Exemplo n.º 1
  * Attempt to recover from a single missing or extra token.
  * <p>LA(1) is not what we are looking for. If LA(2) has the right token, however, then assume
  * LA(1) is some extra spurious token. Delete it and LA(2) as if we were doing a normal match(),
  * which advances the input.
  * <p>If current token is consistent with what could come after ttype then it is ok to "insert"
  * the missing token, else throw exception For example, Input "i=(3;" is clearly missing the ')'.
  * When the parser returns from the nested call to expr, it will have call chain:
  * <p>stat &rarr; expr &rarr; atom
  * <p>and it will be trying to match the ')' at this point in the derivation:
  * <p>=&gt; ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';' ^ match() will see that ';' doesn't match ')' and
  * report a mismatched token error. To recover, it sees that LA(1)==';' is in the set of tokens
  * that can follow the ')' token reference in rule atom. It can assume that you forgot the ')'.
 protected Object recoverFromMismatchedToken(IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow)
     throws RecognitionException {
   RecognitionException e = null;
   // if next token is what we are looking for then "delete" this token
   if (mismatchIsUnwantedToken(input, ttype)) {
     e = new UnwantedTokenException(ttype, input);
     System.err.println("recoverFromMismatchedToken deleting "+
     				   " since "+((TokenStream)input).LT(2)+" is what we want");
     input.consume(); // simply delete extra token
     reportError(e); // report after consuming so AW sees the token in the exception
     // we want to return the token we're actually matching
     Object matchedSymbol = getCurrentInputSymbol(input);
     input.consume(); // move past ttype token as if all were ok
     return matchedSymbol;
   // can't recover with single token deletion, try insertion
   if (mismatchIsMissingToken(input, follow)) {
     Object inserted = getMissingSymbol(input, e, ttype, follow);
     e = new MissingTokenException(ttype, input, inserted);
     reportError(e); // report after inserting so AW sees the token in the exception
     return inserted;
   // even that didn't work; must throw the exception
   e = new MismatchedTokenException(ttype, input);
   throw e;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void consumeUntil(IntStream input, int tokenType) {
   // System.out.println("consumeUntil "+tokenType);
   int ttype = input.LA(1);
   while (ttype != Token.EOF && ttype != tokenType) {
     ttype = input.LA(1);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /** Consume tokens until one matches the given token set */
 public void consumeUntil(IntStream input, BitSet set) {
   // System.out.println("consumeUntil("+set.toString(getTokenNames())+")");
   int ttype = input.LA(1);
   while (ttype != Token.EOF && !set.member(ttype)) {
     // System.out.println("consume during recover LA(1)="+getTokenNames()[input.LA(1)]);
     ttype = input.LA(1);
Exemplo n.º 4
  public static void main(String... args) {

    From obj to ...
    Stream<String> streamOfStrings = Stream.of("un", "deux", "trois");
    Function<String, StringBuilder> function = StringBuilder::new;
    streamOfStrings.map(function) /*.forEach(System.out::println)*/;
    streamOfStrings = Stream.of("un", "deux", "trois");
    ToIntFunction<String> toIntFunction = String::length;
    IntStream streamOfInts = streamOfStrings.mapToInt(toIntFunction);
    streamOfStrings = Stream.of("un", "deux", "trois");
    ToDoubleFunction<String> toDoubleFunction = String::length;
    DoubleStream streamOfDoubles = streamOfStrings.mapToDouble(toDoubleFunction);
    streamOfStrings = Stream.of("un", "deux", "trois");
    ToLongFunction<String> toLongFunction = String::length;
    LongStream streamOfLongs = streamOfStrings.mapToLong(toLongFunction);

