public String getInputNomask(String prompt, boolean isNotInputMask) throws IOException, UserInterruption { String userInput = ""; String breakConnectPrompt = EXIT_PROD_STR; if (isNotInputMask) breakConnectPrompt = "Command Interrupted - Please hit <Enter> ... "; crObj.setPrompt(breakConnectPrompt, false, false); try { System.out.print(" \r" + prompt); userInput = crObj.getLine(); } catch (Throwable t) { UserInterruption uie = null; if (t instanceof UserInterruption) { uie = (UserInterruption) t; retryCnt = 0; } else uie = new UserInterruption(); throw uie; } finally { cwObj.print(SessionDefaults.lineSeperator); } // return characters entered by the user return userInput; }
public String getInputMask(String prompt, boolean isInputMask) throws IOException, UserInterruption { String password = ""; WCIUtils wcs = null; boolean isWindows = System.getProperty("").toUpperCase().startsWith("WINDOW"); MaskingThread et = new MaskingThread(prompt); Thread mask = new Thread(et); mask.start(); // if it is windows envrionment use the dll to disable echo if (isWindows) { try { wcs = new WCIUtils(); wcs.disableEcho(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } crObj.setMaskingThread(et, wcs); String breakConnectPrompt = EXIT_PROD_STR; if (!this.isLaunchConnect || isInputMask) breakConnectPrompt = "Command Interrupted - Please hit <Enter> ... " + SessionDefaults.lineSeperator; crObj.setPrompt(breakConnectPrompt, false, false); try { password = crObj.getLine(); } catch (Throwable t) { UserInterruption uie = null; if (t instanceof UserInterruption) { uie = (UserInterruption) t; retryCnt = 0; } else uie = new UserInterruption(); throw uie; } finally { // stop masking et.stopMasking(); if (isWindows) { try { wcs.enableEcho(); } catch (Exception e) { } wcs = null; } cwObj.print(SessionDefaults.lineSeperator); } // return the password entered by the user return password; }
private String getRequiredArg(String prompt) throws IOException, UserInterruption { String value = null; String breakConnectPrompt = EXIT_PROD_STR; if (!this.isLaunchConnect) breakConnectPrompt = "Command Interrupted - Please hit <Enter> ... " + SessionDefaults.lineSeperator; crObj.setPrompt(breakConnectPrompt, false, false); cwObj.print(prompt); // set retry count to 0 if user hits a Ctrl+C while entering login parameters try { value = crObj.getLine(); } catch (UserInterruption ui) { retryCnt = 0; throw ui; } return value; }
public void writeConsole(String text) { if (consoleWriter == null) return; consoleWriter.write(text); }
public String[] validateArgs(String[] args, boolean isLaunchConnect) throws InvalidNumberOfArguments, IOException, UserInterruption { osName = System.getProperty(""); setArgs(args); this.isLaunchConnect = isLaunchConnect; List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(args)); // Pre-parse args for special cases if (argsList.contains("-version")) { cwObj.print("JDBC Type 4 Driver Build ID : "); cwObj.println(JDBCVproc.getVproc()); cwObj.print("Command Interface Build ID : ");; cwObj.println(""); System.exit(0); // any other args included w/version are ignored } // Display argument help if -help argument is passed if (argsList.contains("-help")) { printUsage(); System.exit(0); // any other args included w/help are ignored } // No retries if in query mode if (argsList.contains("-q") || argsList.contains("-sql")) retryCnt = 1; if (argsList.remove("-noconnect")) { noConnectOption = true; } if (argsList.remove("-dfm")) { dfm = true; } /* reset args b/c of -noconnect or -dfm, dont need the if but perhaps a small perf gain? */ if (dfm || noConnectOption) { args = null; args = new String[argsList.size()]; // args = (String[]) argsList.toArray(args); noOfArgs = args.length; } // the number of arguments must be an odd number if -noconnect option is specified // otherwise it should be an even number if (noOfArgs % 2 != 0 || noOfArgs > 14) { printUsage(); throw new InvalidNumberOfArguments(); } argsList = null; // Pre-parsing complete for (int i = 0; i < noOfArgs; i++) { String option = args[i++].trim(); String value = args[i].trim(); if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("-u") || option.equalsIgnoreCase("-user")) { userName = value; } else