/** Adds the ingot recipes to the CraftingManager. */ public void addRecipes(CraftingManager par1CraftingManager) { for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.recipeItems.length; ++var2) { Block var3 = (Block) this.recipeItems[var2][0]; ItemStack var4 = (ItemStack) this.recipeItems[var2][1]; par1CraftingManager.func_92103_a( new ItemStack(var3), new Object[] {"###", "###", "###", '#', var4}); par1CraftingManager.func_92103_a(var4, new Object[] {"#", '#', var3}); } par1CraftingManager.func_92103_a( new ItemStack(Item.ingotGold), new Object[] {"###", "###", "###", '#', Item.goldNugget}); par1CraftingManager.func_92103_a( new ItemStack(Item.goldNugget, 9), new Object[] {"#", '#', Item.ingotGold}); }
public void addRecipes(CraftingManager craftingmanager) { for (int i = 0; i < recipeItems[0].length; i++) { Object obj = recipeItems[0][i]; for (int j = 0; j < recipeItems.length - 1; j++) { Item item = (Item) recipeItems[j + 1][i]; craftingmanager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(item), new Object[] { recipePatterns[j], Character.valueOf('#'), Item.stick, Character.valueOf('X'), obj }); } } craftingmanager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Item.field_31022_bc), new Object[] {" #", "# ", Character.valueOf('#'), Item.ingotIron}); }
public void a(IInventory iinventory) { this.resultInventory.setItem(0, CraftingManager.getInstance().craft(this.craftInventory)); }
/** Adds the crafting recipes to the CraftingManager. */ public void addRecipes(CraftingManager par1CraftingManager) { par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.chest), new Object[] {"###", "# #", "###", '#', Block.planks}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.enderChest), new Object[] {"###", "#E#", "###", '#', Block.obsidian, 'E', Item.eyeOfEnder}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.stoneOvenIdle), new Object[] {"###", "# #", "###", '#', Block.cobblestone}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.workbench), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Block.planks}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.sandStone), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Block.sand}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 4, 2), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Block.sandStone}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 1, 1), new Object[] {"#", "#", '#', new ItemStack(Block.stoneSingleSlab, 1, 1)}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.stoneBrick, 4), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Block.stone}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.fenceIron, 16), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Item.ingotIron}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.thinGlass, 16), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Block.glass}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.redstoneLampIdle, 1), new Object[] {" R ", "RGR", " R ", 'R', Item.redstone, 'G', Block.glowStone}); }
public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory iinventory) { craftResult.setInventorySlotContents( 0, CraftingManager.getInstance().findMatchingRecipe(craftMatrix)); }
/** Adds the crafting recipes to the CraftingManager. */ public void addRecipes(CraftingManager par1CraftingManager) { par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.chest), new Object[] {"###", "# #", "###", '#', Block.planks}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.field_94347_ck), new Object[] {"#-", '#', Block.chest, '-', Block.tripWireSource}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.enderChest), new Object[] {"###", "#E#", "###", '#', Block.obsidian, 'E', Item.eyeOfEnder}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.furnaceIdle), new Object[] {"###", "# #", "###", '#', Block.cobblestone}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.workbench), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Block.planks}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.sandStone), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Block.sand}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 4, 2), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Block.sandStone}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 1, 1), new Object[] {"#", "#", '#', new ItemStack(Block.stoneSingleSlab, 1, 1)}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.field_94339_ct, 1, 1), new Object[] {"#", "#", '#', new ItemStack(Block.stoneSingleSlab, 1, 7)}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.field_94339_ct, 2, 2), new Object[] {"#", "#", '#', new ItemStack(Block.field_94339_ct, 1, 0)}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.stoneBrick, 4), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Block.stone}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.fenceIron, 16), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Item.ingotIron}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.thinGlass, 16), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Block.glass}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.redstoneLampIdle, 1), new Object[] {" R ", "RGR", " R ", 'R', Item.redstone, 'G', Block.glowStone}); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.beacon, 1), new Object[] { "GGG", "GSG", "OOO", 'G', Block.glass, 'S', Item.netherStar, 'O', Block.obsidian }); par1CraftingManager.addRecipe( new ItemStack(Block.netherBrick, 1), new Object[] {"NN", "NN", 'N', Item.field_94584_bZ}); }