    From int to ...
    IntUnaryOperator plusplus = i -> i++;
    IntStream.of(1, 2, 3).map(plusplus)
    /*.forEach(x->System.out.println(x))*/ ;
    IntFunction<String> intFunction = i -> "" + i;
    IntStream.of(1, 2, 3).mapToObj(intFunction)
    /*.forEach(System.out::println)*/ ;
    IntToDoubleFunction itdf = i -> i;
    IntStream.of(1, 2, 3).mapToDouble(itdf)
    /*.forEach(System.out::println)*/ ;
    IntToLongFunction itlf = i -> i;
    IntStream.of(1, 2, 3).mapToLong(itlf)
    /*.forEach(System.out::println)*/ ;

    From long to ...
    LongUnaryOperator times = l -> l * l;
    LongStream.of(1L, 2L, 3L).map(times)
    /*.forEach(System.out::println)*/ ;
    LongFunction<String> lf = l -> "toto";
    LongStream.of(1L, 2L, 3L).mapToObj(lf);

    From double to ...
    DoubleToIntFunction dtif = d -> (int) d;
    DoubleStream.of(1.3, 1.5, 1.6).mapToInt(dtif).forEach(System.out::println);
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA6_0 == 'w')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == 'h')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == ';')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == 'o')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == '(')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == ')')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == 'c')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == 'i')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == 'd')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == 'r')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if ((LA6_0 == '/')) {
            s = 11;
          } else if (((LA6_0 >= '\t' && LA6_0 <= '\n') || LA6_0 == '\r' || LA6_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 12;
          } else if (((LA6_0 >= '\u0000' && LA6_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA6_0 >= '\u000B' && LA6_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA6_0 >= '\u000E' && LA6_0 <= '\u001F')
              || (LA6_0 >= '!' && LA6_0 <= '\'')
              || (LA6_0 >= '*' && LA6_0 <= '.')
              || (LA6_0 >= '0' && LA6_0 <= ':')
              || (LA6_0 >= '<' && LA6_0 <= 'b')
              || (LA6_0 >= 'e' && LA6_0 <= 'g')
              || (LA6_0 >= 'j' && LA6_0 <= 'n')
              || (LA6_0 >= 'p' && LA6_0 <= 'q')
              || (LA6_0 >= 's' && LA6_0 <= 'v')
              || (LA6_0 >= 'x' && LA6_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 13;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 6, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Recover from an error found on the input stream. Mostly this is NoViableAlt exceptions, but
  * could be a mismatched token that the match() routine could not recover from.
 public void recover(IntStream input, RecognitionException re) {
   if (lastErrorIndex == input.index()) {
     // uh oh, another error at same token index; must be a case
     // where LT(1) is in the recovery token set so nothing is
     // consumed; consume a single token so at least to prevent
     // an infinite loop; this is a failsafe.
   lastErrorIndex = input.index();
   BitSet followSet = computeErrorRecoverySet();
   consumeUntil(input, followSet);
Exemplo n.º 7
  public List<List<Integer>> subsetsWithDup(int[] num) {

    return new ArrayList<>(
        IntStream.range(0, 1 << num.length)
                mask ->
                    IntStream.range(0, num.length)
                        .filter(i -> ((1 << i) & mask) > 0)
                        .map(i -> num[i])
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Match current input symbol against ttype. Upon error, do one token insertion or deletion if
  * possible. You can override to not recover here and bail out of the current production to the
  * normal error exception catch (at the end of the method) by just throwing
  * MismatchedTokenException upon input.LA(1)!=ttype.
 public void match(IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow) throws RecognitionException {
   if (input.LA(1) == ttype) {
     errorRecovery = false;
     failed = false;
   if (backtracking > 0) {
     failed = true;
   mismatch(input, ttype, follow);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Has this rule already parsed input at the current index in the input stream? Return the stop
  * token index or MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN. If we attempted but failed to parse properly before, return
  * <p>This method has a side-effect: if we have seen this input for this rule and successfully
  * parsed before, then seek ahead to 1 past the stop token matched for this rule last time.
 public boolean alreadyParsedRule(IntStream input, int ruleIndex) {
   int stopIndex = getRuleMemoization(ruleIndex, input.index());
   if (stopIndex == MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN) {
     return false;
   if (stopIndex == MEMO_RULE_FAILED) {
     // System.out.println("rule "+ruleIndex+" will never succeed");
     failed = true;
   } else {
     // System.out.println("seen rule "+ruleIndex+" before; skipping ahead to @"+(stopIndex+1)+"
     // failed="+failed);
     input.seek(stopIndex + 1); // jump to one past stop token
   return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
  public boolean mismatchIsMissingToken(IntStream input, BitSet follow) {
    if (follow == null) {
      // we have no information about the follow; we can only consume
      // a single token and hope for the best
      return false;
    // compute what can follow this grammar element reference
    if (follow.member(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE)) {
      BitSet viableTokensFollowingThisRule = computeContextSensitiveRuleFOLLOW();
      follow = follow.or(viableTokensFollowingThisRule);
      if (state._fsp >= 0) { // remove EOR if we're not the start symbol
    // if current token is consistent with what could come after set
    // then we know we're missing a token; error recovery is free to
    // "insert" the missing token

