  * Called after the response to a {@link
  * net.robotmedia.billing.request.CheckSubscriptionSupported} request is received.
  * @param supported
 protected static void onSubscriptionChecked(boolean supported) {
   subscriptionStatus = supported ? BillingStatus.SUPPORTED : BillingStatus.UNSUPPORTED;
   if (subscriptionStatus == BillingStatus.SUPPORTED) { // Save us the
     // billing check
     billingStatus = BillingStatus.SUPPORTED;
   for (IBillingObserver o : observers) {
 protected static void onRequestPurchaseResponse(
     String itemId, BillingRequest.ResponseCode response) {
   for (IBillingObserver o : observers) {
     o.onRequestPurchaseResponse(itemId, response);
 protected static void onTransactionsRestored() {
   for (IBillingObserver o : observers) {
  * Called after the response to a {@link net.robotmedia.billing.request.RequestPurchase} request
  * is received.
  * @param itemId id of the item whose purchase was requested.
  * @param purchaseIntent intent to purchase the item.
 protected static void onPurchaseIntent(String itemId, PendingIntent purchaseIntent) {
   for (IBillingObserver o : observers) {
     o.onPurchaseIntent(itemId, purchaseIntent);
  * Notifies observers of the purchase state change of the specified item.
  * @param itemId id of the item whose purchase state has changed.
  * @param state new purchase state of the item.
 private static void notifyPurchaseStateChange(String itemId, Transaction.PurchaseState state) {
   for (IBillingObserver o : observers) {
     o.onPurchaseStateChanged(itemId, state);