@Test(timeout = 300000)
  public void testMultiSlaveReplication() throws Exception {
    MiniHBaseCluster master = utility1.startMiniCluster();
    ReplicationAdmin admin1 = new ReplicationAdmin(conf1);

    new HBaseAdmin(conf1).createTable(table);
    new HBaseAdmin(conf2).createTable(table);
    new HBaseAdmin(conf3).createTable(table);
    HTable htable1 = new HTable(conf1, tableName);
    HTable htable2 = new HTable(conf2, tableName);
    HTable htable3 = new HTable(conf3, tableName);

    admin1.addPeer("1", utility2.getClusterKey());

    // put "row" and wait 'til it got around, then delete
    putAndWait(row, famName, htable1, htable2);
    deleteAndWait(row, htable1, htable2);
    // check it wasn't replication to cluster 3
    checkRow(row, 0, htable3);

    putAndWait(row2, famName, htable1, htable2);

    // now roll the region server's logs
    new HBaseAdmin(conf1).rollHLogWriter(master.getRegionServer(0).getServerName().toString());
    // after the log was rolled put a new row
    putAndWait(row3, famName, htable1, htable2);

    admin1.addPeer("2", utility3.getClusterKey());

    // put a row, check it was replicated to all clusters
    putAndWait(row1, famName, htable1, htable2, htable3);
    // delete and verify
    deleteAndWait(row1, htable1, htable2, htable3);

    // make sure row2 did not get replicated after
    // cluster 3 was added
    checkRow(row2, 0, htable3);

    // row3 will get replicated, because it was in the
    // latest log
    checkRow(row3, 1, htable3);

    Put p = new Put(row);
    p.add(famName, row, row);
    // now roll the logs again
    new HBaseAdmin(conf1).rollHLogWriter(master.getRegionServer(0).getServerName().toString());

    // cleanup "row2", also conveniently use this to wait replication
    // to finish
    deleteAndWait(row2, htable1, htable2, htable3);
    // Even if the log was rolled in the middle of the replication
    // "row" is still replication.
    checkRow(row, 1, htable2, htable3);

    // cleanup the rest
    deleteAndWait(row, htable1, htable2, htable3);
    deleteAndWait(row3, htable1, htable2, htable3);
