Exemplo n.º 1
   * Return the row and column of the active region matrix for a give coordinate *
   * <p>NOTE: basically the inverse of {@link
   * JGrassUtilities#rowColToCenterCoordinates(JGrassRegion, int, int)}
   * @param active the active region
   * @param coord
   * @return and int array containing row and col
  public static int[] coordinateToNearestRowCol(JGrassRegion active, Coordinate coord) {

    double easting = coord.x;
    double northing = coord.y;
    int[] rowcol = new int[2];
    if (easting > active.getEast()
        || easting < active.getWest()
        || northing > active.getNorth()
        || northing < active.getSouth()) {
      return null;

    double minx = active.getWest();
    double ewres = active.getWEResolution();
    for (int i = 0; i < active.getCols(); i++) {
      minx = minx + ewres;
      if (easting < minx) {
        rowcol[1] = i;

    double maxy = active.getNorth();
    double nsres = active.getNSResolution();
    for (int i = 0; i < active.getRows(); i++) {
      maxy = maxy - nsres;
      if (northing > maxy) {
        rowcol[0] = i;

    return rowcol;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Transforms row and column index of the active region into the regarding northing and easting
   * coordinates. The center of the cell is taken.
   * <p>NOTE: basically the inverse of {@link
   * JGrassUtilities#coordinateToNearestRowCol(JGrassRegion, Coordinate)}
   * @param active - the active region (can be null)
   * @param row - row number of the point to transform
   * @param col - column number of the point to transform
   * @return the point in N/E coordinates of the supplied row and column
  public static Coordinate rowColToCenterCoordinates(JGrassRegion active, int row, int col) {

    double north = active.getNorth();
    double west = active.getWest();
    double nsres = active.getNSResolution();
    double ewres = active.getWEResolution();

    double northing = north - row * nsres - nsres / 2.0;
    double easting = west + col * ewres + ewres / 2.0;

    return new Coordinate(easting, northing);
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Transforms row and column index of the active region into an array of the coordinates of the
   * edgaes, i.e. n, s, e, w
   * @param active - the active region (can be null)
   * @param row - row number of the point to transform
   * @param col - column number of the point to transform
   * @return the array of north, south, east, west
  public static double[] rowColToNodeboundCoordinates(JGrassRegion active, int row, int col) {

    double anorth = active.getNorth();
    double awest = active.getWest();
    double nsres = active.getNSResolution();
    double ewres = active.getWEResolution();

    double[] nsew = new double[4];
    nsew[0] = anorth - row * nsres;
    nsew[1] = anorth - row * nsres - nsres;
    nsew[2] = awest + col * ewres + ewres;
    nsew[3] = awest + col * ewres;

    return nsew;
  public void write(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
      throws IOException {

    hasListeners =
        (this.progressListeners != null && (!(this.progressListeners.isEmpty()))) ? true : false;

    if (hasListeners) {
      // Broadcast the start of the image write operation

    RenderedImage renderedImage = image.getRenderedImage();
    // PlanarImage inputRenderedImage = PlanarImage.wrapRenderedImage(renderedImage);

    // Raster data = renderedImage.getData();
    // final RectIter iterator = RectIterFactory.create(data, null);

    // writing
    noDataValue = rasterWriter.getNoData();
    int nColumns = writeRegion.getCols();
    int nRows = writeRegion.getRows();
    double west = writeRegion.getWest();
    double south = writeRegion.getSouth();
    double cellsizeX = writeRegion.getWEResolution();
    double cellsizeY = writeRegion.getNSResolution();
        renderedImage, nColumns, nRows, west, south, cellsizeX, cellsizeY, noDataValue);

    if (hasListeners) {
      // Checking the status of the write operation (aborted/completed)
      if (rasterWriter.isAborting()) processWriteAborted();
      else processImageComplete();
    // rasterWriter.close();