/** Test to very that the wrapped constructor properly invokes the wrapped methods. */
  public void testFormWrapper_constructors() {
    StringItem stringItem0 = new StringItem("foo1", "foo");
    StringItem stringItem1 = new StringItem("foo2", "foo");
    Item[] items = new Item[] {stringItem0, stringItem1};

    FormWrapper fw = new FormWrapper(title);
    assertEquals("Form Title", title, fw.getTitle());

    fw = new FormWrapper(title, items);
    assertEquals("Form Title", title, fw.getTitle());
    assertEquals("Items", stringItem0, fw.get(0));
    assertEquals("Items", stringItem1, fw.get(1));
 /** Verifies that the toString method has been overridden. */
 public void testFormWrapper_toString() {
   FormWrapper fw = new FormWrapper(title);
   assertEquals(UNOVERRIDED_TOSTRING_ERROR, DisplayableVisitor.toString(fw), fw.toString());