protected void writeCssTo(Writer writer, Output output) throws IOException { Object[] results; Mapper mapper; Node node; if (output.getMuted()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } mapper = SSASS.newInstance(); mapper.setErrorHandler(new ExceptionErrorHandler()); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { node = nodes.get(i); if (i > 0) { writer.write(LF); } if (!overallMinimize) { writer.write(type.comment(location(node))); } results =; if (results == null) { throw new IOException(node.toString() + ": css/sass error"); } output.setMuted(declarationsOnly.get(i)); try { ((Stylesheet) results[0]).toCss(output); } catch (GenericException e) { throw new IOException(node.toString() + ": css generation failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (output.getMuted() != declarationsOnly.get(i)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }
/** core method */ private void writeJsTo(Writer writer) throws IOException { Compiler compiler; CompilerOptions options; List<SourceFile> externals; List<SourceFile> sources; Result result; boolean first; int i; Node node; compiler = new Compiler(new LoggerErrorManager()); options = new CompilerOptions(); options.setOutputCharset(Engine.ENCODING); sources = new ArrayList<>(); externals = new ArrayList<>(); for (i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { node = nodes.get(i); sources.add( SourceFile.fromCode( location(node) + /* to get unique names, which is checked by the compiler: */ "_" + i, readString(node))); } result = compiler.compile(externals, sources, options); if (!result.success) { if (result.errors.length < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } throw new IOException( result.errors[0].sourceName + ":" + result.errors[0].lineNumber + ":" + result.errors[0].description); } if (overallMinimize) { writer.write(compiler.toSource()); } else { first = true; for (SourceFile source : sources) { if (first) { first = false; } else { writer.write(LF); } if (!overallMinimize) { writer.write(type.comment(source.getName())); } writer.write(source.getCode()); } } }