   * Test that omitting the CRYPTOTOKENS property results in a configuration error.
   * @throws Exception
  public void test01missingCryptoTokens() throws Exception {
    final HSMKeepAliveTimedService instance =
        new HSMKeepAliveTimedService() {
          IWorkerSession getWorkerSession() {
            return null;

    instance.init(DUMMY_WORKERID, new WorkerConfig(), null, null);

    final List<String> fatalErrors =
        instance.getStatus(Collections.<String>emptyList(), new ServicesImpl()).getFatalErrors();

    assertTrue("Should contain error", fatalErrors.contains("Must specify CRYPTOTOKENS"));
   * Test that setting an empty value for CRYPTOTOKEN is not producing a config error.
   * @throws Exception
  public void test02emptyCryptoTokens() throws Exception {
    final HSMKeepAliveTimedService instance =
        new HSMKeepAliveTimedService() {
          IWorkerSession getWorkerSession() {
            return null;
    final WorkerConfig config = new WorkerConfig();

    config.setProperty(HSMKeepAliveTimedService.CRYPTOTOKENS, "");
    instance.init(DUMMY_WORKERID, config, null, null);

    final List<String> fatalErrors =
        instance.getStatus(Collections.<String>emptyList(), new ServicesImpl()).getFatalErrors();

    assertTrue("Should not contain errors", fatalErrors.isEmpty());