    // System.out.println("viable tokens="+follow.toString(getTokenNames()));
    // System.out.println("LT(1)="+((TokenStream)input).LT(1));

    // BitSet cannot handle negative numbers like -1 (EOF) so I leave EOR
    // in follow set to indicate that the fall of the start symbol is
    // in the set (EOF can follow).
    if (follow.member(input.LA(1)) || follow.member(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE)) {
      // System.out.println("LT(1)=="+((TokenStream)input).LT(1)+" is consistent with what follows;
      // inserting...");
      return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Match current input symbol against ttype. Attempt single token insertion or deletion error
  * recovery. If that fails, throw MismatchedTokenException.
  * <p>To turn off single token insertion or deletion error recovery, override
  * recoverFromMismatchedToken() and have it throw an exception. See
  * TreeParser.recoverFromMismatchedToken(). This way any error in a rule will cause an exception
  * and immediate exit from rule. Rule would recover by resynchronizing to the set of symbols that
  * can follow rule ref.
 public Object match(IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow) throws RecognitionException {
   // System.out.println("match "+((TokenStream)input).LT(1));
   Object matchedSymbol = getCurrentInputSymbol(input);
   if (input.LA(1) == ttype) {
     state.errorRecovery = false;
     state.failed = false;
     return matchedSymbol;
   if (state.backtracking > 0) {
     state.failed = true;
     return matchedSymbol;
   matchedSymbol = recoverFromMismatchedToken(input, ttype, follow);
   return matchedSymbol;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * This code is factored out from mismatched token and mismatched set recovery. It handles "single
  * token insertion" error recovery for both. No tokens are consumed to recover from insertions.
  * Return true if recovery was possible else return false.
 protected boolean recoverFromMismatchedElement(
     IntStream input, RecognitionException e, BitSet follow) {
   if (follow == null) {
     // we have no information about the follow; we can only consume
     // a single token and hope for the best
     return false;
   // System.out.println("recoverFromMismatchedElement");
   // compute what can follow this grammar element reference
   if (follow.member(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE)) {
     BitSet viableTokensFollowingThisRule = computeContextSensitiveRuleFOLLOW();
     follow = follow.or(viableTokensFollowingThisRule);
   // if current token is consistent with what could come after set
   // then it is ok to "insert" the missing token, else throw exception
   // System.out.println("viable tokens="+follow.toString(getTokenNames())+")");
   if (follow.member(input.LA(1))) {
     // System.out.println("LT(1)=="+input.LT(1)+" is consistent with what follows; inserting...");
     return true;
   // System.err.println("nothing to do; throw exception");
   return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA16_18 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA16_18 >= '\u0000' && LA16_18 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 58;
          } else s = 57;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 16, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Attempt to recover from a single missing or extra token.
  * <p>LA(1) is not what we are looking for. If LA(2) has the right token, however, then assume
  * LA(1) is some extra spurious token. Delete it and LA(2) as if we were doing a normal match(),
  * which advances the input.
  * <p>If current token is consistent with what could come after ttype then it is ok to "insert"
  * the missing token, else throw exception For example, Input "i=(3;" is clearly missing the ')'.
  * When the parser returns from the nested call to expr, it will have call chain:
  * <p>stat -> expr -> atom
  * <p>and it will be trying to match the ')' at this point in the derivation:
  * <p>=> ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';' ^ match() will see that ';' doesn't match ')' and
  * report a mismatched token error. To recover, it sees that LA(1)==';' is in the set of tokens
  * that can follow the ')' token reference in rule atom. It can assume that you forgot the ')'.
 public void recoverFromMismatchedToken(
     IntStream input, RecognitionException e, int ttype, BitSet follow)
     throws RecognitionException {
   // if next token is what we are looking for then "delete" this token
   if (input.LA(2) == ttype) {
      * System.err.println("recoverFromMismatchedToken deleting "+input.LT
      * (1)+ " since "+input.LT(2)+" is what we want");
     input.consume(); // simply delete extra token
     input.consume(); // move past ttype token as if all were ok
   if (!recoverFromMismatchedElement(input, e, follow)) {
     throw e;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Record whether or not this rule parsed the input at this position successfully. Use a standard
  * java hashtable for now.
 public void memoize(IntStream input, int ruleIndex, int ruleStartIndex) {
   int stopTokenIndex = state.failed ? MEMO_RULE_FAILED : input.index() - 1;
   if (state.ruleMemo == null) {
     System.err.println("!!!!!!!!! memo array is null for " + getGrammarFileName());
   if (ruleIndex >= state.ruleMemo.length) {
         "!!!!!!!!! memo size is " + state.ruleMemo.length + ", but rule index is " + ruleIndex);
   if (state.ruleMemo[ruleIndex] != null) {
     state.ruleMemo[ruleIndex].put(ruleStartIndex, stopTokenIndex);
  void fun() {

