private void genConstructor( Refs r, JDefinedClass clazz, Collection<Ref> refs, Map<Ref, JFieldVar> fieldVarMap, JFieldVar holderListener, Map<Listener.Type, ListenerType> listenerTypeMap) { // private MyLayoutViewModel(View view) { JMethod constructor = clazz.constructor(PUBLIC); JVar viewVar = constructor.param(r.viewClass, "view"); JBlock body = constructor.body(); // super(view); body.invoke("super").arg(viewVar); // myLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) view.findViewById(; // myTextView = (TextView) myLinearLayout.findViewById(; genInitFields(r, fieldVarMap, viewVar, refs, body); // myButton.setOnClickListener((view) -> { if (_holderListener != null) // _holderListener.onMyButtonClick(myButton); }); genListeners(r, fieldVarMap, holderListener, refs, body, listenerTypeMap); JDocComment doc = constructor.javadoc(); doc.append( "Constructs a new {@link me.tatarka.holdr.Holdr} for {@link " + r.packageName + ".R.layout#" + r.layoutName + "}."); doc.addParam(viewVar).append("The root view to search for the holdr's views."); }
public void putStaticImpl(JMethod method, JMethod staticImpl) { instanceToStaticMap.put(method, staticImpl); staticToInstanceMap.put(staticImpl, method); if (method.isTrace()) { staticImpl.setTrace(); } }
private void addActionToIntentBuilder( EIntentServiceHolder holder, ExecutableElement executableElement, String methodName, JFieldVar actionKeyField) { JMethod method = holder.getIntentBuilderClass().method(PUBLIC, holder.getIntentBuilderClass(), methodName); JBlock body = method.body(); // setAction body.invoke("action").arg(actionKeyField); // For each method params, we get put value into extras List<? extends VariableElement> methodParameters = executableElement.getParameters(); if (methodParameters.size() > 0) { // Extras params for (VariableElement param : methodParameters) { String paramName = param.getSimpleName().toString(); JClass parameterClass = codeModelHelper.typeMirrorToJClass(param.asType(), holder); JFieldVar paramVar = getStaticExtraField(holder, paramName); JVar methodParam = method.param(parameterClass, paramName); JMethod putExtraMethod = holder.getIntentBuilder().getPutExtraMethod(param.asType(), paramName, paramVar); body.invoke(putExtraMethod).arg(methodParam); } } body._return(JExpr._this()); }
@Test public void testGenerateHashCode() throws ClassNotFoundException { plugin.generateHashCodeMethod(aModel, aClass); final JMethod generatedMethod = aClass.getMethod("hashCode", new JType[] {}); assertThat(generatedMethod, not(nullValue())); assertThat(generatedMethod.type().fullName(), equalTo("int")); }
@Test public void testBasic() throws Exception { final JCodeModel cm = new JCodeModel(); final JDirectClass rClassId = cm.directClass("id.aa.R")._class("id"); assertEquals("id",; assertEquals("id.aa", rClassId._package().name()); assertEquals("", rClassId.fullName()); final JDirectClass rClassMenu = cm.directClass("id.aa.R")._class("menu"); assertEquals("menu",; assertEquals("id.aa", rClassMenu._package().name()); assertEquals("", rClassMenu.fullName()); final JFieldRef myItem = rClassId.staticRef("myItem"); final JFieldRef myMenu = rClassMenu.staticRef("myMenu"); final JPackage aPkg2 = cm._package("id.aa"); final JDefinedClass aClassAct = aPkg2._class("HelloAndroidActivity_"); final JMethod aMethodCreate = aClassAct.method(JMod.PUBLIC, cm.BOOLEAN, "onCreateOptionsMenu"); aMethodCreate.body().add(JExpr.ref("menuInflater").invoke("inflate").arg(myMenu)); final JMethod aMethodSelected = aClassAct.method(JMod.PUBLIC, cm.BOOLEAN, "onOptionsItemSelected"); aMethodSelected.body()._if(JExpr.ref("itemId_").eq(myItem)); CodeModelTestsHelper.parseCodeModel(cm); }
public JMethod getMethod(String name, int startIndex) { for (int i = startIndex; i < methods.size(); i++) { JMethod jMethod = (JMethod) methods.elementAt(i); if (jMethod.getName().equals(name)) return jMethod; } return null; }
public void build() { declareMethod(); ExceptionWrapper mainTryBlock = new ExceptionWrapper(codeModel, method.body(), context); for (Integer arity : primitive.getArity()) { JInvocation invocation = invoke("doApply").arg(context).arg(environment); for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) { invocation.arg(args.component(lit(i))); } mainTryBlock .body() ._if("args.length").eq(JExpr.lit(arity))) ._then() ._return(invocation); } mainTryBlock.catchEvalExceptions(); mainTryBlock.catchRuntimeExceptions(); mainTryBlock.catchExceptions(); method .body() ._throw( JExpr._new(codeModel.ref(EvalException.class)) .arg(lit(primitive.getName() + ": max arity is " + primitive.getMaxArity()))); }
