Exemplo n.º 1
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   int returnVal = file_c.showSaveDialog(window);
   if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
     File file = file_c.getSelectedFile();
     String file_name = new FileSave(file, edit_area, file_c, window).getFileName();
     if (file_name != null) {
       window.setTitle(file_name + " - " + WindowName);
Exemplo n.º 2
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner input =
        new Scanner(
                .in); // defines a new scanner which is used to create an input so that you can
                      // enter things into the command line.
    int count = 1; // initializes count as starting at 1
    while (count < 3) // while the count is less than 3, do the following commands
      count++; // add one to the count
      System.out.print("What is your birth year?:"); // prompt
      int age = input.nextInt(); // resets loop and asks for an input using the scanner command
      if (age <= 1994) //
      System.out.println("21 or older");
      else System.out.println("Not of age");
    // define a new function, then use input
    // for random number generators create a new generator then initialize a variable as a generated
    // number between 0 and a certain number. Then show that number
    SecureRandom mySecureRandomgenerator = new SecureRandom(); // makes a new random generator
    int pick; // initializes pick

    int i;
    int x;
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        "Roll a 1, no points gained or lost. 2 gain 2 points. 3 lose 1 point. 4 gain 4 points. 5 your opponent gets 5 points. 6 get 6 points. First one to 10 points or over wins");

    for (i = 1;
        i < 5;
        i++) // start at i is equal to 1 and run until i is equal to 5. Don't run a for loop with a
             // double or float runs 9 times.
      pick =
              + 1; // set pick to 0 but we make it equal to any random number, initializes pick as a
                   // secureRandomgenerator.
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println(i + " rolls used");
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
          "The number rolled is "
              + pick); // random number generator is not random, just appears to be random.
      // from www.stackoverflow.com
      String str = Integer.toString(pick); // Takes an int, pick, into a string
      str = input.nextLine(); // initializing the string
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
      if (pick == 1) // double equal signs for test
      else if (pick == 2) // when using a string use double equal signs.
      System.out.println("Gain 2 points");
      else if (pick == 3) System.out.println("Lose 1 Point");
      else if (pick == 4) System.out.println("Gain 4 Points");
      else if (pick == 5) System.out.println("Your opponent gains 2 points");
      else if (pick == 6) System.out.println("Gain 6 Points");
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // weblogs.java.net
    Random rand = new Random(); // make a new random number generator
    int z = rand.nextInt(6); // make z a random inteer between 0 and 6
    int y = rand.nextInt(6);
        "(z > 5) && (y > 5) is "
            + ((z > 5) && (y > 5))); // if both z and y are greater than 5 then print this
        "(z < 5) || (y < 5) is " + ((z < 5) || (y < 5))); // if z or y are less than 5, print this.

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Best for 1 variable
    System.out.println("Do you like Computer Science? yes or no"); // this uses a string
    String a = input.next(); // so this has to be a string asking a question that is yes or no
    switch (a) { // creates a switch a then if a is the first case or 1 then print something then
                 // second case is 2 so print that.
      case "yes":
            "Good, computer science has lots of opportunities. I enjoy it too."); // case if a=1
                                                                                  // then print this
      case "no":
        System.out.println("Time to find a new major or minor I suppose");
        System.out.println("Invalid entry");
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    String r;
    String password = "******";
    String input2;
    // input2=input.next();//System.in.toString();

    boolean check = true;
    // if there's one equals sign, it will be an infinite loop
    do { // do while loop. Test is at the bottom of the loop. Need test condition at end of the
         // loop. Test and see if we want to repeat the loop. Good for passwords, test and test
         // again if they got it right.
      System.out.println("What is the password?");
      input2 = input.next();
      if (input2.equals(password)) {
        check = false;
      count = count + 1;
      // break;
    } while (check); // while check is true, keep running, once input2 = password which is carroll
                     // college, the check becomes false therefore break out of it

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // www.herongyang.com
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    MyJFrame f = new MyJFrame(); // creates a new jframe
    f.setTitle("Drawing Graphics in Frames");
    f.setBounds(0, 0, 300, 300);