@Override public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // set MIME type and encoding response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); // get writer for output final PrintWriter p = response.getWriter(); // make sure that we have obtained an access token, otherwise redirect // to login final String accessToken = request.getParameter("access_token"); if (accessToken == null) { response.sendRedirect(Config.getValue("LOGIN_URL")); return; } else { // Store the token in a session HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute(Config.getValue("ACCESS_TOKEN_SESSION"), accessToken); } // get client final DefaultFacebookClient client = new DefaultFacebookClient(accessToken); // retrieve the document with all friend user ids try { final URL url = new URL( "https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?access_token=" + accessToken + "&query=" + URLEncoder.encode( "SELECT name,uid,pic_square FROM user WHERE uid IN ( SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me() ) ORDER BY name;", "UTF-8")); final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); final DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); final Document doc = builder.parse(url.openStream()); // returns an XML tree // OutputGenerator.transformToXML(new DOMSource(doc), new // StreamResult(p)); // transform the XML to HTML String xslFile = File.separator + "xsl" + File.separator + "facebook.xsl"; final StreamSource source = new StreamSource(new File(this.getServletContext().getRealPath(xslFile))); OutputGenerator.transformWithStyle(new DOMSource(doc), source, new StreamResult(p)); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } p.flush(); p.close(); }
@Test public void testPropertiesParseUtfKey() throws Exception { configFile.setFileContents( " gsa.hostname=not_used\n" + "how\\u2202you= i am happy. how are you?\n"); config.load(configFile); assertEquals("i am happy. how are you?", config.getValue("how\u2202you")); }
@Test public void testPropertiesParseKeyEscapedWhitespace() throws Exception { configFile.setFileContents( " gsa.hostname=not_used\n" + " \\ \\ Tru\\ \\ th\\ \\ : Beauty"); config.load(configFile); assertEquals("Beauty", config.getValue(" Tru th ")); }
/** * Check if we have any value for this option (either set explicitly or some default value). Does * not check if the value can be parsed. * * @param option the option to check. * @return true if there is some value available for this option. * @see Option#isEnabled(OptionGroup) * @see #isSet(Option) */ public boolean hasValue(Option<?> option) { if (!containsOption(option)) { throw new BadConfigurationError( "Option " + option.getKey() + " is not known in group " + prefix); } String val = config.getValue(getConfigKey(option)); return val != null || option.getDefaultValue(this) != null; }
@Test public void testPropertiesParseUtfValue() throws Exception { configFile.setFileContents( " gsa.hostname=not_used\n" + "howyou = \\u2202i am happy\\u2202. how are you?\\u2202\\u2202\n"); config.load(configFile); assertEquals("\u2202i am happy\u2202. how are you?\u2202\u2202", config.getValue("howyou")); }
@Test public void testPropertiesParseMultiline() throws Exception { configFile.setFileContents( " gsa.hostname=not_used\n" + "fruits apple, banana, pear, \\\n" + " cantaloupe, watermelon, \\\n" + " kiwi, mango\n\n"); config.load(configFile); String golden = "apple, banana, pear, cantaloupe, watermelon, kiwi, mango"; assertEquals(golden, config.getValue("fruits")); }
/** * Read all urls of additional nodes stored from the puppet master config, find out node with * certain dns and return type of additional node with certain dns. For example: given: * $additional_builders = * "http://builder2.example.com:8080/builder/internal/builder,http://builder3.example.com:8080/builder/internal/builder" * dns = "builder3.example.com" Result = BUILDER */ @Nullable public NodeConfig.NodeType recognizeNodeTypeFromConfigBy(String dns) { for (Map.Entry<NodeConfig.NodeType, String> entry : ADDITIONAL_NODES_CODENVY_PROPERTIES.entrySet()) { String additionalNodesProperty = entry.getValue(); String additionalNodes = config.getValue(additionalNodesProperty); if (additionalNodes != null && additionalNodes.contains(dns)) { return entry.getKey(); } } return null; }
@Test public void testGetValue() { config.addKey( "somekey", "default", new Config.ValueComputer() { public String compute(String rawValue) { assertEquals("default", rawValue); return "computed"; } }); assertEquals("default", config.getRawValue("somekey")); assertEquals("computed", config.getValue("somekey")); }
