Exemplo n.º 1
     * Create a custom field ordering from a list of strings representing field labels. There may
     * also be one or more optionally-quoted strings, each indicating a value to be inserted into a
     * constant-valued column.
     * @param labels a list of field labels and optionally constant string values
     * @throws CustomColumnOrderingException if there is an unrecognised field name or no id fields
    public CustomColumnOrdering(List<String> labels) throws CustomColumnOrderingException {
      this.ordering = ReportColumn.fromStrings(labels);
      // Note we regenerate the labels from the ReportColumns so constant-valued
      // columns are consistently unquoted.
      this.orderedLabels = ReportColumn.getLabels(ordering);

      // Create the Field ordering
      this.fieldOrdering =
          new ArrayList<Field>() {
              for (ReportColumn c : ordering) {
                if (c.isField()) add(c.field);

      // Sanity checks
      // Are there any fields included?
      if (this.fieldOrdering.isEmpty())
        throw new CustomColumnOrderingException("", "No valid fields specified.");
      // Are there id fields included?
      if (!Field.idFields.clone().removeAll(this.fieldOrdering)) {
        String idFieldStr =
            String.format("(%s)", StringUtils.join(Field.getLabels(Field.idFields), ", "));
        throw new CustomColumnOrderingException(
                "No identifying fields specified. You must include one of %s.", idFieldStr));
      // Set the field set if all is okay
      this.fields = EnumSet.copyOf(this.fieldOrdering);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Create an ordering from predefined lists of Fields and columns. This is enough information
  * from which to interpolate the other final members. Because there is no String interpretation,
  * there is no need to generate or catch exceptions. This version includes the ordered list of
  * labels, to save processing for those cases where the caller has already generated the list.
  * @param fieldOrdering
  * @param ordering
  * @param orderedLabels
 private CustomColumnOrdering(
     final List<ReportColumn> ordering,
     final List<Field> fieldOrdering,
     final List<String> orderedLabels) {
   this.ordering = ordering;
   this.fieldOrdering = fieldOrdering;
   this.orderedLabels = orderedLabels;
   this.fields = EnumSet.copyOf(fieldOrdering);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Set<Color> toEnumSet() {
   if (isColorless()) {
     return EnumSet.of(Color.COLORLESS);
   List<Color> list = new ArrayList<Color>();
   for (Color c : Color.values()) {
     if (hasAnyColor(c.getColormask())) {
   return EnumSet.copyOf(list);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Adds a layout item to the grid.
  * <p>Adds the <i>item</i> at (<i>row</i>, <code>column</code>). If an item was already added to
  * that location, it is replaced (but not deleted).
  * <p>An item may span several more rows or columns, which is controlled by <i>rowSpan</i> and
  * <code>columnSpan</code>.
  * <p>The <code>alignment</code> specifies the vertical and horizontal alignment of the item. The
  * default value 0 indicates that the item is stretched to fill the entire grid cell. The
  * alignment can be specified as a logical combination of a horizontal alignment ( {@link
  * AlignmentFlag#AlignLeft}, {@link AlignmentFlag#AlignCenter}, or {@link
  * AlignmentFlag#AlignRight}) and a vertical alignment ( {@link AlignmentFlag#AlignTop}, {@link
  * AlignmentFlag#AlignMiddle}, or {@link AlignmentFlag#AlignBottom}).
  * <p>
  * @see WGridLayout#addLayout(WLayout layout, int row, int column, EnumSet alignment)
  * @see WGridLayout#addWidget(WWidget widget, int row, int column, EnumSet alignment)
 public void addItem(
     WLayoutItem item,
     int row,
     int column,
     int rowSpan,
     int columnSpan,
     EnumSet<AlignmentFlag> alignment) {
   columnSpan = Math.max(1, columnSpan);
   rowSpan = Math.max(1, rowSpan);
   this.expand(row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan);
   final Grid.Item gridItem = this.grid_.items_.get(row).get(column);
   if (gridItem.item_ != null) {
     WLayoutItem oldItem = gridItem.item_;
     gridItem.item_ = null;
   gridItem.item_ = item;
   gridItem.rowSpan_ = rowSpan;
   gridItem.colSpan_ = columnSpan;
   gridItem.alignment_ = EnumSet.copyOf(alignment);
 /** Return the set of supported JVM features that improve the estimation. */
 public static EnumSet<JvmFeature> getSupportedFeatures() {
   return EnumSet.copyOf(supportedFeatures);
 public void setRequired(EnumSet<InferenceType> required) {
   this.required = EnumSet.copyOf(required);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Set the media element options.
  * <p>
  * @see WAbstractMedia.Options
 public void setOptions(EnumSet<WAbstractMedia.Options> flags) {
   this.flags_ = EnumSet.copyOf(flags);
   this.flagsChanged_ = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Get the set of fields from the filter's field ordering which were omitted due to being empty.
  * @return the set of empty fields which were omitted from the ordering
 public Set<Field> getOmittedEmptyFields() {
   Set<Field> empties = EnumSet.copyOf(columnOrdering.getFields());
   return empties;