public static boolean isClinit(JMethod method) { JDeclaredType enclosingType = method.getEnclosingType(); boolean isClinit = enclosingType != null && method == enclosingType.getClinitMethod(); assert !isClinit || method.getName().equals(GwtAstBuilder.CLINIT_NAME); return isClinit; }
private void genSetListener( Refs r, JDefinedClass clazz, JClass listenerInterface, JFieldVar holdrListener) { if (listenerInterface == null) return; JMethod method = clazz.method(PUBLIC, r.m.VOID, "setListener"); JVar listener = method.param(listenerInterface, "listener"); method.body().assign(holdrListener, listener); }
@Test public void testGenerateToString() { plugin.generateToStringMethod(aModel, aClass); final JMethod generatedMethod = aClass.getMethod("toString", new JType[0]); assertThat(generatedMethod, not(nullValue())); assertThat(generatedMethod.type().fullName(), equalTo(String.class.getName())); }
@Test public void testGenerateEquals() throws ClassNotFoundException { plugin.generateEqualsMethod(aModel, aClass); final JMethod generatedMethod = aClass.getMethod("equals", new JType[] {aModel.parseType("java.lang.Object")}); assertThat(generatedMethod, not(nullValue())); assertThat(generatedMethod.type().fullName(), equalTo("boolean")); }
/** Adds a method to this type. */ public final void addMethod(JMethod method) { assert method.getEnclosingType() == this; assert !method.getName().equals("$clinit") || getMethods().size() == 0 : "Attempted adding " + "$clinit method with index != 0"; assert !method.getName().equals("$init") || getMethods().size() == 1 : "Attempted adding $init " + "method with index != 1"; methods = Lists.add(methods, method); }
/** * Returns the class initializer method. Can only be called after making sure the class has a * class initializer method. * * @return The class initializer method. */ public final JMethod getClinitMethod() { assert getMethods().size() != 0; JMethod clinit = this.getMethods().get(0); assert clinit != null; assert clinit.getName().equals("$clinit"); return clinit; }
/** * Returns the instance initializer ($init) method. Can only be called after making sure the class * has an instance initializer method. * * @return The instance initializer method. */ public final JMethod getInitMethod() { assert getMethods().size() > 1; JMethod init = this.getMethods().get(1); assert init != null; assert init.getName().equals("$init"); return init; }
private <T extends Annotation> T findAnnotationOnMethodOrEnclosingType( final JMethod method, final Class<T> annotationType) { T annotation = method.getAnnotation(annotationType); if (annotation == null) { annotation = method.getEnclosingType().getAnnotation(annotationType); } return annotation; }
private void declareMethod() { method = invoker.method(JMod.PUBLIC | JMod.STATIC, SEXP.class, "doApply"); context = method.param(Context.class, "context"); environment = method.param(Environment.class, "environment"); call = method.param(FunctionCall.class, "call"); argNames = method.param(String[].class, "argNames"); args = method.param(SEXP[].class, "args"); }
public static boolean isClinit(JMethod method) { JDeclaredType enclosingType = method.getEnclosingType(); if ((enclosingType != null) && (method == enclosingType.getClinitMethod())) { assert (method.getName().equals("$clinit")); return true; } else { return false; } }
private JMethod getDefaultConstructor() { List<JMethod> constructors = getConstructors(); for (JMethod constructor : constructors) { if (constructor.getOriginalParamTypes().size() == 0) { return constructor; } } return null; }
private String getRestMethod(JMethod method) throws UnableToCompleteException { String restMethod = null; if (method.getAnnotation(DELETE.class) != null) { restMethod = METHOD_DELETE; } else if (method.getAnnotation(GET.class) != null) { restMethod = METHOD_GET; } else if (method.getAnnotation(HEAD.class) != null) { restMethod = METHOD_HEAD; } else if (method.getAnnotation(OPTIONS.class) != null) { restMethod = METHOD_OPTIONS; } else if (method.getAnnotation(POST.class) != null) { restMethod = METHOD_POST; } else if (method.getAnnotation(PUT.class) != null) { restMethod = METHOD_PUT; } else if (method.getAnnotation(JSONP.class) != null) { restMethod = METHOD_JSONP; } else { restMethod = method.getName(); if (!REST_METHODS.contains(restMethod)) { getLogger() .log( ERROR, "Invalid rest method. It must either have a lower case rest method name or have a javax rs method annotation: " + method.getReadableDeclaration()); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } return restMethod; }
/** * Returns the method with the given signature, if there is one.<br> * Optionally can search up the super type chain. */ public JMethod findMethod(String methodSignature, boolean recurse) { for (JMethod method : getMethods()) { if (method.getSignature().equals(methodSignature)) { return method; } } if (recurse && getSuperClass() != null) { return getSuperClass().findMethod(methodSignature, true); } return null; }
