Exemplo n.º 1
   * Private helper that creates the services and their associated managers, taking care to call out
   * the standard services first, because we need to get the ordering constant and make sure that
   * they're all present.
  private void fetchServices(ComponentRegistryImpl services, HashSet<Object> managerSet)
      throws Exception {
    // before we start, figure out if we're running with only a sub-set
    // of services, in which case there should be no external services
    String finalService = appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.FINAL_SERVICE);
    StandardService finalStandardService = null;
    String externalServices = appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.SERVICES);
    String externalManagers = appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.MANAGERS);
    if (finalService != null) {
      if ((externalServices != null) || (externalManagers != null))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Cannot specify external " + "services and a final " + "service");

      // validate the final service
      try {
        finalStandardService = Enum.valueOf(StandardService.class, finalService);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE))
          logger.logThrow(Level.SEVERE, iae, "Invalid final " + "service name: {0}", finalService);
        throw iae;

      // make sure we're not running with an application
      if (!appProperties
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Cannot specify an app " + "listener and a final " + "service");
    } else {
      finalStandardService = StandardService.LAST_SERVICE;

    // load the data service

    String dataServiceClass =
        appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.DATA_SERVICE, DEFAULT_DATA_SERVICE);
    String dataManagerClass =
        appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.DATA_MANAGER, DEFAULT_DATA_MANAGER);
    services.addComponent(setupService(dataServiceClass, dataManagerClass, managerSet));

    // load the watch-dog service, which has no associated manager

    if (StandardService.WatchdogService.ordinal() > finalStandardService.ordinal()) return;

    String watchdogServiceClass =
        appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.WATCHDOG_SERVICE, DEFAULT_WATCHDOG_SERVICE);
    Service watchdogService = createService(Class.forName(watchdogServiceClass));
    if (watchdogService instanceof ProfileProducer) {
      if (profileRegistrar != null)
        ((ProfileProducer) watchdogService).setProfileRegistrar(profileRegistrar);

    // load the node mapping service, which has no associated manager

    if (StandardService.NodeMappingService.ordinal() > finalStandardService.ordinal()) return;

    String nodemapServiceClass =
    Service nodemapService = createService(Class.forName(nodemapServiceClass));
    if (nodemapService instanceof ProfileProducer) {
      if (profileRegistrar != null)
        ((ProfileProducer) nodemapService).setProfileRegistrar(profileRegistrar);

    // load the task service

    if (StandardService.TaskService.ordinal() > finalStandardService.ordinal()) return;

    String taskServiceClass =
        appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.TASK_SERVICE, DEFAULT_TASK_SERVICE);
    String taskManagerClass =
        appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.TASK_MANAGER, DEFAULT_TASK_MANAGER);
    services.addComponent(setupService(taskServiceClass, taskManagerClass, managerSet));

    // load the client session service, which has no associated manager

    if (StandardService.ClientSessionService.ordinal() > finalStandardService.ordinal()) return;

    String clientSessionServiceClass =
    Service clientSessionService = createService(Class.forName(clientSessionServiceClass));
    if (clientSessionService instanceof ProfileProducer) {
      if (profileRegistrar != null)
        ((ProfileProducer) clientSessionService).setProfileRegistrar(profileRegistrar);

    // load the channel service

    if (StandardService.ChannelService.ordinal() > finalStandardService.ordinal()) return;

    String channelServiceClass =
        appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.CHANNEL_SERVICE, DEFAULT_CHANNEL_SERVICE);
    String channelManagerClass =
        appProperties.getProperty(StandardProperties.CHANNEL_MANAGER, DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MANAGER);
    services.addComponent(setupService(channelServiceClass, channelManagerClass, managerSet));

    // finally, load any external services and their associated managers
    if ((externalServices != null) && (externalManagers != null)) {
      String[] serviceClassNames = externalServices.split(":", -1);
      String[] managerClassNames = externalManagers.split(":", -1);
      if (serviceClassNames.length != managerClassNames.length) {
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE))
              "External service count " + "({0}) does not match manager count ({1}).",
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mis-matched service " + "and manager count");

      for (int i = 0; i < serviceClassNames.length; i++) {
        if (!managerClassNames[i].equals("")) {
              setupService(serviceClassNames[i], managerClassNames[i], managerSet));
        } else {
          Class<?> serviceClass = Class.forName(serviceClassNames[i]);
          Service service = createService(serviceClass);
          if ((profileRegistrar != null) && (service instanceof ProfileProducer))
            ((ProfileProducer) service).setProfileRegistrar(profileRegistrar);
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Creates each of the <code>Service</code>s in order, in preparation for starting up an
   * application. At completion, this schedules an <code>AppStartupRunner</code> to finish
   * application startup.
  public void run() {
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG))
      logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "{0}: starting services", appName);

    // create an empty context and register with the scheduler
    ComponentRegistryImpl services = new ComponentRegistryImpl();
    ComponentRegistryImpl managers = new ComponentRegistryImpl();
    AppKernelAppContext ctx = new AppKernelAppContext(appName, services, managers);
    MasterTaskScheduler scheduler = systemRegistry.getComponent(MasterTaskScheduler.class);
    try {
      scheduler.registerApplication(ctx, appProperties);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE))
        logger.logThrow(Level.SEVERE, e, "{0}: failed app scheduler " + "setup", appName);

    // create the application's identity, and set as the current owner
    IdentityImpl id = new IdentityImpl("app:" + appName);
    TaskOwnerImpl owner = new TaskOwnerImpl(id, ctx);

    // get the managers and services that we're using
    HashSet<Object> managerSet = new HashSet<Object>();
    try {
      fetchServices(services, managerSet);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE))
        logger.logThrow(Level.SEVERE, e, "{0}: failed to create " + "services", appName);


    // register any profiling managers and fill in the manager registry
    for (Object manager : managerSet) {
      if (profileRegistrar != null) {
        if (manager instanceof ProfileProducer)
          ((ProfileProducer) manager).setProfileRegistrar(profileRegistrar);

    // with the managers created, setup the final context and owner
    ctx = new AppKernelAppContext(appName, services, managers);
    owner = new TaskOwnerImpl(id, ctx);

    // notify all of the services that the application state is ready
    try {
      for (Object s : services) ((Service) s).ready();
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "{0}: failed when notifying services that application is " + "ready",
      // shutdown all of the services

    // At this point the services are now created, so the final step
    // is to try booting the application by running a special
    // KernelRunnable in an unbounded transaction. Note that if we're
    // running as a "server" then we don't actually start an app
    if (!appProperties
        .equals(StandardProperties.APP_LISTENER_NONE)) {
      AppStartupRunner startupRunner = new AppStartupRunner(ctx, appProperties);
      UnboundedTransactionRunner unboundedTransactionRunner =
          new UnboundedTransactionRunner(startupRunner);
      try {
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG))
          logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "{0}: starting application", appName);
        // run the startup task, notifying the kernel on success
        scheduler.runTask(unboundedTransactionRunner, owner, true);
        kernel.contextReady(owner, true);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG))
          logger.logThrow(Level.CONFIG, e, "{0}: failed to " + "start application", appName);
    } else {
      // we're running without an application, so we're finished
      kernel.contextReady(owner, false);

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG))
      logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "{0}: finished service config runner", appName);