public final void setVelocity(final Vec2D velocity) { moveData.velocity = velocity; }
/** Prints very pretty version of modifications */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "Differences(num=" + differences.size() + ",cost=" + getDifferenceCost() + "\n"); int lcv = 1; for (Difference d : differences.values()) { BaseHK2JAXBBean source = d.getSource(); String xmlPath = source._getXmlPath(); String instanceName = source._getInstanceName(); List<PropertyChangeEvent> events = d.getNonChildChanges(); sb.append( lcv + ". Modified Bean sourcePath=" + xmlPath + " sourceInstance=" + instanceName + "\n"); for (PropertyChangeEvent event : events) { sb.append( "\tCHANGED: " + event.getPropertyName() + " from " + event.getOldValue() + " to " + event.getNewValue() + "\n"); } Map<String, AddRemoveMoveDifference> childChanges = d.getChildChanges(); for (Map.Entry<String, AddRemoveMoveDifference> childEntry : childChanges.entrySet()) { String propertyName = childEntry.getKey(); sb.append(" CHANGED CHILD: " + propertyName + "\n"); AddRemoveMoveDifference arm = childEntry.getValue(); for (AddData ad : arm.getAdds()) { BaseHK2JAXBBean added = ad.getToAdd(); int index = ad.getIndex(); String addedXmlPath = added._getXmlPath(); String addedInstanceName = added._getInstanceName(); sb.append( " ADDED: addedPath=" + addedXmlPath + " addedInstanceName=" + addedInstanceName + " addedIndex=" + index + "\n"); } for (RemoveData rd : arm.getRemoves()) { String removedXmlPath = rd.getChild()._getXmlPath(); String removedInstanceName = rd.getChild()._getInstanceName(); sb.append( " REMOVED: removedPath=" + removedXmlPath + " removedInstanceName=" + removedInstanceName + "\n"); } for (MoveData md : arm.getMoves()) { sb.append( " MOVED: oldIndex=" + md.getOldIndex() + " newIndex=" + md.getNewIndex() + "\n"); } } lcv++; } return sb.toString() + "\n," + System.identityHashCode(this) + ")"; }
protected final void setRect( final double x, final double y, final double width, final double height) { moveData.collisionBox = new CollisionBox(x, y, width, height); }