private void genListeners( Refs r, Map<Ref, JFieldVar> fieldVarMap, JFieldVar holdrListener, Collection<Ref> refs, JBlock body, Map<Listener.Type, ListenerType> listenerTypeMap) { if (holdrListener == null) return; for (Ref ref : refs) { if (ref instanceof View) { JFieldVar fieldVar = fieldVarMap.get(ref); View view = (View) ref; if (view.isNullable) { body = body._if(; } for (Listener listener : view.listeners) { ListenerType listenerType = listenerTypeMap.get(listener.type); JDefinedClass listenerClass = r.m.anonymousClass(listenerType.classType); JMethod method = listenerClass.method(PUBLIC, listenerType.methodReturn, listenerType.methodName); List<JVar> params = new ArrayList<JVar>(); for (Pair<JType, String> arg : listenerType.methodParams) { JVar param = method.param(arg.first, arg.second); params.add(arg.second.equals("view") ? fieldVar : param); } method.annotate(r.overrideAnnotation); JBlock innerBody = method.body(); JBlock innerIf = innerBody._if(; JInvocation invokeHoldrListener; if (listenerType.defaultReturn == null) { invokeHoldrListener = innerIf.invoke(holdrListener,; } else { invokeHoldrListener = holdrListener.invoke(; innerIf._return(invokeHoldrListener); innerBody._return(listenerType.defaultReturn); } for (JVar param : params) { invokeHoldrListener.arg(param); } body.invoke(fieldVar, listenerType.setter).arg(_new(listenerClass)); } } } }
public static boolean isInit(JMethod method) { JDeclaredType enclosingType = method.getEnclosingType(); if (method.isStatic()) { // Hack, check the name. return method.getName().equals(GwtAstBuilder.STATIC_INIT_NAME); } boolean isInit = enclosingType != null && method == enclosingType.getInitMethod(); assert !isInit || method.getName().equals(GwtAstBuilder.INIT_NAME); return isInit; }
private void addActionInOnHandleIntent( EIntentServiceHolder holder, ExecutableElement executableElement, String methodName, JFieldVar actionKeyField) { // If action match, call the method JInvocation actionCondition = actionKeyField.invoke("equals").arg(holder.getOnHandleIntentIntentAction()); JBlock callActionBlock = holder.getOnHandleIntentBody()._if(actionCondition)._then(); JInvocation callActionInvocation = JExpr._super().invoke(methodName); // For each method params, we get back value from extras and put it // in super calls List<? extends VariableElement> methodParameters = executableElement.getParameters(); if (methodParameters.size() > 0) { // Extras JVar extras = callActionBlock.decl(classes().BUNDLE, "extras"); extras.init(holder.getOnHandleIntentIntent().invoke("getExtras")); JBlock extrasNotNullBlock = callActionBlock._if(; // Extras params for (VariableElement param : methodParameters) { String paramName = param.getSimpleName().toString(); String extraParamName = paramName + "Extra"; JFieldVar paramVar = getStaticExtraField(holder, paramName); JClass extraParamClass = codeModelHelper.typeMirrorToJClass(param.asType(), holder); BundleHelper bundleHelper = new BundleHelper(annotationHelper, param); JExpression getExtraExpression = JExpr.invoke(extras, bundleHelper.getMethodNameToRestore()).arg(paramVar); if (bundleHelper.restoreCallNeedCastStatement()) { getExtraExpression = JExpr.cast(extraParamClass, getExtraExpression); if (bundleHelper.restoreCallNeedsSuppressWarning()) { JMethod onHandleIntentMethod = holder.getOnHandleIntentMethod(); if (onHandleIntentMethod.annotations().size() == 0) { onHandleIntentMethod.annotate(SuppressWarnings.class).param("value", "unchecked"); } } } JVar extraField = extrasNotNullBlock.decl(extraParamClass, extraParamName, getExtraExpression); callActionInvocation.arg(extraField); } extrasNotNullBlock.add(callActionInvocation); } else { callActionBlock.add(callActionInvocation); } callActionBlock._return(); }
private void emitBody(SourceWriter w) throws NotFoundException { JClassType baseClass = context_.getTypeOracle().getType("org.rstudio.core.client.js.JsObjectInjector"); JClassType c = baseType_.asParameterizationOf(baseClass.isGenericType()); JType typeToInject = c.isParameterized().getTypeArgs()[0]; w.print("public native final void injectObject("); w.print(typeToInject.getQualifiedSourceName()); w.println(" value) /*-{"); w.indent(); w.println(baseExpression_ + " = {"); w.indent(); JMethod[] methods = typeToInject.isClassOrInterface().getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { JMethod method = methods[i]; final JParameter[] jParameters = method.getParameters(); StringBuilder argString = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < jParameters.length; j++) { argString.append("_").append(j); if (j < jParameters.length - 1) argString.append(", "); } w.println(method.getName() + ": function(" + argString + ") {"); w.indent(); if (!method.getReturnType().getQualifiedSourceName().equals("void")) w.print("return "); w.print("value.@"); w.print(typeToInject.getQualifiedSourceName()); w.print("::"); w.print(method.getName()); w.print("("); for (JParameter param : jParameters) w.print(param.getType().getJNISignature()); w.print(")("); w.print(argString.toString()); w.println(");"); w.outdent(); w.print("}"); w.println((i < methods.length - 1) ? "," : ""); } w.outdent(); w.println("};"); w.outdent(); w.println("}-*/;"); }
