Exemplo n.º 1
   * for admin purposes only. Release a lockentry directly. Use 'releaseLock' as method to release a
   * lock.
   * @param lock release this lockentry
  public void releaseLockEntry(final LockEntry lockEntry) {
    final String asset = lockEntry.getKey();
    final OLATPrincipal releaseRequestor = lockEntry.getOwner();

    // cluster:: change to useage with syncer, but we don't have the
    // olatresourceable yet

    final LockImpl li = clusterLockManager.findLock(asset);
    if (li == null) {
      // do nothing - since this lock may have been one that was cleared
      // when restarting the vm
    } else {
      // check that entry was previously locked by the same user that now
      // wants to release the lock.
      final OLATPrincipal ownwer = li.getOwner();
      if (releaseRequestor.equals(ownwer)) {
        // delete the lock
      } else {
        throw new AssertException(
            "cannot release lock since the requestor of the release ("
                + releaseRequestor.getName()
                + ") is not the owner ("
                + ownwer.getName()
                + ") of the lock ("
                + asset
                + ")");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public List<LockEntry> adminOnlyGetLockEntries() {
   final List<LockImpl> li = clusterLockManager.getAllLocks();
   final List<LockEntry> res = new ArrayList<LockEntry>(li.size());
   for (final LockImpl impl : li) {
     res.add(new LockEntry(impl.getAsset(), impl.getCreationDate().getTime(), impl.getOwner()));
   return res;