Exemplo n.º 1
   * Creates the map reduce step graph.
   * @param flowName
   * @param elementGraph
   * @param traps
  private void makeStepGraph(String flowName, ElementGraph elementGraph, Map<String, Tap> traps) {
    SimpleDirectedGraph<Tap, Integer> tapGraph = elementGraph.makeTapGraph();

    int numJobs = countNumJobs(tapGraph);

    Map<String, FlowStep> steps = new LinkedHashMap<String, FlowStep>();
    TopologicalOrderIterator<Tap, Integer> topoIterator =
        new TopologicalOrderIterator<Tap, Integer>(tapGraph);
    int count = 0;

    while (topoIterator.hasNext()) {
      Tap source = topoIterator.next();

      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("handling source: " + source);

      List<Tap> sinks = Graphs.successorListOf(tapGraph, source);

      for (Tap sink : sinks) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("handling path: " + source + " -> " + sink);

        FlowStep step = getCreateFlowStep(flowName, steps, sink.toString(), numJobs);


        if (steps.containsKey(source.toString()))
          addEdge(steps.get(source.toString()), step, count++);

        // support multiple paths from source to sink
        // this allows for self joins on groups, even with different operation stacks between them
        // note we must ignore paths with intermediate taps
        List<GraphPath<FlowElement, Scope>> paths =
            elementGraph.getAllShortestPathsBetween(source, sink);

        for (GraphPath<FlowElement, Scope> path : paths) {
          if (pathContainsTap(path)) continue;

          List<Scope> scopes = path.getEdgeList();
          String sourceName = scopes.get(0).getName(); // root node of the shortest path

          step.sources.put((Tap) source, sourceName);
          step.sink = sink;

          if (step.sink.isWriteDirect())
            step.tempSink = new TempHfs(sink.getPath().toUri().getPath());

          FlowElement lhs = source;


          boolean onMapSide = true;

          for (Scope scope : scopes) {
            FlowElement rhs = elementGraph.getEdgeTarget(scope);

            step.graph.addEdge(lhs, rhs, scope);

            if (rhs instanceof Group) {
              step.group = (Group) rhs;
              onMapSide = false;
            } else if (rhs instanceof Pipe) // add relevant traps to step
              String name = ((Pipe) rhs).getName();

              if (traps.containsKey(name)) {
                if (onMapSide) step.mapperTraps.put(name, traps.get(name));
                else step.reducerTraps.put(name, traps.get(name));

            lhs = rhs;