    IntStream.range(1, 5)
        .map((x) -> x * x)
            x ->
                    x)) // Noncompliant [[sc=16;ec=18]] {{Replace this lambda with a method
                        // reference.}}
            x -> { // Noncompliant
              return square(x);
        .map(this::square) // Compliant
    IntStream.range(1, 5).forEach(x -> System.out.println(x)); // Noncompliant
    IntStream.range(1, 5)
            x -> { // Noncompliant
    IntStream.range(1, 5)
            x -> {
            }); // Compliant

    Arrays.asList("bar").stream().filter(string -> string.startsWith("b")); // Compliant
    Arrays.asList(new A()).stream().filter(a -> a.coolerThan(0, a)); // Compliant
    foo((x, y) -> x * y);
        (x, y) -> {;
        (x, y) -> {;;
Exemplo n.º 17
  public static void main(String... args) {

    List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5, 1, 2);

    int calories = Dish.menu.stream().mapToInt(Dish::getCalories).sum();
    System.out.println("Number of calories:" + calories);

    // max and OptionalInt
    OptionalInt maxCalories = Dish.menu.stream().mapToInt(Dish::getCalories).max();

    int max;
    if (maxCalories.isPresent()) {
      max = maxCalories.getAsInt();
    } else {
      // we can choose a default value
      max = 1;

    // numeric ranges
    IntStream evenNumbers = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0);


    Stream<int[]> pythagoreanTriples =
        IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 100)
                a ->
                    IntStream.rangeClosed(a, 100)
                        .filter(b -> Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) % 1 == 0)
                        .map(b -> new int[] {a, b, (int) Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)}));

