public DepositFrame(MainFrame parent, IFinCo model, IAccount account, int rowIndex) { super(parent); this.model = model; this.account = account; this.rowIndex = rowIndex; // This code is automatically generated by Visual Cafe when you add // components to the visual environment. It instantiates and initializes // the components. To modify the code, only use code syntax that matches // what Visual Cafe can generate, or Visual Cafe may be unable to back // parse your Java file into its visual environment. // {{INIT_CONTROLS setTitle("Deposit"); setModal(true); getContentPane().setLayout(null); setSize(268, 126); setVisible(false); JLabel1.setText("Acc Nr"); getContentPane().add(JLabel1); JLabel1.setForeground(; JLabel1.setBounds(12, 12, 48, 24); JLabel2.setText("Amount"); getContentPane().add(JLabel2); JLabel2.setForeground(; JLabel2.setBounds(12, 48, 48, 24); JTextField_NAME.setEditable(false); getContentPane().add(JTextField_NAME); JTextField_NAME.setBounds(84, 12, 144, 24); JButton_OK.setText("OK"); JButton_OK.setActionCommand("OK"); getContentPane().add(JButton_OK); JButton_OK.setBounds(36, 84, 84, 24); JButton_Cancel.setText("Cancel"); JButton_Cancel.setActionCommand("Cancel"); getContentPane().add(JButton_Cancel); JButton_Cancel.setBounds(156, 84, 84, 24); getContentPane().add(JTextField_Deposit); JTextField_Deposit.setBounds(84, 48, 144, 24); // }} JTextField_NAME.setText(account.getAccNumber().toString()); // {{REGISTER_LISTENERS SymAction lSymAction = new SymAction(); JButton_OK.addActionListener(lSymAction); JButton_Cancel.addActionListener(lSymAction); // }} }
public static void checkPermission(String key, boolean allowSystem) throws NoAccessException { long l = 0; if (Plugin.logCheckTime && Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Plugin.debug(">>>>>>> [%s]", key); l = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (Boolean.parseBoolean(Play.configuration.getProperty(ConfigConstants.DISABLE, "false"))) { return; } IAuthorizeable a = reg_.get(key); if (null == a) { throw new RuntimeException("oops, something wrong with enhancer... ?"); } IAccount acc = null; try { IAccount accFact = AAAFactory.account(); acc = accFact.getCurrent(); if (null == acc) { if (allowSystem) { if (!Boolean.parseBoolean( Play.configuration.getProperty(ConfigConstants.SYSTEM_PERMISSION_CHECK, "false"))) { // suppress permission check for system account return; } acc = accFact.getSystemAccount(); } if (null == acc) { throw new NoAccessException("cannot determine principal account"); } } // superuser check boolean isSuperUser = false; if (Plugin.superuser > 0) { IPrivilege p = acc.getPrivilege(); if (null != p) isSuperUser = p.getLevel() >= Plugin.superuser; } if (!isSuperUser && !acc.hasAccessTo(a)) { throw new NoAccessException("Access denied"); } } catch (NoAccessException nae) { throw nae; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NoAccessException(e); } finally { if (Plugin.logCheckTime && Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Plugin.debug("<<<<<<< [%s]: %sms", key, System.currentTimeMillis() - l); } } }