/** * Try to get the value of an option, or its default value. If no value and no default value is * available, this returns null, even if the option is not optional. * * <p>Note that after {@link #checkOptions()} has been called, this method should not throw any * errors. * * @param option the option to query. * @param <T> Type of the option * @return The value, the default value, or null if no value is available. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the config-value cannot be parsed or is not valid. */ public <T> T tryGetOption(Option<T> option) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!containsOption(option)) { throw new BadConfigurationError( "Option " + option.getKey() + " is not known in group " + prefix); } String val = config.getValue(getConfigKey(option)); if (val == null) { return option.getDefaultValue(this); } else { return option.parse(this, val); } }
public boolean addOneJob(long configID, boolean immediate) { ZCDeployJobSchema job = new ZCDeployJobSchema(); ZCDeployConfigSchema config = new ZCDeployConfigSchema(); config.setID(configID); if (!config.fill()) { return false; } String staticDir = Config.getContextRealPath() + Config.getValue("Statical.TargetDir").replace('\\', '/'); String sourcePath = staticDir + "/" + ApplicationPage.getCurrentSiteAlias() + config.getSourceDir(); job.setID(NoUtil.getMaxID("DeployJobID")); job.setConfigID(config.getID()); job.setSource(sourcePath); job.setMethod(config.getMethod()); String targetDir = config.getTargetDir(); if (XString.isEmpty(targetDir)) { targetDir = "/"; } else if (!targetDir.endsWith("/")) { targetDir = targetDir + "/"; } job.setTarget(targetDir); job.setSiteID(config.getSiteID()); job.setHost(config.getHost()); job.setPort(config.getPort()); job.setUserName(config.getUserName()); job.setPassword(config.getPassword()); job.setStatus(0L); job.setAddTime(new Date()); job.setAddUser(User.getUserName()); Transaction trans = new Transaction(); trans.add(job, OperateType.INSERT); if (trans.commit()) { if (immediate) { executeJob(config, job); } return true; } LogUtil.getLogger().info("添加部署任务时,数据库操作失败"); return false; }
static { for (Config s : EnumSet.allOf(Config.class)) lookup.put(s.getValue(), s); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // load main configuration String configLoc = System.getProperty(CONFIG_LOCATION_SYS_VAR, CONFIG_LOCATION_DEFAULT); System.setProperty(CONFIG_LOCATION_SYS_VAR, configLoc); Properties configProps = new Properties(); try { configProps.load(new FileInputStream(ResourceUtils.getFile(configLoc))); logger.info("Successfully loaded main configuration."); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Fail to start in early part", ex); throw ex; } Config config = new Config(configProps); // load log4j configuration // @todo review the effect and final configuration when -Dlog4j.properties is specified with // command line String log4jConfigLoc = config.getValue(ItemMeta.BOOTSTRAP_LOG4J_CONFIG_LOCATION); if (log4jConfigLoc != null) { Properties log4jConfig = new Properties(); try { log4jConfig.load(new FileInputStream(ResourceUtils.getFile(log4jConfigLoc))); org.apache.log4j.LogManager.resetConfiguration(); org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure(log4jConfig); logger.info("Successfully loaded log4j configuration at {}", log4jConfigLoc); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Faile to load specified log4j configuration", ex); throw ex; } } ServletContextHandler sch = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SECURITY | ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS); sch.setContextPath(config.getValue(ItemMeta.ROOT_SERVLET_CONTEXT_PATH)); sch.getSessionHandler() .getSessionManager() .setSessionCookie(config.getValue(ItemMeta.ROOT_SERVLET_SESSION_ID)); ServletHolder dsh = sch.addServlet(DefaultServlet.class, "/"); dsh.setInitOrder(1); ServletHolder jsh = new ServletHolder(JerseySpringServlet.class); jsh.setInitParameter( JerseySpringServlet.INIT_PARM_SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION, config.getValue(ItemMeta.BOOTSTRAP_SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION)); // Refer https://jersey.java.net/apidocs/1.18/jersey/index.html?constant-values.html jsh.setInitParameter(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, "true"); jsh.setInitParameter( ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_REQUEST_FILTERS, "com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter"); jsh.setInitParameter( ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_RESPONSE_FILTERS, "com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter"); jsh.setInitParameter(ResourceConfig.FEATURE_TRACE, "true"); // jsh.setInitParameter(JSONMarshaller.FORMATTED, "true"); // jsh.setInitParameter(FeaturesAndProperties.FEATURE_FORMATTED, "true"); // jsh.setInitParameter(FeaturesAndProperties.FEATURE_XMLROOTELEMENT_PROCESSING, "true"); sch.addServlet(jsh, config.getValue(ItemMeta.JERSEY_SERVLET_URL_PATTEN)); jsh.setInitOrder(config.getIntValue(ItemMeta.JERSEY_SERVLET_INIT_ORDER)); // For