    pythagoreanTriples.forEach(t -> System.out.println(t[0] + ", " + t[1] + ", " + t[2]));
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA12_19 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_19 >= '\u0000' && LA12_19 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 48;
          } else s = 23;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 1:
          int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA12_0 == '1')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'a')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'b')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '2')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'c')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'd')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '3')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '4')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '5')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '6')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '7')) {
            s = 11;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '8')) {
            s = 12;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '9')) {
            s = 13;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 's')) {
            s = 14;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'n')) {
            s = 15;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '^')) {
            s = 16;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= 'A' && LA12_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA12_0 == '_'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'e' && LA12_0 <= 'm')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'o' && LA12_0 <= 'r')
              || (LA12_0 >= 't' && LA12_0 <= 'z'))) {
            s = 17;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '0')) {
            s = 18;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 19;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 20;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '/')) {
            s = 21;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n') || LA12_0 == '\r' || LA12_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 22;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '\u001F')
              || LA12_0 == '!'
              || (LA12_0 >= '#' && LA12_0 <= '&')
              || (LA12_0 >= '(' && LA12_0 <= '.')
              || (LA12_0 >= ':' && LA12_0 <= '@')
              || (LA12_0 >= '[' && LA12_0 <= ']')
              || LA12_0 == '`'
              || (LA12_0 >= '{' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 23;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 2:
          int LA12_20 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_20 >= '\u0000' && LA12_20 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 48;
          } else s = 23;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA12_0 == 'c')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '{')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '}')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'n')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ',')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '-')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'C')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '(')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ')')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'a')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'F')) {
            s = 11;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'S')) {
            s = 12;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '^')) {
            s = 13;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= 'A' && LA12_0 <= 'B')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'D' && LA12_0 <= 'E')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'G' && LA12_0 <= 'R')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'T' && LA12_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA12_0 == '_'
              || LA12_0 == 'b'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'd' && LA12_0 <= 'm')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'o' && LA12_0 <= 'z'))) {
            s = 14;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '0' && LA12_0 <= '9'))) {
            s = 15;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 16;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 17;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '/')) {
            s = 18;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n') || LA12_0 == '\r' || LA12_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 19;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '\u001F')
              || LA12_0 == '!'
              || (LA12_0 >= '#' && LA12_0 <= '&')
              || (LA12_0 >= '*' && LA12_0 <= '+')
              || LA12_0 == '.'
              || (LA12_0 >= ':' && LA12_0 <= '@')
              || (LA12_0 >= '[' && LA12_0 <= ']')
              || LA12_0 == '`'
              || LA12_0 == '|'
              || (LA12_0 >= '~' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 20;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 1:
          int LA12_16 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_16 >= '\u0000' && LA12_16 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 36;
          } else s = 20;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 2:
          int LA12_17 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_17 >= '\u0000' && LA12_17 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 36;
          } else s = 20;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA12_0 == ';')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'r')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '^')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= 'A' && LA12_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA12_0 == '_'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'a' && LA12_0 <= 'q')
              || (LA12_0 >= 's' && LA12_0 <= 'z'))) {
            s = 4;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '0' && LA12_0 <= '9'))) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '/')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n') || LA12_0 == '\r' || LA12_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '\u001F')
              || LA12_0 == '!'
              || (LA12_0 >= '#' && LA12_0 <= '&')
              || (LA12_0 >= '(' && LA12_0 <= '.')
              || LA12_0 == ':'
              || (LA12_0 >= '<' && LA12_0 <= '@')
              || (LA12_0 >= '[' && LA12_0 <= ']')
              || LA12_0 == '`'
              || (LA12_0 >= '{' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 10;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 1:
          int LA12_7 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_7 >= '\u0000' && LA12_7 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 15;
          } else s = 10;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 2:
          int LA12_6 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_6 >= '\u0000' && LA12_6 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 15;
          } else s = 10;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void deleteModule(int section, int module) {
   intStream = appendAll();
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Record whether or not this rule parsed the input at this position successfully. Use a standard
  * java hashtable for now.
 public void memoize(IntStream input, int ruleIndex, int ruleStartIndex) {
   int stopTokenIndex = failed ? MEMO_RULE_FAILED : input.index() - 1;
   if (ruleMemo[ruleIndex] != null) {
     ruleMemo[ruleIndex].put(new Integer(ruleStartIndex), new Integer(stopTokenIndex));
Exemplo n.º 23
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA13_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA13_0 == '[')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == ']')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '(')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == ',')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == ')')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '=')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '<')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '>')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '.')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '?')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == 'e')) {
            s = 11;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '&')) {
            s = 12;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == 's')) {
            s = 13;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '*')) {
            s = 14;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == 'i')) {
            s = 15;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == ';')) {
            s = 16;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '^')) {
            s = 17;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '$'
              || (LA13_0 >= 'A' && LA13_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA13_0 == '_'
              || (LA13_0 >= 'a' && LA13_0 <= 'd')
              || (LA13_0 >= 'f' && LA13_0 <= 'h')
              || (LA13_0 >= 'j' && LA13_0 <= 'r')
              || (LA13_0 >= 't' && LA13_0 <= 'z'))) {
            s = 18;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 19;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 20;
          } else if ((LA13_0 == '/')) {
            s = 21;
          } else if (((LA13_0 >= '\t' && LA13_0 <= '\n') || LA13_0 == '\r' || LA13_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 22;
          } else if (((LA13_0 >= '\u0000' && LA13_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA13_0 >= '\u000B' && LA13_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA13_0 >= '\u000E' && LA13_0 <= '\u001F')
              || LA13_0 == '!'
              || LA13_0 == '#'
              || LA13_0 == '%'
              || LA13_0 == '+'
              || LA13_0 == '-'
              || (LA13_0 >= '0' && LA13_0 <= ':')
              || LA13_0 == '@'
              || LA13_0 == '\\'
              || LA13_0 == '`'
              || (LA13_0 >= '{' && LA13_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 23;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 13, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
Exemplo n.º 24
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA12_19 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_19 >= '\u0000' && LA12_19 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 40;
          } else s = 22;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 1:
          int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA12_0 == 'u')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'v')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'i')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'T')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ':')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '(')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ')')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ',')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '-')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '^')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '.')) {
            s = 11;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '{')) {
            s = 12;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '}')) {
            s = 13;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'h')) {
            s = 14;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'e')) {
            s = 15;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= 'A' && LA12_0 <= 'S')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'U' && LA12_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA12_0 == '_'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'a' && LA12_0 <= 'd')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'f' && LA12_0 <= 'g')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'j' && LA12_0 <= 't')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'w' && LA12_0 <= 'z'))) {
