public BoardView(int noPlayers, final Stage primaryStage) { window = primaryStage; window.setTitle("Quoridor"); window.setMaxHeight(1280); window.setMaxWidth(1280); window.setResizable(false); BorderPane border = new BorderPane(); infoPane = new FlowPane(); infoPane.setPadding(new Insets(10)); infoPane.setHgap(40); infoPane.setVgap(10); infoPane.setOrientation(Orientation.HORIZONTAL); bottomPane = new HBox(); bottomPane.setSpacing(345); gameGrid = new GridPane(); gameGrid.setPadding(new Insets(4)); gameGrid.setId("gamegrid"); border.setTop(infoPane); border.setCenter(gameGrid); playerPositionButtons = new PlayerPositionButton[9][9]; wallPositionButtons = new WallPositionButton[9][8]; horizontalWalls = new Pane[9][9]; verticalWalls = new Pane[9][9]; column = 0; row = 0; chooseVertical = new Button(); chooseVertical.setPrefSize(100, 100); chooseVertical.setId("vWallBtn"); Button home = new Button(); home.setPrefSize(100, 100); home.setId("home"); home.setOnAction(e -> confirmBox()); bottomPane.getChildren().addAll(chooseVertical, home); border.setBottom(bottomPane); border.setMargin(bottomPane, new Insets(40, 40, 20, 20)); for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) { createMoveLine(y); createWallLine(y); } createMoveLine(8); main = new Scene(border, 600, 768); main.getStylesheets().add("gameplay/viewJFX/" + stylesheet); buildPlayerLabels(noPlayers); window.setScene(main);; }
/* ADMIN SCENE */ public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { /** Done by Marco */ primaryStage.setTitle("PubFinder"); primaryStage.setResizable(false); PubDataAccessor.PubDataAccessor(); /*Welcome scene*/ WelcomeScene.welcomeScene(); welcomeScene = WelcomeScene.welcomeScene; /*Welcome scene*/ /** End of Marcos Work */ /** Done by Shafiq and Anotnino */ /* Admin add scene*/ AdminAddScene.adminAddscene(); adminAddScene = AdminAddScene.adminAddScene; /* Admin add scene*/ /*Admin login scene*/ AdminLoginScene.adminloginscene(); adminLoginScene = AdminLoginScene.adminLoginScene; /*Admin login scene*/ /*Admin choice scene*/ AdminChoiceScene.adminchoicescene(); adminChoiceScene = AdminChoiceScene.adminChoiceScene; /*Admin choice scene*/ /* Admin Edit Scene*/ adminEditScene = AdminEditScene.editScene; /* Admin Edit Scene*/ /** End of Shafiq and Anotonino's Work */ /*Pub button scene*/ pubLayout = new StackPane(); /** Done by Ahmad */ searchNameInput = new TextField(); searchNameInput.setId("search-field"); searchNameInput.setPromptText("NAME"); /** End of Ahmad's Work */ searchStreetInput = new TextField(); searchStreetInput.setId("search-field"); searchStreetInput.setPromptText("STREET"); searchAgeInput = new TextField(); searchAgeInput.setId("search-field"); searchAgeInput.setPromptText("AGE"); /** Done by Aseel */ CheckBox searchStudentDiscount = new CheckBox("DISCOUNTS"); CheckBox searchBySpecialEvents = new CheckBox("EVENTS"); CheckBox searchWithoutFees = new CheckBox("NO FEES"); searchStudentDiscount.setId("check-search"); searchBySpecialEvents.setId("check-search"); searchWithoutFees.setId("check-search"); ComboBox searchByRating = new ComboBox( FXCollections.observableArrayList( "\uF005", "\uF005\uF005", "\uF005\uF005\uF005", "\uF005\uF005\uF005\uF005", "\uF005\uF005\uF005\uF005\uF005")); searchByRating.setTooltip(new Tooltip("RATING")); searchByRating.setPromptText("RATING"); searchByRating.setId("combo-search"); ComboBox searchByArea = new ComboBox( FXCollections.observableArrayList( "All", "Avenyn", "Linné", "Haga", "Järntorget", "Magasinsgatan", "Vasastaden", "Gamlestaden", "Heden", "Masthugget", "Stigberget", "Other")); searchByArea.setTooltip(new Tooltip("AREA")); searchByArea.setPromptText("AREA"); searchByArea.setId("combo-search"); /** End of Aseel's Work */ /** Done by Marco */ pubLayout.setId("pubs"); search = new Button("SEARCH"); search.setId("button-search"); GridPane inputGrid = new GridPane(); inputGrid.setMaxHeight(100); inputGrid.setHgap(10); inputGrid.setVgap(10); inputGrid.setId("searchGrid"); StackPane.setAlignment(inputGrid, Pos.TOP_LEFT); StackPane.setAlignment(search, Pos.TOP_RIGHT); /** End of Marco's Work */ search.setOnAction(e -> searchForPubs()); /** Done by Ahmad */ searchNameInput.setOnKeyReleased( event1 -> { if (event1.