more, refer // http://download.eclipse.org/jetty/stable-7/apidocs/index.html?org/eclipse/jetty/servlets/CrossOriginFilter.html FilterHolder fh = new FilterHolder(CrossOriginFilter.class); fh.setName("crossOriginFilter"); fh.setInitParameter( CrossOriginFilter.ALLOWED_ORIGINS_PARAM, config.getValue(ItemMeta.CROSS_ORIGIN_FILTER_ALLOWED_ORIGINS)); fh.setInitParameter( CrossOriginFilter.ALLOWED_METHODS_PARAM, config.getValue(ItemMeta.CROSS_ORIGIN_FILTER_ALLOWED_METHODS)); fh.setInitParameter( CrossOriginFilter.ALLOWED_HEADERS_PARAM, config.getValue(ItemMeta.CROSS_ORIGIN_FILTER_ALLOWED_HEADERS)); sch.addFilter(fh, "/*", FilterMapping.DEFAULT); Server jetty = new Server(); HandlerList hl = new HandlerList(); hl.addHandler(sch); jetty.setHandler(hl); jetty.setThreadPool( new QueuedThreadPool(config.getIntValue(ItemMeta.WEB_SERVER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE))); SelectChannelConnector conn = new SelectChannelConnector(); conn.setPort(config.getIntValue(ItemMeta.WEB_SERVER_PORT)); conn.setMaxIdleTime(config.getIntValue(ItemMeta.WEB_SERVER_MAX_IDLE_TIME)); MBeanContainer mbc = new MBeanContainer(ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()); mbc.setDomain(config.getValue(ItemMeta.JMX_DOMAIN) + ".jetty"); jetty.getContainer().addEventListener(mbc); jetty.addBean(mbc); jetty.addConnector(conn); jetty.setStopAtShutdown(true); try { jetty.start(); logger.info("Jetty started at port {} on {}", conn.getPort(), ""); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Fail to start Jetty.", ex); System.exit(-1); } }
public String selectedCommand() { return config.getValue(getConfigKey(CMD_KEY)); }
public ZCDeployJobSet getJobs(long siteID, ArrayList list, String operation) { ZCDeployJobSet jobSet = new ZCDeployJobSet(); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { String srcPath = (String) list.get(j); if (XString.isEmpty(srcPath)) { continue; } srcPath = srcPath.replace('\\', '/').replaceAll("///", "/").replaceAll("//", "/"); String baseDir = Config.getContextRealPath() + Config.getValue("Statical.TargetDir").replace('\\', '/'); baseDir = baseDir + "/" + SiteUtil.getAlias(siteID); baseDir = baseDir.replaceAll("///", "/"); baseDir = baseDir.replaceAll("//", "/"); srcPath = srcPath.replaceAll(baseDir, ""); ZCDeployConfigSchema config = new ZCDeployConfigSchema(); QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder( " where UseFlag =1 and siteid=? and ? like concat(sourcedir,'%')", siteID, srcPath); if (Config.isSQLServer()) { qb.setSQL(" where siteid=? and charindex(sourcedir,?)=0"); } if (Config.isDB2()) { qb.setSQL(" where siteid=? and locate(sourcedir,'" + srcPath + "')=0"); qb.getParams().remove(qb.getParams().size() - 1); } ZCDeployConfigSet set = config.query(qb); for (int i = 0; i < set.size(); i++) { config = set.get(i); String target = config.getTargetDir(); if (XString.isEmpty(target)) { target = "/"; } else if (!target.endsWith("/")) { target = target + "/"; } String filePath = srcPath; if (!config.getSourceDir().equals("/")) { filePath = srcPath.replaceAll(config.getSourceDir(), ""); } target = dealFileName(target, filePath); ZCDeployJobSchema job = new ZCDeployJobSchema(); job.setID(NoUtil.getMaxID("DeployJobID")); job.setConfigID(config.getID()); job.setSource(baseDir + srcPath); job.setMethod(config.getMethod()); job.setTarget(target); job.setSiteID(config.getSiteID()); job.setHost(config.getHost()); job.setPort(config.getPort()); job.setUserName(config.getUserName()); job.setPassword(config.getPassword()); job.setRetryCount(0L); job.setStatus(0L); job.setOperation(operation); job.setAddTime(new Date()); if (User.getCurrent() != null) job.setAddUser(User.getUserName()); else { job.setAddUser("SYS"); } jobSet.add(job); } } return jobSet; }
@Test public void testPropertiesParseEscapeASlash6() throws Exception { configFile.setFileContents(" gsa.hostname=not_used\n" + "slash= \\\\\\\t\\\\\\\f"); config.load(configFile); assertEquals("\\\t\\\f", config.getValue("slash")); }
@Test public void testSimplestPropertiesParse() throws Exception { configFile.setFileContents(" \t gsa.hostname \t = feedhost bob\n"); config.load(configFile); assertEquals("feedhost bob", config.getValue("gsa.hostname")); }
@Test public void testPropertiesParseColon2() throws Exception { configFile.setFileContents(" gsa.hostname=not_used\n" + " Truth :Beauty"); config.load(configFile); assertEquals("Beauty", config.getValue("Truth")); }