            s = 16;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '0' && LA12_0 <= '9'))) {
            s = 17;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 18;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 19;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '/')) {
            s = 20;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n') || LA12_0 == '\r' || LA12_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 21;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '\u001F')
              || LA12_0 == '!'
              || (LA12_0 >= '#' && LA12_0 <= '&')
              || (LA12_0 >= '*' && LA12_0 <= '+')
              || (LA12_0 >= ';' && LA12_0 <= '@')
              || (LA12_0 >= '[' && LA12_0 <= ']')
              || LA12_0 == '`'
              || LA12_0 == '|'
              || (LA12_0 >= '~' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 22;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 2:
          int LA12_18 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_18 >= '\u0000' && LA12_18 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 40;
          } else s = 22;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
Exemplo n.º 25
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA12_35 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_35 >= '\u0000' && LA12_35 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 81;
          } else s = 39;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 1:
          int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA12_0 == '?')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '*')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '+')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '=')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'f')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 't')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'g')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'w')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ',')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '(')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ')')) {
            s = 11;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '.')) {
            s = 12;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'a')) {
            s = 13;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'i')) {
            s = 14;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ':')) {
            s = 15;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ';')) {
            s = 16;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'r')) {
            s = 17;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '<')) {
            s = 18;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '>')) {
            s = 19;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '|')) {
            s = 20;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '&')) {
            s = 21;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '{')) {
            s = 22;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '}')) {
            s = 23;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'c')) {
            s = 24;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '!')) {
            s = 25;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '[')) {
            s = 26;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ']')) {
            s = 27;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '-')) {
            s = 28;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'E')) {
            s = 29;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'e')) {
            s = 30;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'h')) {
            s = 31;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '^')) {
            s = 32;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= 'A' && LA12_0 <= 'D')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'F' && LA12_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA12_0 == '_'
              || LA12_0 == 'b'
              || LA12_0 == 'd'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'j' && LA12_0 <= 'q')
              || LA12_0 == 's'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'u' && LA12_0 <= 'v')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'x' && LA12_0 <= 'z'))) {
            s = 33;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '0' && LA12_0 <= '9'))) {
            s = 34;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 35;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 36;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '/')) {
            s = 37;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n') || LA12_0 == '\r' || LA12_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 38;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '\u001F')
              || (LA12_0 >= '#' && LA12_0 <= '%')
              || LA12_0 == '@'
              || LA12_0 == '\\'
              || LA12_0 == '`'
              || (LA12_0 >= '~' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 39;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 2:
          int LA12_36 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_36 >= '\u0000' && LA12_36 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 81;
          } else s = 39;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public void matchAny(IntStream input) {
   errorRecovery = false;
   failed = false;
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA12_19 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_19 >= '\u0000' && LA12_19 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 45;
          } else s = 23;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 1:
          int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA12_0 == 'V')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '@')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'A')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ')')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'S')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'u')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'd')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'l')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'm')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'N')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'M')) {
            s = 11;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'F')) {
            s = 12;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'W')) {
            s = 13;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '{')) {
            s = 14;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '}')) {
            s = 15;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '^')) {
            s = 16;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= 'B' && LA12_0 <= 'E')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'G' && LA12_0 <= 'L')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'O' && LA12_0 <= 'R')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'T' && LA12_0 <= 'U')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'X' && LA12_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA12_0 == '_'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'a' && LA12_0 <= 'c')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'e' && LA12_0 <= 'k')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'n' && LA12_0 <= 't')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'v' && LA12_0 <= 'z'))) {
            s = 17;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '0' && LA12_0 <= '9'))) {
            s = 18;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 19;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 20;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '/')) {
            s = 21;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n') || LA12_0 == '\r' || LA12_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 22;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '\u001F')
              || LA12_0 == '!'
              || (LA12_0 >= '#' && LA12_0 <= '&')
              || LA12_0 == '('
              || (LA12_0 >= '*' && LA12_0 <= '.')
              || (LA12_0 >= ':' && LA12_0 <= '?')
              || (LA12_0 >= '[' && LA12_0 <= ']')
              || LA12_0 == '`'
              || LA12_0 == '|'
              || (LA12_0 >= '~' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 23;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 2:
          int LA12_20 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_20 >= '\u0000' && LA12_20 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 45;
          } else s = 23;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA12_11 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_11 >= '\u0000' && LA12_11 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 26;
          } else s = 14;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 1:
          int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA12_0 == 'm')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ':')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'o')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '-')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 's')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'e')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '^')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= 'A' && LA12_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA12_0 == '_'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'a' && LA12_0 <= 'd')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'f' && LA12_0 <= 'l')
              || LA12_0 == 'n'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'p' && LA12_0 <= 'r')
              || (LA12_0 >= 't' && LA12_0 <= 'z')
              || LA12_0 == '\u00E4'
              || LA12_0 == '\u00F6'
              || LA12_0 == '\u00FC')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '0' && LA12_0 <= '9'))) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 11;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '/')) {
            s = 12;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n') || LA12_0 == '\r' || LA12_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 13;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '\u001F')
              || LA12_0 == '!'
              || (LA12_0 >= '#' && LA12_0 <= '&')
              || (LA12_0 >= '(' && LA12_0 <= ',')
              || LA12_0 == '.'
              || (LA12_0 >= ';' && LA12_0 <= '@')
              || (LA12_0 >= '[' && LA12_0 <= ']')
              || LA12_0 == '`'
              || (LA12_0 >= '{' && LA12_0 <= '\u00E3')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u00E5' && LA12_0 <= '\u00F5')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u00F7' && LA12_0 <= '\u00FB')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u00FD' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 14;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 2:
          int LA12_10 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_10 >= '\u0000' && LA12_10 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 26;
          } else s = 14;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
Exemplo n.º 29
    public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
      IntStream input = _input;
      int _s = s;
      switch (s) {
        case 0:
          int LA12_14 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_14 >= '\u0000' && LA12_14 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 31;
          } else s = 17;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 1:
          int LA12_13 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if (((LA12_13 >= '\u0000' && LA12_13 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 31;
          } else s = 17;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
        case 2:
          int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);

