Exemplo n.º 1
  protected Table<Integer, Integer, Float> compute() {
    //		data
    //		An expression matrix with genes in the rows, samples in the columns
    //		k
    //		Number of neighbors to be used in the imputation (default=10)
    //		rowmax
    //		The maximum percent missing data allowed in any row (default 50%). For any
    //		rows with more than rowmax% missing are imputed using the overall mean per
    //		sample.
    //		colmax
    //		The maximum percent missing data allowed in any column (default 80%). If
    //		any column has more than colmax% missing data, the program halts and reports
    //		an error.
    //		maxp
    //		The largest block of genes imputed using the knn algorithm inside impute.knn
    //		(default 1500); larger blocks are divided by two-means clustering (recursively)
    //		prior to imputation. If maxp=p, only knn imputation is done.
    //		rng.seed
    //		The seed used for the random number generator (default 362436069) for repro-
    //		ducibility.
    //		impute.knn uses k-nearest neighbors in the space of genes to impute missing expression
    // values.
    //		For each gene with missing values, we find the k nearest neighbors using a Euclidean metric,
    // con-
    //		fined to the columns for which that gene is NOT missing. Each candidate neighbor might be
    // missing
    //		some of the coordinates used to calculate the distance. In this case we average the distance
    // from
    //		the non-missing coordinates. Having found the k nearest neighbors for a gene, we impute the
    // miss-
    //		ing elements by averaging those (non-missing) elements of its neighbors. This can fail if
    // ALL the
    //		neighbors are missing in a particular element. In this case we use the overall column mean
    // for that
    //		block of genes.
    //		Since nearest neighbor imputation costs O(plog(p)) operations per gene, where p is the
    // number
    //		of rows, the computational time can be excessive for large p and a large number of missing
    // rows.
    //		Our strategy is to break blocks with more than maxp genes into two smaller blocks using
    // two-mean
    //		clustering. This is done recursively till all blocks have less than maxp genes. For each
    // block, k-
    //		nearest neighbor imputation is done separately. We have set the default value of maxp to
    // 1500.
    //		Depending on the speed of the machine, and number of samples, this number might be
    // increased.
    //		Making it too small is counter-productive, because the number of two-mean clustering
    // algorithms
    //		will increase.

    if (toomanyNaNsInAColumn()) throw new IllegalStateException();

    final float rowMax = desc.getRowmax();
    final boolean validRowMax = !Float.isInfinite(rowMax) && !Float.isNaN(rowMax);
    final int max = validRowMax ? Math.round(desc.getRowmax() * samples) : 0;

    // list of possible
    List<Gene> neighborhood;
    int withMissing = 0;
    Collection<ForkJoinTask<Void>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
    if (!validRowMax) {
      neighborhood = genes; // all genes
    } else {
      neighborhood = new ArrayList<>(genes.size());
      for (Gene gene : genes) {
        if (gene.getNaNs() == 0) { // nothing to impute
        } else if (validRowMax && gene.getNaNs() > max) { // too many nans use the sample mean
          tasks.add(new ImputeSampleMean(gene));
          // not a good neighbor
        } else {
          // neighbor but something needs to be done

    if (withMissing > 0) tasks.add(new ImputeKNNMean(neighborhood));

    ImmutableTable.Builder<Integer, Integer, Float> b = ImmutableTable.builder();
    for (Gene gene : genes) {
      if (gene.isAnySet()) {
    return b.build();