Exemplo n.º 1
   * Return an object for the given field description by parsing the given string.
   * @param fieldDesc describes the field
   * @param s the value in string format
   * @return an object of the given class, or null if it could not be parsed
  public static Object getValue(FieldDesc fieldDesc, String s) {
    Class c = fieldDesc.getFieldClass();
    s = s.trim();
    if (c == String.class) return s;

    if (s.equals("")) return null;

    if (c == Double.class || c == Float.class) {
      if (fieldDesc.isRA()) {
        HMS hms = new HMS(s);
        if (c == Double.class) return new Double(hms.getVal());
        else return new Float(hms.getVal());
      } else if (fieldDesc.isDec()) {
        DMS dms = new DMS(s);
        if (c == Double.class) return new Double(dms.getVal());
        else return new Float(dms.getVal());

    try {
      if (c == Double.class) {
        return new Double(s);

      if (c == Float.class) {
        return new Float(s);

      if (c == Integer.class) return new Integer(s);

      if (c == Boolean.class) return new Boolean(s);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          "FieldFormat.getValue: NumberFormatException: value was: " + s + ": " + e.getMessage());

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Return a ValueRange object representing a range of values for the given field by parsing the
   * given string.
   * @param fieldDesc describes the field
   * @param s the value range in string format, which may be encoded as two values: "min max", as
   *     one value: "value" (For numerical types, tests for equality, for Strings, the start of the
   *     string). The symbols ">", or "<" may be used in the string for numerical types, to indicate
   *     that the value should be greater than or less than the (noninclusive) given values, for
   *     example: ">0.0 <1.0". If there are two values, they should be separated by a single space
   *     and the first value should be the minimum value (inclusive, unless ">" was specified).
   * @return a ValueRange object representing the range of values, or null if they could not be
   *     parsed
  public static ValueRange getValueRange(FieldDesc fieldDesc, String s) {
    Class c = fieldDesc.getFieldClass();
    if (c == String.class) return new ValueRange(s);

    // look for two values separated by a space, or a single value (test for equality)
    String[] ar = StringUtil.split(s, ' ');
    boolean oneVal = false; // true if only one value was specified
    if (ar == null) {
      ar = new String[2];
      ar[0] = ar[1] = s;
      oneVal = true;

    // check for <, >, symbols and set inclusive flags
    boolean[] inclusive = new boolean[2];
    boolean insertMin = false, insertMax = false;

    // XXX error handling?)
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      inclusive[i] = true;
      if (ar[i].startsWith(">")) {
        inclusive[i] = false;
        ar[i] = ar[i].substring(1);
        if (oneVal) {
          // x > value
          insertMax = true;
      } else if (ar[i].startsWith("<")) {
        inclusive[i] = false;
        ar[i] = ar[i].substring(1);
        if (oneVal) {
          // x < value
          insertMin = true;
          ar[1] = ar[0];

    try {
      if (c == Double.class) {
        if (insertMin) ar[0] = Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE);
        else if (insertMax) ar[1] = Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE);
        return new ValueRange(new Double(ar[0]), inclusive[0], new Double(ar[1]), inclusive[1]);
      if (c == Float.class) {
        if (insertMin) ar[0] = Float.toString(Float.MIN_VALUE);
        else if (insertMax) ar[1] = Float.toString(Float.MAX_VALUE);
        return new ValueRange(new Float(ar[0]), inclusive[0], new Float(ar[1]), inclusive[1]);
      if (c == Integer.class) {
        if (insertMin) ar[0] = Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
        else if (insertMax) ar[1] = Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        return new ValueRange(new Integer(ar[0]), inclusive[0], new Integer(ar[1]), inclusive[1]);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      return null;

    return null;