Exemplo n.º 1
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.PopupDialog.adjustBounds()
  protected void adjustBounds() {
    // Get our control's location in display coordinates.
    Point location = control.getDisplay().map(control.getParent(), null, control.getLocation());
    int initialX = location.x + POPUP_OFFSET;
    int initialY = location.y + control.getSize().y + POPUP_OFFSET;
    // If we are inserting content, use the cursor position to
    // position the control.
    if (adapter.getProposalAcceptanceStyle() == ContentProposalAdapter.PROPOSAL_INSERT) {
      Rectangle insertionBounds = adapter.getControlContentAdapter().getInsertionBounds(control);
      initialX = initialX + insertionBounds.x;
      initialY = location.y + insertionBounds.y + insertionBounds.height;

    // If there is no specified size, force it by setting
    // up a layout on the table.
    if (popupSize == null) {
      GridData data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH);
      data.heightHint = proposalTable.getItemHeight() * POPUP_CHAR_HEIGHT;
      data.widthHint = Math.max(control.getSize().x, POPUP_MINIMUM_WIDTH);
      popupSize = getShell().getSize();

    // Constrain to the display
    Rectangle constrainedBounds =
        getConstrainedShellBounds(new Rectangle(initialX, initialY, popupSize.x, popupSize.y));

    // If there has been an adjustment causing the popup to overlap
    // with the control, then put the popup above the control.
    if (constrainedBounds.y < initialY)
      getShell().setBounds(initialX, location.y - popupSize.y, popupSize.x, popupSize.y);
    else getShell().setBounds(initialX, initialY, popupSize.x, popupSize.y);

    // Now set up a listener to monitor any changes in size.
            new Listener() {
              public void handleEvent(Event e) {
                popupSize = getShell().getSize();
                if (infoPopup != null) {