public static String getJsniSig(JMethod method, boolean addReturnType) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(method.getName()); sb.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < method.getOriginalParamTypes().size(); ++i) { JType type = method.getOriginalParamTypes().get(i); sb.append(type.getJsniSignatureName()); } sb.append(")"); if (addReturnType) { sb.append(method.getOriginalReturnType().getJsniSignatureName()); } return sb.toString(); }
public void run(Set<ClassOutline> sorted, JDefinedClass transformer) { for (ClassOutline classOutline : sorted) { // skip over abstract classes if (! { // add the accept method to the bean JDefinedClass beanImpl = classOutline.implClass; JMethod acceptMethod = beanImpl.method(JMod.PUBLIC, Object.class, "accept"); JTypeVar genericType = acceptMethod.generify("T"); acceptMethod.type(genericType); JVar vizParam = acceptMethod.param(transformer.narrow(genericType), "aTransformer"); JBlock block = acceptMethod.body(); block._return(vizParam.invoke("transform").arg(JExpr._this())); } } }
private static void processAccessors( JFieldVar fieldVar, JDefinedClass packetClass, boolean fromClient) { String name = WordUtils.capitalize(; if (fromClient) { String methodName = "get" + name; JMethod getter = packetClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, fieldVar.type(), methodName); getter.body()._return(fieldVar); } else { String methodName = "set" + name; JMethod setter = packetClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, Void.TYPE, methodName); setter.param(fieldVar.type(),; setter.body().assign(JExpr._this().ref(, JExpr.ref(; } }
private static void processPacket( PacketType packet, JPackage dirPackage, JCodeModel codeModel, boolean fromClient) throws JClassAlreadyExistsException { // get the packet info String packetName = (packet.getInfo() == null || packet.getInfo().getName() == null) ? "Unknown" : packet.getInfo().getName(); String packetNamePrefixed = "P" + String.format("%03d", packet.getHeader()) + "_" + packetName; String packetDescription = (packet.getInfo() == null || packet.getInfo().getDescription() == null || packet.getInfo().getDescription().isEmpty()) ? "" : "\n" + WordUtils.wrap(packet.getInfo().getDescription(), /* maximumLength */ 50); JDefinedClass packetClass = dirPackage._class(JMod.FINAL | JMod.PUBLIC, packetNamePrefixed)._extends(GWMessage.class);"+-Processing packet: {}", packetNamePrefixed); LOGGER.debug("|+-Packet description: {}", packetDescription); StringBuilder packetJavadoc = new StringBuilder("Auto-generated by PacketCodeGen.").append(packetDescription); JDocComment jDocComment = packetClass.javadoc(); jDocComment.add(packetJavadoc.toString()); AtomicInteger numberOfUnknowns = new AtomicInteger(); // unknown field number // get all fields in this packet for (FieldType field : packet.getField()) { processField(field, packetClass, codeModel, numberOfUnknowns, fromClient); } // generate the header method JMethod headerMeth = packetClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, short.class, "getHeader"); headerMeth.annotate(Override.class); headerMeth.body()._return(JExpr.lit(packet.getHeader().intValue())); // generate getters, setters for (JFieldVar fieldVar : packetClass.fields().values()) { processAccessors(fieldVar, packetClass, fromClient); } // generate the toString method processToString(packetClass, codeModel); }
public void addWriteToParcel(JDefinedClass jclass) { JMethod method = jclass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, void.class, "writeToParcel"); JVar dest = method.param(Parcel.class, "dest"); method.param(int.class, "flags"); for (JFieldVar f : jclass.fields().values()) { if ((f.mods().getValue() & JMod.STATIC) == JMod.STATIC) { continue; } if (f.type().erasure().name().equals("List")) { method.body().invoke(dest, "writeList").arg(f); } else { method.body().invoke(dest, "writeValue").arg(f); } } }
public JType getType() { if (overrideReturnType != null) { return overrideReturnType; } else { return method.getType(); } }