Exemplo n.º 1
  private void validate(final GeoMagneticElements ge, final String outputLine) throws Exception {

    final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(outputLine);

    final double year = getYear(st.nextToken());

    final String coord = st.nextToken();
    final String heightStr = st.nextToken();
    final String latStr = st.nextToken();
    final String lonStr = st.nextToken();

    final double dec = getDegree(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken());
    final double inc = getDegree(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken());

    final double h = Double.valueOf(st.nextToken());
    final double x = Double.valueOf(st.nextToken());
    final double y = Double.valueOf(st.nextToken());
    final double z = Double.valueOf(st.nextToken());
    final double f = Double.valueOf(st.nextToken());

    final double eps = 1e-1;
    Assert.assertEquals(h, ge.getHorizontalIntensity(), eps);
    Assert.assertEquals(f, ge.getTotalIntensity(), eps);
    Assert.assertEquals(x, ge.getFieldVector().getX(), eps);
    Assert.assertEquals(y, ge.getFieldVector().getY(), eps);
    Assert.assertEquals(z, ge.getFieldVector().getZ(), eps);
    Assert.assertEquals(dec, ge.getDeclination(), eps);
    Assert.assertEquals(inc, ge.getInclination(), eps);
Exemplo n.º 2
  public void testIGRF() throws Exception {
    // test values from sample coordinate file
    // provided as part of the geomag 7.0 distribution available at
    // http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html
    // modification: the julian day calculation of geomag is slightly different
    // to the one from the WMM code, we use the WMM convention thus the outputs
    // have been adapted.
    runSampleFile(FieldModel.IGRF, "sample_coords.txt", "sample_out_IGRF12.txt");

    final double eps = 1e-1;
    final double degreeEps = 1e-2;
    for (int i = 0; i < igrfTestValues.length; i++) {
      final GeoMagneticField model = GeoMagneticFieldFactory.getIGRF(igrfTestValues[i][0]);
      final GeoMagneticElements result =
          model.calculateField(igrfTestValues[i][2], igrfTestValues[i][3], igrfTestValues[i][1]);

      final Vector3D b = result.getFieldVector();

      // X
      Assert.assertEquals(igrfTestValues[i][4], b.getX(), eps);
      // Y
      Assert.assertEquals(igrfTestValues[i][5], b.getY(), eps);
      // Z
      Assert.assertEquals(igrfTestValues[i][6], b.getZ(), eps);
      // H
      Assert.assertEquals(igrfTestValues[i][7], result.getHorizontalIntensity(), eps);
      // F
      Assert.assertEquals(igrfTestValues[i][8], result.getTotalIntensity(), eps);
      // inclination
      Assert.assertEquals(igrfTestValues[i][9], result.getInclination(), degreeEps);
      // declination
      Assert.assertEquals(igrfTestValues[i][10], result.getDeclination(), degreeEps);
Exemplo n.º 3
  public void testWMMWithHeightAboveMSL() throws Exception {
    // test results for test values provided as part of the WMM2015 Report
    // using height above MSL instead of height above ellipsoid
    // the results have been obtained from the NOAA online calculator:
    // http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag-web/#igrfwmm
    final double[][] testValues = {
      // Date  Alt  Lat  Lon        X        Y         Z        H        F       I      D
      //        km  deg  deg       nT       nT        nT       nT       nT     deg    deg
      {2015.0, 100, 80, 0, 6314.2, -471.6, 52269.1, 6331.8, 52651.2, 83.093, -4.271},
      {2015.0, 100, 0, 120, 37534.4, 364.3, -10773.1, 37536.2, 39051.6, -16.013, 0.556},
      {2015.0, 100, -80, 240, 5613.2, 14791.9, -50379.6, 15821.1, 52805.4, -72.565, 69.219}

    final Geoid geoid = new Geoid(potential, WGS84);

    final double eps = 1e-1;
    final double degreeEps = 1e-2;
    for (int i = 0; i < testValues.length; i++) {
      final AbsoluteDate date = new AbsoluteDate(2015, 1, 1, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
      final GeoMagneticField model = GeoMagneticFieldFactory.getWMM(testValues[i][0]);
      final double undulation =
              FastMath.toRadians(testValues[i][2]), FastMath.toRadians(testValues[i][3]), date);
      final GeoMagneticElements result =
              testValues[i][2], testValues[i][3], testValues[i][1] + undulation / 1000d);

      // X
      Assert.assertEquals(testValues[i][4], result.getFieldVector().getX(), eps);
      // Y
      Assert.assertEquals(testValues[i][5], result.getFieldVector().getY(), eps);
      // Z
      Assert.assertEquals(testValues[i][6], result.getFieldVector().getZ(), eps);
      // H
      Assert.assertEquals(testValues[i][7], result.getHorizontalIntensity(), eps);
      // F
      Assert.assertEquals(testValues[i][8], result.getTotalIntensity(), eps);
      // inclination
      Assert.assertEquals(testValues[i][9], result.getInclination(), degreeEps);
      // declination
      Assert.assertEquals(testValues[i][10], result.getDeclination(), degreeEps);
Exemplo n.º 4
  public void testLoadOriginalWMMModel() throws Exception {
    GeoMagneticModelLoader loader = new GeoMagneticModelLoader();

    InputStream input = getResource("WMM2015.COF");
    loader.loadData(input, "WMM2015.COF");

    Collection<GeoMagneticField> models = loader.getModels();
    Assert.assertEquals(1, models.size());

    GeoMagneticField wmmModel = models.iterator().next();
    Assert.assertEquals("WMM-2015", wmmModel.getModelName());
    Assert.assertEquals(2015, wmmModel.getEpoch(), 1e-9);

    final double eps = 1e-1;
    final double degreeEps = 1e-2;
    for (int i = 0; i < wmmTestValues.length; i++) {
      if (wmmTestValues[i][0] != wmmModel.getEpoch()) {
      final GeoMagneticElements result =
          wmmModel.calculateField(wmmTestValues[i][2], wmmTestValues[i][3], wmmTestValues[i][1]);

      // X
      Assert.assertEquals(wmmTestValues[i][4], result.getFieldVector().getX(), eps);
      // Y
      Assert.assertEquals(wmmTestValues[i][5], result.getFieldVector().getY(), eps);
      // Z
      Assert.assertEquals(wmmTestValues[i][6], result.getFieldVector().getZ(), eps);
      // H
      Assert.assertEquals(wmmTestValues[i][7], result.getHorizontalIntensity(), eps);
      // F
      Assert.assertEquals(wmmTestValues[i][8], result.getTotalIntensity(), eps);
      // inclination
      Assert.assertEquals(wmmTestValues[i][9], result.getInclination(), degreeEps);
      // declination
      Assert.assertEquals(wmmTestValues[i][10], result.getDeclination(), degreeEps);