Exemplo n.º 1
   * Serializes an {@link MBeanFeatureInfo} to an {@link ObjectOutputStream}.
   * @serialData For compatibility reasons, an object of this class is serialized as follows.
   *     <ul>
   *       The method {@link ObjectOutputStream#defaultWriteObject defaultWriteObject()} is called
   *       first to serialize the object except the field {@code descriptor} which is declared as
   *       transient. The field {@code descriptor} is serialized as follows:
   *       <ul>
   *         <li>If {@code descriptor} is an instance of the class {@link ImmutableDescriptor}, the
   *             method {@link ObjectOutputStream#write write(int val)} is called to write a byte
   *             with the value {@code 1}, then the method {@link ObjectOutputStream#writeObject
   *             writeObject(Object obj)} is called twice to serialize the field names and the field
   *             values of the {@code descriptor}, respectively as a {@code String[]} and an {@code
   *             Object[]};
   *         <li>Otherwise, the method {@link ObjectOutputStream#write write(int val)} is called to
   *             write a byte with the value {@code 0}, then the method {@link
   *             ObjectOutputStream#writeObject writeObject(Object obj)} is called to serialize
   *             directly the field {@code descriptor}.
   *       </ul>
   *     </ul>
   * @since 1.6
  private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {

    if (descriptor != null && descriptor.getClass() == ImmutableDescriptor.class) {


      final String[] names = descriptor.getFieldNames();

    } else {
