Exemplo n.º 1
	 * Gets a random space on the map that is open space
	 * @return Random empty coordinates
	 * @author Alex
	public Point getUnoccupiedPosition() {
		Point position = new Point();

		// Do while empty space not found
		do {
			position.x = random.nextInt(map.getXSize());
			position.y = random.nextInt(map.getYSize());
		} while (map.getCells()[position.y].toCharArray()[position.x] != ' ' && !isBugAtPosition(position));

		return position;
Exemplo n.º 2
	 * Prints the map on screen with all the bugs inside
	 * @param printBoundaries
	 *            Whether to indicate the boundary of the map by pipes and dashs
	 * @author Alex
	public void printMap(boolean printBoundaries) {

		if (printBoundaries)

		// Conver the map to an array of strings to insert the bugs in
		ArrayList<String> mapList = new ArrayList<String>();

		// Iterate rows
		for (String row : map.getCells()) {

			String mapRow = "";

			if (printBoundaries)
				mapRow += "|";

			mapRow += row;

			if (printBoundaries)
				mapRow += "|";


		// Insert bugs in map
		for (ABug bug : bugs) {
			// Get the row
			char[] row = mapList.get(bug.getPosition().y).toCharArray();

			// Insert the bug
			row[bug.getPosition().x + 1] = bug.getSymbol();
			mapList.set(bug.getPosition().y, new String(row));

		// Print mapList
		for (String line : mapList)

		if (printBoundaries)