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { searchForPubs(); } }); /** End of Ahmad's Work */ /** Done by Marco */ searchStreetInput.setOnKeyReleased( event2 -> { if (event2.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { searchForPubs(); } }); /** End of Marco's Work */ /** Done by Ahmad */ searchAgeInput.setOnKeyReleased( event3 -> { if (event3.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { searchForPubs(); } }); /** End of Ahmad's Work */ /** Done by Shafiq & Anotnino */ searchStudentDiscount.setOnAction( event4 -> { if (searchStudentDiscount.isSelected()) { discount = 1; } if (!searchStudentDiscount.isSelected()) { discount = 0; } }); searchWithoutFees.setOnAction( event5 -> { if (searchWithoutFees.isSelected()) { fee = 0; } if (!searchWithoutFees.isSelected()) { fee = 1; } }); searchBySpecialEvents.setOnAction( event6 -> { if (searchBySpecialEvents.isSelected()) { searchEvent = true; } if (!searchBySpecialEvents.isSelected()) { searchEvent = false; } }); searchByRating.setOnAction( event7 -> { if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(0)) { numberOfStars = 1; } else if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(1)) { numberOfStars = 2; } else if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(2)) { numberOfStars = 3; } else if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(3)) { numberOfStars = 4; } else if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(4)) { numberOfStars = 5; } }); /** End of Shafiq and Anotino's Work */ /** Done by Aseel and Antonino */ searchByArea.setOnAction( event8 -> { if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(0)) { area_checker = 2; } if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(1)) { area = 0; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(2)) { area = 2; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(3)) { area = 3; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(4)) { area = 4; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(5)) { area = 5; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(6)) { area = 6; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(7)) { area = 7; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(8)) { area = 8; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(9)) { area = 9; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(10)) { area = 10; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(11)) { area = 11; area_checker = 1; } }); /** End of Aeel and Antonino's Work */ /** Done by marco */ ScrollPane pubScroll = new ScrollPane(); pubScroll.setId("scroll"); pubScroll.setHbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED); pubScroll.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); pubs = new GridPane(); pubScroll.setContent(pubs); pubs.setId("pub-grid"); pubs.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); pubLayout.getChildren().add(pubScroll); inputGrid.add(searchNameInput, 1, 1); inputGrid.add(searchStreetInput, 2, 1); inputGrid.add(searchAgeInput, 3, 1); inputGrid.add(searchByRating, 4, 1); inputGrid.add(searchByArea, 5, 1); inputGrid.add(searchStudentDiscount, 6, 1); inputGrid.add(searchBySpecialEvents, 7, 1); inputGrid.add(searchWithoutFees, 8, 1); pubLayout.getChildren().add(inputGrid); pubLayout.getChildren().add(search); noPub = new Label("No pubs found"); searchForPubs(); pubScene = new Scene(pubLayout, 1000, 600); pubScene.getStylesheets().addAll(this.getClass().getResource("style.css").toExternalForm()); /*Pub button scene*/ /*Pub scene*/ ScrollPane pubPageLayout = new ScrollPane(); pubPageLayout.setHbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); pubPageLayout.