Exemplo n.º 1
  private static E3DBone readBone(E3DEngine engine, BufferedReader actorFile, String boneID)
      throws IOException {
    String line;
    StringTokenizer tokenizer;
    String str;
    boolean startBlockFound = false;
    E3DBone bone;
    E3DVector3F position = null, forward = null, up = null;
    boolean endBlock = false;
    while (!endBlock && (line = actorFile.readLine()) != null) {
      tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, TOKENIZER_CHARS);
      while (!endBlock && tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        str = readNextValue(tokenizer);
        if (START_BLOCK.equals(str)) {
          startBlockFound = true;
        } else if (POSITION.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) continue;

          String subLine = actorFile.readLine();
          position = readVector3F(subLine);
        } else if (FORWARD.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) continue;

          String subLine = actorFile.readLine();
          forward = readVector3F(subLine);

        } else if (UP.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) continue;

          String subLine = actorFile.readLine();
          up = readVector3F(subLine);
        } else if (COMMENT.equals(str)) break;
        else if (END_BLOCK.equals(str)) endBlock = true;
              .writeLine(E3DEngineLogger.SEVERITY_INFO, "Unknown tag in bone: " + str);

    if (position != null && forward != null && up != null) {
      bone = new E3DBone(engine, boneID, position, forward, up);
      return bone;

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
  private static E3DAnimationKeyFrame readAnimationFrame(
      E3DEngine engine,
      String animationID,
      String frameID,
      double fps,
      E3DAnimation animation,
      BufferedReader actorFile)
      throws IOException {
    boolean endBlockFound = false;
    boolean startBlockFound = false;
    StringTokenizer tokenizer;
    String line, str;

    double frameTime = 1.0 / fps;
    E3DAnimationKeyFrame animationKeyFrame = new E3DAnimationKeyFrame(engine, frameID, frameTime);

    while (!endBlockFound && (line = actorFile.readLine()) != null) {
      tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, TOKENIZER_CHARS);
      while (!endBlockFound && tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        str = readNextValue(tokenizer);
        if (START_BLOCK.equals(str)) {
          startBlockFound = true;
        } else if (ACTORTAG_BONE.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) continue;
          String manipulatedBoneID = readNextValue(tokenizer);
          addAnimationCommands(engine, manipulatedBoneID, animationKeyFrame, actorFile);
        } else if (END_BLOCK.equals(str)) {
          endBlockFound = true;
        } else
              .writeLine(E3DEngineLogger.SEVERITY_INFO, "Unknown tag in animation frame: " + str);

    if (!endBlockFound) return null;
    return animationKeyFrame;
Exemplo n.º 3
  private static E3DAnimation readAnimation(
      E3DEngine engine, String animationID, double fps, BufferedReader actorFile)
      throws IOException {
    boolean endBlockFound = false;
    boolean startBlockFound = false;
    StringTokenizer tokenizer;
    String line, str;

    E3DAnimation animation = new E3DAnimation(engine, animationID);

    while (!endBlockFound && (line = actorFile.readLine()) != null) {
      tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, TOKENIZER_CHARS);
      while (!endBlockFound && tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        str = readNextValue(tokenizer);
        if (START_BLOCK.equals(str)) {
          startBlockFound = true;
        } else if (ACTORTAG_ANIMATION_FRAME.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) continue;

          String frameID = readNextValue(tokenizer);

          E3DAnimationKeyFrame frame =
              readAnimationFrame(engine, animationID, frameID, fps, animation, actorFile);
          if (frame != null) animation.addKeyFrame(frame);
        } else if (END_BLOCK.equals(str)) {
          endBlockFound = true;
        } else
              .writeLine(E3DEngineLogger.SEVERITY_INFO, "Unknown tag in animation: " + str);

    if (endBlockFound) return animation;

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
  private static boolean addAnimationCommands(
      E3DEngine engine,
      String manipulatedBoneID,
      E3DAnimationKeyFrame animationKeyFrame,
      BufferedReader actorFile)
      throws IOException {
    boolean endBlockFound = false;
    boolean startBlockFound = false;
    StringTokenizer tokenizer;
    String line, str;
    E3DAnimationCommand command;

    while (!endBlockFound && (line = actorFile.readLine()) != null) {
      tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, TOKENIZER_CHARS);
      while (!endBlockFound && tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        str = readNextValue(tokenizer);
        if (START_BLOCK.equals(str)) {
          startBlockFound = true;

