Exemplo n.º 1
  * Returns {@code true} if the two integer vectors are equal to one another. Two {@code Vector}
  * insances are considered equal if they contain the same number of elements and all corresponding
  * pairs of {@code int} values are equal.
 public static boolean equals(IntegerVector v1, IntegerVector v2) {
   if (v1.length() == v2.length()) {
     int length = v1.length();
     for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
       if (v1.get(i) != v2.get(i)) return false;
     return true;
   return false;
  public void testRange2() {

    // create a combinatorics vector ()
    IntegerVector vector = IntegerFactory.range(0);


    assertEquals(0, vector.getSize());
    assertEquals(false, vector.hasDuplicates());
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Return a list of indices representing the next values that would be selected using the given
   * probabilities
  public IntegerVector getNextIndicesDeterministicallyUsingProbs(DoubleVector probs) {

    // Check the number of indices is equal to number of probabilities
    if (size() != probs.size()) {
      throw new ErrorException(
          "Number of probabilities ("
              + probs.size()
              + ") does not match the receiver ("
              + size()
              + ")");

    // Calculate the total number of samples for this selection (One more than the sum of the counts
    // so far)
    double n = 0;
    double cumProb = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
      n += get(i);
      cumProb += probs.get(i);
    double x = n + 1;

    if (Math.abs(cumProb - 1.0) > 0.001) {
      throw new ErrorException("Probabilities do not sum to 1.000");

    // Loop through indices
    IntegerVector sortedIndices = new IntegerVector();
    DoubleVector sortedDiffs = new DoubleVector();

    for (int i = 0; i < probs.size(); i++) {
      // Calculate the expected number of events for this probability
      double expectedNumber = x * probs.get(i);

      // Select the index with the largest difference between the current
      // number and the expected number of events
      double difference = expectedNumber - get(i);
      int destIndex = 0;
      for (int j = 0; j < sortedDiffs.size(); j++) {
        if (sortedDiffs.get(j) < difference) {
      sortedDiffs.add(destIndex, difference);
      sortedIndices.add(destIndex, i);

    return sortedIndices;
  public void testRange1() {

    // create a combinatorics vector (1, 2, 3)
    IntegerVector vector = IntegerFactory.range(3);


    assertEquals(3, vector.getSize());
    assertEquals(false, vector.hasDuplicates());

    assertEquals(1, vector.getValue(0));
    assertEquals(2, vector.getValue(1));
    assertEquals(3, vector.getValue(2));
Exemplo n.º 5
   * Creates a copy of a given {@code IntegerVector} with the same type as the original.
   * @param source The {@code Vector} to copy.
   * @return A copy of {@code source} with the same type.
  public static IntegerVector copyOf(IntegerVector source) {
    IntegerVector result = null;

    if (source instanceof TernaryVector) {
      TernaryVector v = (TernaryVector) source;
      int[] pos = v.positiveDimensions();
      int[] neg = v.negativeDimensions();
      result =
          new TernaryVector(
              source.length(), Arrays.copyOf(pos, pos.length), Arrays.copyOf(neg, neg.length));
    } else if (source instanceof SparseVector) {
      result = new SparseHashIntegerVector(source.length());
      copyFromSparseVector(result, source);
    } else {
      result = new DenseIntVector(source.length());
      for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) result.set(i, source.get(i));
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
   * Select indices deterministically from the given probability distribution. The float buffer
   * receiver of this method is the number of times that each index has been fully selected. The
   * given split determines how many distinct indices will be selected, and by how much they will be
   * incremented (the total increments add up to one). The same index can be selected twice.
  public IntegerVector selectIndicesDeterministicallyUsingProbs_SplitAllowDuplicateIndex(
      DoubleVector probs, DoubleVector split) {

    double n;
    double maxDifference;
    double cumProb;
    double expectedNumber;
    double difference;
    int selectedIndex;
    IntegerVector selectedIndices;

    // Check that the number of indices is equal to the number of probabilities
    if (!(this.size() == probs.size())) {
      throw new ErrorException("Number of probabilities does not match the number the receiver");

    //  Check that there is a valid split
    if (split.size() == 0) {
      throw new ErrorException("No split given");
    /*else {
    	if( Math.abs( (split.sum() - 1.0) ) > 0.001 ) {
    		throw new ErrorException( "Split does not sum to 1.0" );
    selectedIndices = new IntegerVector(1, 1);

    // Calculate the total number of samples for this selection so far
    n = 0.0;
    cumProb = 0.0;
    for (int j = 1; j <= this.size(); j++) {
      n = (n + this.get(j - 1));
      cumProb = (cumProb + probs.get(j - 1));
    if (Math.abs((cumProb - 1.0)) > 0.001) {
      throw new ErrorException("Probabilities do not sum to 1.000");
    for (int i = 1; i <= split.size(); i++) {
      n = (n + split.get(i - 1));

      // Loop through the indices
      maxDifference = -100000.0;
      selectedIndex = 0;
      for (int j = 1; j <= probs.size(); j++) {
        if (probs.get(j - 1) > 0.0) {

          // Calculate the expected number of events for this
          // probability
          expectedNumber = (n * probs.get(j - 1));

          // Select the index with the largest difference between
          // the current number and the expected number of events
          difference = (expectedNumber - this.get(j - 1));
          if (!(maxDifference + 1.0E-10 >= difference)) {
            maxDifference = difference;
            selectedIndex = j;
      if (selectedIndex == 0) {
        throw new ErrorException("Error in method");

      // Increment the count for this index
      this.addAt(split.get(i - 1), selectedIndex - 1);
    return selectedIndices;
Exemplo n.º 7
   * Select an index deterministically from the given probability distribution. The double buffer
   * receiver of this method is the content of each index has been selected. Ignore is a list of all
   * indices that cannot be selected.
  public int selectIndexDeterministicallyUsingProbsIgnore(
      DoubleVector probs, IntegerVector ignore) {

    double n;
    double x;
    double maxDifference;
    double cumProb;
    double expectedNumber;
    double difference;
    int selectedIndex;

    // Check the number of indices is equal to number of probabilities
    if (size() != probs.size()) {
      throw new ErrorException(
          "Number of probabilities ("
              + probs.size()
              + ") does not match the receiver ("
              + size()
              + ")");

    // Calculate the total number of samples for this selection
    // (One more than the sum of the counts so far)
    n = 0;
    cumProb = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
      n += get(i);
      cumProb += probs.get(i);
    x = n + 1;

    if (Math.abs(cumProb - 1.0) > 0.001) {
      throw new ErrorException("Probabilities do not sum to 1.000");

    // Loop through indices
    maxDifference = -100000.0;
    selectedIndex = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < probs.size(); i++) {

      if (ignore.contains(i) || probs.get(i) == 0.0) continue;

      // Calculate the expected number of events for this probability
      expectedNumber = x * probs.get(i);

      // Select the index with the largest difference between the current
      // number and the expected number of events
      difference = expectedNumber - get(i);

      if (!(maxDifference + 1.0E-10 >= difference)) {
        maxDifference = difference;
        selectedIndex = i;

    if (selectedIndex < 0) {
      throw new ErrorException("Error in Method");
    return selectedIndex;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Copies values from a {@code SparseVector} into another vector
  * @param destination The {@code Vector to copy values into.
  * @param source The {@code @SparseVector} to copy values from.
 private static void copyFromSparseVector(IntegerVector destination, IntegerVector source) {
   int[] nonZeroIndices = ((SparseVector) source).getNonZeroIndices();
   for (int index : nonZeroIndices) destination.set(index, source.get(index));