/* Save generated parameters in a binary file */
  public void saveParam(String fileName, HTSPStream par, HMMData.FeatureType type) {
    int t, m, i;
    try {

      if (type == HMMData.FeatureType.LF0) {
        fileName += ".f0";
        DataOutputStream data_out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName));
        i = 0;
        for (t = 0; t < voiced.length; t++) {
            /* here par.getT are just the voiced!!! */
          if (voiced[t]) {
            data_out.writeFloat((float) Math.exp(par.getPar(i, 0)));
          } else data_out.writeFloat((float) 0.0);

      } else if (type == HMMData.FeatureType.MGC) {
        fileName += ".mgc";
        DataOutputStream data_out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName));
        for (t = 0; t < par.getT(); t++)
          for (m = 0; m < par.getOrder(); m++) data_out.writeFloat((float) par.getPar(t, m));

      logger.info("saveParam in file: " + fileName);

    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.info("IO exception = " + e);
  /* Save generated parameters in a binary file */
  public void saveParamMaryFormat(String fileName, HTSPStream par, HMMData.FeatureType type) {
    int t, m, i;
    double ws = 0.025; /* window size in seconds */
    double ss = 0.005; /* skip size in seconds */
    int fs = 16000; /* sampling rate */

    try {

      if (type == HMMData.FeatureType.LF0) {
        fileName += ".ptc";
         * DataOutputStream data_out = new DataOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (fileName));
         * data_out.writeFloat((float)(ws*fs)); data_out.writeFloat((float)(ss*fs)); data_out.writeFloat((float)fs);
         * data_out.writeFloat(voiced.length);
         * i=0; for(t=0; t<voiced.length; t++){ // here par.getT are just the voiced!!! so the actual length of frames can
         * be taken from the voiced array if( voiced[t] ){ data_out.writeFloat((float)Math.exp(par.getPar(i,0))); i++;
         * }System.out.println("GEN f0s[" + t + "]=" + Math.exp(lf0Pst.getPar(i,0))); else
         * data_out.writeFloat((float)0.0); } data_out.close();

        i = 0;
        double f0s[] = new double[voiced.length];
        // System.out.println("voiced.length=" + voiced.length);
        for (t = 0;
            t < voiced.length;
            t++) { // here par.getT are just the voiced!!! so the actual length of frames can
          // be taken from the voiced array
          if (voiced[t]) {
            f0s[t] = Math.exp(par.getPar(i, 0));
          } else f0s[t] = 0.0;
          System.out.println("GEN f0s[" + t + "]=" + f0s[t]);
         * i am using this function but it changes the values of sw, and ss *samplingrate+0.5??? for the HTS values
         * ss=0.005 and sw=0.025 is not a problem though
        PitchReaderWriter.write_pitch_file(fileName, f0s, (float) (ws), (float) (ss), fs);

      } else if (type == HMMData.FeatureType.MGC) {

        int numfrm = par.getT();
        int dimension = par.getOrder();
        Mfccs mgc = new Mfccs(numfrm, dimension);

        fileName += ".mfc";

        for (t = 0; t < par.getT(); t++)
          for (m = 0; m < par.getOrder(); m++) mgc.mfccs[t][m] = par.getPar(t, m);

        mgc.params.samplingRate = fs; /* samplingRateInHz */
        mgc.params.skipsize = (float) ss; /* skipSizeInSeconds */
        mgc.params.winsize = (float) ws; /* windowSizeInSeconds */


         * The whole set for header is in the following order: ler.writeInt(numfrm); ler.writeInt(dimension);
         * ler.writeFloat(winsize); ler.writeFloat(skipsize); ler.writeInt(samplingRate);


      logger.info("saveParam in file: " + fileName);

    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.info("IO exception = " + e);