          //					command = new E3DHybridAnimationCommand(engine, manipulatedBoneID, frameSpan *
          // animationKeyFrame.getFrameLength());
        } else if (ACTORTAG_ANIMATION_FRAME_ROTATE.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) continue;

          String subLine = actorFile.readLine();
          StringTokenizer rotateTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(subLine, TOKENIZER_CHARS);

          String fSpan = readNextValue(rotateTokenizer);
          int frameSpan = Integer.parseInt(fSpan);
          E3DVector3F rotation = readVector3F(rotateTokenizer);

          // Figure out how long it should last by the frametime * frameSpan (frametime is derived
          // from the animation)
          command =
              new E3DAnimationCommandRotate(
                  frameSpan * animationKeyFrame.getFrameLength(),

        } else if (ACTORTAG_ANIMATION_FRAME_TRANSLATE.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) continue;

          String subLine = actorFile.readLine();
          StringTokenizer translateTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(subLine, TOKENIZER_CHARS);

          String fTime = readNextValue(translateTokenizer);
          double dfTime = Double.parseDouble(fTime);
          E3DVector3F translation = readVector3F(translateTokenizer);

          command =
              new E3DAnimationCommandTranslate(engine, manipulatedBoneID, dfTime, translation);


        } else if (END_BLOCK.equals(str)) {
          endBlockFound = true;
        } else
                  "Unknown tag in animation frame command listing: " + str);

    if (endBlockFound && animationKeyFrame.getCommands().isEmpty()) return false;
    else if (endBlockFound) return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
  private static boolean readActor(
      BufferedReader actorFile, StringTokenizer tokenizer, E3DActor actor) throws IOException {
    String str;
    String line;
    boolean startBlockFound = false;
    boolean endBlockFound = false;

    // Hold onto bones that don't have parents yet
    // (String parentBoneID, (ArrayList)E3DBone bone)
    E3DHashListMap orphanedBones = new E3DHashListMap();

    // We can't attach triangles to bones until the bones are all loaded, so we do that in the end
    // (E3DTriangle triangle, VertexBoneInformation boneInformation)
    HashMap orphanedTriangleBoneAttachments = new HashMap();

    while (!endBlockFound && (line = actorFile.readLine()) != null) {
      tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, TOKENIZER_CHARS);
      while (!endBlockFound && tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        str = readNextValue(tokenizer);
        if (START_BLOCK.equals(str)) {
          startBlockFound = true;
        } else if (ACTORTAG_BONE.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) return false;

          String boneID = readNextValue(tokenizer);
          String parentBoneID = readNextValue(tokenizer);

          E3DBone bone = readBone(actor.getEngine(), actorFile, boneID);
          if (bone != null) {
            if (!actor.getSkeleton().addBone(bone, parentBoneID))
              orphanedBones.put(parentBoneID, bone);
            else // did add it, so there may be some children of it
            { // by the time we get done adding the last bone, we should be able to link up all
              // children
              linkOrphanedBonesToNewBone(actor, bone, orphanedBones);
          } else
                    "Unable to read bone: "
                        + E3DStringHelper.getNonNullableString(boneID)
                        + ".  Possibly missing attributes or malformed definition.");
        } else if (ACTORTAG_TRIANGLE.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) return false;

          TempTriangle tempTriangle = readTriangle(actor.getEngine(), actorFile);

          if (tempTriangle != null) {
            E3DTriangle triangle = tempTriangle.triangle;
            VertexBoneInformation boneInformation = tempTriangle.vertexBoneInformation;
            if (triangle != null) {
              if (boneInformation != null) // these will be linked later
              orphanedTriangleBoneAttachments.put(triangle, boneInformation);
        } else if (ACTORTAG_ANIMATION.equals(str)) {
          if (!startBlockFound) return false;

          String animationName = readNextValue(tokenizer);
          String fps = readNextValue(tokenizer);
          double dFPS = 20.0;
          try {
            dFPS = Double.parseDouble(fps);
          } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    "No FPS specified for animation.  20 FPS will be used by default (1 frame == 0.5s)");
          if (dFPS == 0) dFPS = 20.0;

          E3DAnimation animation = readAnimation(actor.getEngine(), animationName, dFPS, actorFile);
          if (animation != null) actor.getSkeleton().addAnimation(animation);

        } else if (COMMENT.equals(str)) break;
        else if (END_BLOCK.equals(str)) endBlockFound = true;
                  E3DEngineLogger.SEVERITY_INFO, "Unknown tag in actor model definition: " + str);

    linkTrianglesToBones(actor, orphanedTriangleBoneAttachments);

    return endBlockFound;