cmd = getLaunch(tavernaHome);
    runDirectory = Utils.createCalendarBasedDirectory(outputRoot);
    baclavaFile = new File(runDirectory, "BaclavaOutput.xml");
    cmd.add("-outputdoc=" + baclavaFile.getAbsolutePath());
    File logFile = new File(runDirectory, "TavernaLog.txt");
    cmd.add("-logfile=" + logFile.getAbsolutePath());
    if (inputs != null) { // the useris passing all inputs individually
      System.out.append("Running workflow with individual inputs.");
      //            for (TavernaInput input:inputs){
      //               cmd.addAll(input.getInputArguments());
      //            }

      // Create Baclava input file from all the inputs gathered and pass that as an input to
      // the Taverna Command Line Tool/Server - this is more convenient as we use just one file
      // for all the inputs and we can also pass more complex inputs rather than just one-line
      // strings
      Map<String, Object> valueMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      for (TavernaInput input : inputs) {
        valueMap.put(input.getName(), input.getValue());
      Map<String, DataThing> dataThingsMap = DataThingBasedBaclava.bakeDataThingMap(valueMap);

      // Build the XML Baclava document containing the workflow inputs
      Document document = DataThingBasedBaclava.getDataDocument(dataThingsMap);

      Random randomGenerator = new Random();

      File baclavaInputFile =
          new File(
              Integer.toString(randomGenerator.nextInt(999999)) + "-baclava.xml");

      java.io.FileWriter writer = null;
      try {
        XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter();
        writer = new java.io.FileWriter(baclavaInputFile);
        out.output(document, writer);
      } catch (Exception ex) {
            "Failed to save Baclava inputs to file " + baclavaInputFile.getAbsolutePath());
      } finally {
        try {
          if (writer != null) {
        } catch (Exception ex2) {
          // Ignore

      // Probably won't work on Windows
      String baclavaInputURL =
          "file://" + new URI(baclavaInputFile.getAbsolutePath()).toASCIIString();

          "Converted all individual inputs to a local Baclava file : " + baclavaInputURL);
      cmd.add("-inputdoc=" + baclavaInputURL);
    } else if (inputsURI != null) { // the user is passing a Baclava file with all the inputs
      System.out.println("Running workflow with Baclava inputs from " + inputsURI);
      cmd.add("-inputdoc=" + inputsURI);

    String[] command = new String[0];
    command = cmd.toArray(command);
    System.out.println("Executing command " + cmd.toString());
    runner = new ProcessRunner(command, tavernaHome);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Used to destroy a workflow run.
  * <p>Stops a workflow run by passing a destroy request to the process that is running it.
 public void destroy() {
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Returns the output of the workflow run up to this point.
  * <p>Non blocking method that returns the output of the workflow up to this point. Expected to
  * hold the parameters used to start the workflow. Depending on when it is called may (but is
  * never guaranteed to) include intermediate workflow output or even results.
  * <p>Unlike other methods this one is not expected to fail or throw an Exception even if the run
  * fails or was interrupted but this behaviour is not guaranteed.
  * @return Partial workflow output
 public String getRunInfo() {
   return runner.getRunInfo();