   * This test assumes a master crash/failure during the meta migration process and attempts to
   * continue the meta migration process when a new master takes over. When a master dies during the
   * meta migration we will have some rows of META.CatalogFamily updated with PB serialization and
   * some still hanging with writable serialization. When the backup master/ or fresh start of
   * master attempts the migration it will encounter some rows of META already updated with new HRI
   * and some still legacy. This test will simulate this scenario and validates that the migration
   * process can safely skip the updated rows and migrate any pending rows at startup.
   * @throws Exception
  public void testMasterCrashDuringMetaMigration() throws Exception {
    final byte[] FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("family");
    HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor("testMasterCrashDuringMetaMigration");
    HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILY);
    Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
    // Create 10 New regions.
    createMultiRegionsWithPBSerialization(conf, htd.getName(), 10);
    // Create 10 Legacy regions.
    createMultiRegionsWithWritableSerialization(conf, htd.getName(), 10);
    CatalogTracker ct = TEST_UTIL.getMiniHBaseCluster().getMaster().getCatalogTracker();
    // Erase the current version of root meta for this test.

    LOG.info("Meta Print completed.testUpdatesOnMetaWithLegacyHRI");

    long numMigratedRows =
    assertEquals(numMigratedRows, 10);

    // Assert that the flag in ROOT is updated to reflect the correct status
    boolean metaUpdated =
    assertEquals(true, metaUpdated);


    LOG.info("END testMasterCrashDuringMetaMigration");