          s = -1;
          if ((LA12_0 == 'a')) {
            s = 1;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'c')) {
            s = 2;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'd')) {
            s = 3;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 't')) {
            s = 4;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'f')) {
            s = 5;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'p')) {
            s = 6;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == 'e')) {
            s = 7;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '(')) {
            s = 8;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == ')')) {
            s = 9;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '^')) {
            s = 10;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= 'A' && LA12_0 <= 'Z')
              || LA12_0 == '_'
              || LA12_0 == 'b'
              || (LA12_0 >= 'g' && LA12_0 <= 'o')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'q' && LA12_0 <= 's')
              || (LA12_0 >= 'u' && LA12_0 <= 'z'))) {
            s = 11;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '0' && LA12_0 <= '9'))) {
            s = 12;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\"')) {
            s = 13;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '\'')) {
            s = 14;
          } else if ((LA12_0 == '/')) {
            s = 15;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n') || LA12_0 == '\r' || LA12_0 == ' ')) {
            s = 16;
          } else if (((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\b')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')
              || (LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '\u001F')
              || LA12_0 == '!'
              || (LA12_0 >= '#' && LA12_0 <= '&')
              || (LA12_0 >= '*' && LA12_0 <= '.')
              || (LA12_0 >= ':' && LA12_0 <= '@')
              || (LA12_0 >= '[' && LA12_0 <= ']')
              || LA12_0 == '`'
              || (LA12_0 >= '{' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
            s = 17;