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); pubPageLayout.setFitToWidth(true); pubPageLayout.setContent(xPane); xPane.setId("pubScene"); pubPageLayout.setId("gej"); star.setId("starButton"); eventLabel.setId("eventLabel"); /*Items*/ xPane.add(back, 1, 1); back.setId("button-logout"); back.setOnAction( (event) -> { primaryStage.setScene(pubScene); xPane .getChildren() .removeAll(description, rating, overlay, pubName, map, star, rates, events); descriptionGrid .getChildren() .removeAll(age, open, address, type, discountForStudents, entranceFees); events.getChildren().removeAll(eventDescriptionGrid); eventDescriptionGrid.getChildren().removeAll(eventLabel, eventPane); eventPane.getChildren().removeAll(eventGrid); eventGrid.getChildren().removeAll(eventName, eventDescription); star.setText("0 \uF08A"); star.setStyle( "#starButton{-fx-text-fill: #fff;} #starButton:hover{-fx-text-fill: #fff;}"); }); /** End of Marco's work */ /** Done by Shafiq & Antonino */ star.setOnAction( event -> { int rate = PubDataAccessor.checkRate(; int rateUpdate = rate + 1; /** End of Shafiq & Antonino's Work */ /** Done by marco */ star.setText((rateUpdate) + " \uF004"); PubDataAccessor.updateRate(; star.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: #731a2b;"); }); overlay.setHeight(header.getFitHeight()); overlay.setWidth(header.getFitWidth() + 24); overlay.setX(0); overlay.setY(0); overlay.fillProperty().set(javafx.scene.paint.Color.rgb(115, 26, 43, 0.3)); pubPage = new Scene(pubPageLayout, 1000, 600); pubPage.getStylesheets().addAll(this.getClass().getResource("style.css").toExternalForm()); /*Pub scene*/ primaryStage.setScene(welcomeScene);; Main.primaryStage = primaryStage; /** End of Marcos work */ }
public void setPubScene() { /** Done by Marco */ xPane.setStyle( "-fx-background-image: url(" + "\"" + Pub.getImage(Pub.getIndexById( + "\"" + "); "); description = new StackPane(); events = new StackPane(); rating = new StackPane(); rating.setId("rating"); description.setId("description"); descriptionGrid.setId("description-text"); pubName = new Label("- " + Pub.getName(Pub.getIndexById( + " -"); age = new Label(Pub.getAge(Pub.getIndexById( + " years \uF000"); age.setId("infoLabel"); open = new Label(Pub.getOpening(Pub.getIndexById( + " \uF017"); open.setId("infoLabel"); address = new Label(Pub.getAddress(Pub.getIndexById( + " \uF124"); address.setId("infoLabel"); type = new Label(Pub.getType(Pub.getIndexById( + " \uF005"); type.setId("infoLabel"); /** End of Marco's work */ /** Done by Aseel */ discountForStudents = new Label(Pub.getHasStudentDiscount(Pub.getIndexById( + " \uF02D"); if (Pub.getHasStudentDiscount(Pub.getIndexById( == 1) { discountForStudents = new Label("Discounts " + " \uF02D"); } else if (Pub.getHasStudentDiscount(Pub.getIndexById( == 0) { discountForStudents = new Label("No Discounts " + "\uF02D"); } discountForStudents.setId("infoLabel"); entranceFees = new Label(Pub.getHasFee(Pub.getIndexById( + "\uf153"); if (Pub.getHasFee(Pub.getIndexById( == 1) { entranceFees = new Label("Fees " + " \uF153"); } else if (Pub.getHasFee(Pub.getIndexById( == 0) { entranceFees = new Label("No Fees " + "\uF153"); } entranceFees.setId("infoLabel"); /** End of Aseel's work */ /** Done by Marco */ map.setMinWidth(1000); map.setMaxHeight(250); browser.load( "" + Pub.getLat(Pub.getIndexById( + "&lon=" + Pub.getLon(Pub.getIndexById(; int nrStars = Pub.getNrStars(Pub.getIndexById(; String stars = ""; for (int i = 0; i < nrStars; i++) { stars += "\uF005 "; } rates = new Label(stars); rates.setId("ratingOfStars"); rating.getChildren().add(rates); rating.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); xPane.add(pubName, 1, 1); descriptionGrid.add(discountForStudents, 1, 1); descriptionGrid.add(entranceFees, 2, 1); descriptionGrid.add(age, 3, 1); descriptionGrid.add(open, 4, 1); descriptionGrid.add(type, 5, 1); descriptionGrid.add(address, 6, 1); /** End of Marco's work */ /** Done by Marco */ descriptionGrid.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); description.getChildren().addAll(descriptionGrid); eventDescriptionGrid.add(eventLabel, 1, 1); eventDescriptionGrid.add(eventPane, 1, 2); GridPane.setHalignment(eventLabel, HPos.CENTER); eventDescriptionGrid.