Exemplo n.º 1
   * Read a point of BIN file
   * @param input input file to read
   * @param Offset Offset to data
   * @param index index of points to read
   * @return true if success else return false
  public void readPoint(BigByteBuffer2 input, LidarHeader hdr, long index) {

    try {
      if (index > hdr.getNumPointsRecord() || index < 0) {
        throw new UnexpectedPointException("Out of Index");

      if (index == lasIndex) return;
      else lasIndex = index;

      int auxIndex;
      byte[] punto = new byte[getSizeFormat()];
      byte[] aux = new byte[2];

      input.position(hdr.getOffsetData() + getSizeFormat() * index);

      setClassification((char) (punto[0] & 0xFF));
      setFlightLine((char) (punto[1] & 0xFF));

      aux[0] = punto[2];
      aux[1] = (byte) (punto[3] & 0X3F);
      setIntensity(ByteUtilities.arr2Unsignedshort(aux, 0)); // bits de 0-13
      setEchoInformation((byte) ((punto[3] & 0xC0) >> 2)); // bits 14 y 15

      setX(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, 4));
      setY(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, 8));
      setZ(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, 12));

      auxIndex = 16;

      // si hay gps leelo
      if (isTimeGPS) {
        setTime(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, auxIndex));
        auxIndex += 4;

      // si hay color leelo
      if (isColor) {

        char[] c = new char[4];
        c[0] = (char) (punto[auxIndex] & 0xFF);
        c[1] = (char) (punto[auxIndex + 1] & 0xFF);
        c[2] = (char) (punto[auxIndex + 2] & 0xFF);
        c[3] = (char) (punto[auxIndex + 3] & 0xFF);

    } catch (UnexpectedPointException e) {
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Read x and y in point of BIN file
   * @param input input buffer to read
   * @param Offset Offset to data
   * @param index index of points to read
   * @return true if success else return false
  public Point2D.Double readPoint2D(BigByteBuffer2 input, LidarHeader hdr, long index) {

    byte[] punto = new byte[12];

    input.position((hdr.getOffsetData() + getSizeFormat() * index) + 4);

    setX(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, 4));
    setY(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, 8));

    return new Point2D.Double(
        (getX() - hdr.getXOffset()) / hdr.getXScale(),
        (getY() - hdr.getYOffset()) / hdr.getYScale());
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Read a x, y and z in point of LAS file
   * @param input input buffer to read
   * @param Offset Offset to data
   * @param index index of points to read
   * @return true if success else return false
  public void readPoint3D(BigByteBuffer2 input, LidarHeader hdr, long index) {

    byte[] punto = new byte[16];

    input.position((hdr.getOffsetData() + getSizeFormat() * index) + 4);

    setX(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, 4));
    setY(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, 8));
    setZ(ByteUtilities.arr2Int(punto, 12));
Exemplo n.º 4
  public Object getFieldValueByName(
      BigByteBuffer2 bb, String nameField, LidarHeader hdr, long index) {

    readPoint(bb, hdr, index);

    if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) {
      return (getX() - hdr.getXOffset()) / hdr.getXScale();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
      return (getY() - hdr.getYOffset()) / hdr.getYScale();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("Z")) {
      return (getZ() - hdr.getZOffset()) / hdr.getZScale();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("Intensity")) {
      return getIntensity();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("Classification")) {
      return getClassification();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("Line")) {
      return getFlightLine();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("Echo")) {
      return getEchoInformation();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("Time")) {
      return getTime();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) {
      return getR();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("G")) {
      return getG();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("B")) {
      return getB();
    } else if (nameField.equalsIgnoreCase("I")) {
      return getI();

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
   * Set Point from a row
   * @see com.dielmo.gvsig.lidar.LidarPoint#setPoint(com.hardcode.gdbms.engine.values.Value[], com.dielmo.gvsig.lidar.LidarHeader)
  public void setPoint(Object[] row, LidarHeader hdr) {

    double auxX = (Double) row[0];
    double auxY = (Double) row[1];
    double auxZ = (Double) row[2];

    setX((int) (auxX * (hdr.getXScale()) + hdr.getXOffset()));
    setY((int) (auxY * (hdr.getYScale()) + hdr.getYOffset()));
    setZ((int) (auxZ * (hdr.getZScale()) + hdr.getZOffset()));

    setIntensity((Integer) row[3]);
    setClassification((char) (((Integer) (row[4])).byteValue() & 0xFF));
    setFlightLine((char) (((Integer) (row[5])).byteValue() & 0xFF));
    setEchoInformation(((Integer) (row[6])).byteValue());

    if (hdr instanceof BINHeader) {

      BINHeader hdrBin = (BINHeader) hdr;
      if (hdrBin.getTime() > 0) {

        setTime((Integer) row[7]);

        if (hdrBin.getColor() > 0) {

          color[0] = (char) (((Integer) (row[8])).byteValue() & 0xFF);
          color[1] = (char) (((Integer) (row[9])).byteValue() & 0xFF);
          color[2] = (char) (((Integer) (row[10])).byteValue() & 0xFF);
          color[3] = (char) (((Integer) (row[11])).byteValue() & 0xFF);
      } else {

        if (hdrBin.getColor() > 0) {

          color[0] = (char) (((Integer) (row[7])).byteValue() & 0xFF);
          color[1] = (char) (((Integer) (row[8])).byteValue() & 0xFF);
          color[2] = (char) (((Integer) (row[9])).byteValue() & 0xFF);
          color[3] = (char) (((Integer) (row[10])).byteValue() & 0xFF);
Exemplo n.º 6
   * get field value by index:
   * <p>0 return X 1 return Y 2 return Z 3 return intensity 4 return classification 5 return Line 6
   * return echo information 7-11 Time and Color RGBI
   * @param bb byte buffer of data
   * @param indexField index of field
   * @param hdr LiDAR header
   * @param index asked point index. (row)
   * @return Value of row and column indicated
  public Object getFieldValueByIndex(
      BigByteBuffer2 bb, int indexField, LidarHeader hdr, long index) {

    readPoint(bb, hdr, index);

    switch (indexField) {
      case 0:
        return (getX() - hdr.getXOffset()) / hdr.getXScale();

      case 1:
        return (getY() - hdr.getYOffset()) / hdr.getYScale();

      case 2:
        return (getZ() - hdr.getZOffset()) / hdr.getZScale();

      case 3:
        return getIntensity();

      case 4:
        return getClassification();

      case 5:
        return getFlightLine();

      case 6:
        return getEchoInformation();

      case 7:
        if (isTimeGPS) {
          return getTime();
        } else if (isColor) {
          return getR();

      case 8:
        if (isTimeGPS) {
          return getR();
        } else if (isColor) {
          return getG();

      case 9:
        if (isTimeGPS) {
          return getG();
        } else if (isColor) {
          return getB();

      case 10:
        if (isTimeGPS) {
          return getB();
        } else if (isColor) {
          return getI();

      case 11:
        if (isTimeGPS) {
          return getI();

    return null;