          if (s >= 0) return s;
      NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
      throw nvae;
Exemplo n.º 30
    public void requestExamples() {
      // #ws-holder
      WSRequest request = ws.url("http://example.com");
      // #ws-holder

      // #ws-complex-holder
      WSRequest complexRequest =
              .setHeader("headerKey", "headerValue")
              .setQueryParameter("paramKey", "paramValue");
      // #ws-complex-holder

      // #ws-get
      CompletionStage<WSResponse> responsePromise = complexRequest.get();
      // #ws-get

      String url = "http://example.com";
      // #ws-auth
      ws.url(url).setAuth("user", "password", WSAuthScheme.BASIC).get();
      // #ws-auth

      // #ws-follow-redirects
      // #ws-follow-redirects

      // #ws-query-parameter
      ws.url(url).setQueryParameter("paramKey", "paramValue");
      // #ws-query-parameter

      // #ws-header
      ws.url(url).setHeader("headerKey", "headerValue").get();
      // #ws-header

      String jsonString = "{\"key1\":\"value1\"}";
      // #ws-header-content-type
      ws.url(url).setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").post(jsonString);
      // OR
      // #ws-header-content-type

      // #ws-timeout
      // #ws-timeout

      // #ws-post-form-data
      // #ws-post-form-data

      // #ws-post-json
      JsonNode json = Json.newObject().put("key1", "value1").put("key2", "value2");

      // #ws-post-json

      String value =
          IntStream.range(0, 100).boxed().map(i -> "abcdefghij").reduce("", (a, b) -> a + b);
      ByteString seedValue = ByteString.fromString(value);
      Stream<ByteString> largeSource = IntStream.range(0, 10).boxed().map(i -> seedValue);
      Source<ByteString, ?> largeImage = Source.from(largeSource.collect(Collectors.toList()));
      // #ws-stream-request
      CompletionStage<WSResponse> wsResponse = ws.url(url).setBody(largeImage).execute("PUT");
      // #ws-stream-request