public void testGetDirectoryProvidersForQuery() {

    FullTextFilterImpl filter = new FullTextFilterImpl();
    filter.setParameter("customerID", 5);

    // customerID == 5 should correspond to just a single shard instance
    DirectoryProvider[] providers =
        shardStrategy.getDirectoryProvidersForQuery(new FullTextFilterImpl[] {filter});
    assertTrue(providers.length == 1);

    // create a dummy document for the same customerID, and make sure the shard it would be
    // indexed on matches the shard returned by getDirectoryProvidersForQuery()
    Document document = new Document();
    document.add(new Field("customerID", "5", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            shardStrategy.getDirectoryProviderForAddition(null, null, null, document)));