if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("-p") || option.equalsIgnoreCase("-password")) { password = value; } else if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("-r") || option.equalsIgnoreCase("-role")) { roleName = value; } else if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("-h") || option.equalsIgnoreCase("-host")) { String[] hostAddr = value.split(":"); if (hostAddr.length > 0) serverName = hostAddr[0]; else serverName = ""; String portValue = ""; for (int j = 1; j < hostAddr.length; j++) { portValue += ":" + hostAddr[j]; } if (portValue.length() > 0) { portNumber = portValue; } } else if (isLaunchConnect && (option.equalsIgnoreCase("-q") || option.equalsIgnoreCase("-sql"))) { queryStr = value; if (fileName != null) { cwObj.println("-s|script and -q|sql options must not be specified together."); this.printUsage(); } } else if (isLaunchConnect && (option.equalsIgnoreCase("-s") || option.equalsIgnoreCase("-script"))) { fileName = value; if (queryStr != null) { cwObj.println("-s|script and -q|sql options must not be specified together."); this.printUsage(); } } /* Instead of -cmd we will implement a set cmdecho <on|off> command * and replace -cmd with -DFM which will execute both set lookandfeel mxci and * set cmdecho on * * else if (isLaunchConnect &&(option.equalsIgnoreCase("-cmd"))) { if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) cmdEcho = true; }*/ else { cwObj.println("Unknown option " + option + " specified."); printUsage(); throw new UnknownHostException(); } } // end for if (!noConnectOption) { do { if (serverName == null) { String value = getRequiredArg("Host Name/IP Address: "); String[] hostAddr = value.split(":"); if (hostAddr.length > 0) serverName = hostAddr[0]; else serverName = ""; String portValue = ""; for (int j = 1; j < hostAddr.length; j++) { portValue += ":" + hostAddr[j]; } portNumber = null; if (portValue.length() > 0) { portNumber = portValue; } } try { if (serverName.trim().equals("")) throw new UnknownHostException("Host Name is empty"); else InetAddress.getByName(serverName); } catch (UnknownHostException uh) { cwObj.println( SessionDefaults.lineSeperator + "Unknown Host: " + serverName + SessionDefaults.lineSeperator); serverName = null; // Rebuild the argument list to remove the hostname args = this.rebuildArgList(args); if ((--retryCnt) == 0) throw uh; } } while (serverName == null && retryCnt > 0); } if (!noConnectOption && userName == null) { do { userName = getRequiredArg("User Name: "); } while (userName.trim().equals("")); } if (!noConnectOption && password == null) { password = getPassword("Password: "******"Role Name [Primary Role]: "); } if (portNumber == null) { portNumber = ":" + defaultPortNumber; } return args; }
private void printUsage() { String os_specific_ci_cmd = "trafci"; String spacedOutLine = SessionDefaults.lineSeperator; for (int idx = 0; idx < os_specific_ci_cmd.length(); idx++) spacedOutLine += " "; cwObj.println( SessionDefaults.lineSeperator + os_specific_ci_cmd + " -h[ost] <databaseserver:port> " + spacedOutLine + " -u[ser] <username> -p[assword] <password>" + spacedOutLine + " -r[ole] <rolename>" + spacedOutLine + " -s[cript] <scriptfilename> -q|-sql <\"querystring\">" + spacedOutLine + " -noconnect -version -help"); cwObj.println(SessionDefaults.lineSeperator + "where:"); cwObj.println("\t-h[ost] specifies the database server including the port number."); cwObj.println("\t-u[ser] specifies a user name to log into a database server."); cwObj.println("\t-p[assword] specifies the user's password to log into a database server."); cwObj.println("\t-r[ole] specifies the role name associated with the user."); cwObj.println("\t-s[cript] specifies the command file used to customize a session."); cwObj.println("\t-q|-sql specifies the command to be run in non-interactive mode."); cwObj.println("\t-noconnect specifies the session login mode."); cwObj.println( "\t-version displays the Trafodion Command Interface and JDBC Type 4 Driver versions, then exits."); cwObj.println( "\t-help displays a list of accepted arguments with descriptions, then exits."); cwObj.println(""); }
public void writeConsole(String text) { consoleWriter.write(text); }