public void notifyMoreDataReady(float[] bins) { // an array of floats

    if (recursion) System.err.println(" RECURSION ");
    nBins = bins.length;
    if (nBins == 0) return;

    recursion = true;

    if (size == null || nBins != size.height || nChunks != size.width) // || this is the or operator
    createGraphics(); //  Returns a Graphics2D object for rendering into the specified
                      // BufferedImage.

    int width = size.width;

    for (int i = 0;
        i < nBins;
        i++) { // this is recursing over all the rows (nbins is the number of rows)
      int bin = nBins - i - 1; // I think this makes it start from the top
      float val = mapper.eval(bins[bin]); //

      if (val < 0) val = 0.0f;
      if (val > 1.0) // I think this next section colours the pixels in the spectrum
      val = 1.0f; // display
      int c_r = (int) (255 * val);
      int c_g = c_r;
      int c_b = 255 - c_r;

      int color =
              + (c_g << 8)
              + (c_r << 16)
              + (0xFF
                  << 24); // << operator means signed left shift-- it shifts the bits in the binary
                          // code to the left creating a bigger number the operand on the right
                          // specifies the amount of shift
      screenBuffer[i * width + ptr] =
          (255 << 24)
              + color; // I think loads the screenBuffer array. the index[i*width+ptr] is filled
                       // with the right operand
      // rgbarray[i] = color;

    if (ptr % 1 == 0) { // ptr remainder(%) 1
          ptr, 0, 1,
          nBins); // newPixels is method inside the MemoryImageSource i think it does this----Sends
                  // a rectangular region of the buffer of pixels to any ImageConsumers that are
                  // currently interested in the data for this image and notify them that an
                  // animation frame is complete.
      screenRepaint = true;

    ptr =
        (ptr + 1)
            % size.width; // i think this may help in changing the co-ordinates ptr may be the x
                          // coordinate
    recursion = false;