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); events.getChildren().addAll(eventDescriptionGrid); eventName = new Label(Pub.getEventName(Pub.getIndexById(; eventDescription = new Label(Pub.getEventDescription(Pub.getIndexById(; eventGrid.add(eventName, 1, 1); eventGrid.add(eventDescription, 1, 2); eventName.setId("eventName"); eventDescription.setId("eventDescription"); eventPane.getChildren().add(eventGrid); eventGrid.setId("event"); events.setId("eventField"); xPane.add(rating, 1, 2); xPane.add(description, 1, 3); xPane.add(map, 1, 4); if (Pub.getEventName(Pub.getIndexById( != "") { xPane.add(events, 1, 5); } pubName.setId("pub_name"); GridPane.setHalignment(pubName, HPos.CENTER); GridPane.setValignment(pubName, VPos.TOP); GridPane.setValignment(back, VPos.TOP); GridPane.setHalignment(star, HPos.RIGHT); GridPane.setValignment(star, VPos.TOP); xPane.add(star, 1, 1); header.setFitWidth(1000); header.setPreserveRatio(true); /** End of Marco's work */ /** Done by Shafiq & Antonino */ int rate = PubDataAccessor.checkRate(; star.setText(rate + " \uF08A"); /** End of Shafiq & Antonino's WORK */ }
public entryView(Object object) { getChildren().clear(); getStylesheets().add("css/entryView.css"); giveNode(object); BorderPane mainpane = new BorderPane(); BorderPane centerpane = new BorderPane(); BorderPane bottompane = new BorderPane(); GridPane divgrid = new GridPane(); GridPane maingrid = new GridPane(); Label emptylab = new Label(); Label divlab = new Label(); VBox options = new VBox(); VBox tlist = new VBox(); Button ok = new Button("ok"); Periods periods = new Periods(); TList loadteacher = new TList(); DatePicker date = new DatePicker(); BorderPane datepane = new BorderPane(); BorderPane nextpane = new BorderPane(); Button next = new Button("next"); options.setId("options"); tlist.setId("tlist"); divgrid.setId("divgrid"); bottompane.setId("bottompane"); periods.setId("period"); divlab.setId("divlabel"); datepane.setId("datepane"); nextpane.setId("nextpane"); emptylab.setPrefHeight(100); bottompane.setStyle("-fx-background-color:#ecf0f1;"); StringConverter converter = new StringConverter<LocalDate>() { DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yyyy"); @Override public String toString(LocalDate date) { if (date != null) { return dateFormatter.format(date); } else { return ""; } } @Override public LocalDate fromString(String string) { if (string != null && !string.isEmpty()) { return LocalDate.parse(string, dateFormatter); } else { return null; } } }; date.setConverter(converter); date.setPromptText("dd-MM-yyyy".toLowerCase()); date.setValue(; maingrid = div.loadDiv(); list = (ListView) div.takelist(); periods.period(); list.getSelectionModel().select(0); divlab.setText((String) list.getItems().get(0)); list.setOnMouseClicked( e -> { divlab.setText((String) list.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); periods.getChildren().clear(); periods.period(); }); final Node node = maingrid.getChildren().get(0); Platform.runLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { node.requestFocus(); } }); next.setOnAction( e -> { // list.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex()+1 list.getSelectionModel().select(list.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() + 1); divlab.setText((String) list.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); }); nextpane.setRight(next); datepane.setRight(date); options.getChildren().clear(); options.getChildren().add(maingrid); divgrid.setHgap(5); // divgrid.add(emptylab, 0, 1); divgrid.add(datepane, 1, 0); divgrid.add(divlab, 0, 2); divgrid.add(periods, 1, 2); divgrid.add(nextpane, 1, 3); divgrid.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); mainpane.setCenter(centerpane); mainpane.setLeft(options); mainpane.setRight(loadteacher); centerpane.setCenter(divgrid); centerpane.setBottom(bottompane); bottompane.setRight(ok); addCloseButton cb = new addCloseButton(); cb.addxb(1); setTop(cb); setCenter(mainpane); }