Exemplo n.º 1
   * Generates the content of a standalone component that the peer widget is not a child of the page
   * widget at the client.
   * @param comp the component to render. It is null if no child component at all.
  public static final void outStandalone(Execution exec, Component comp, Writer out)
      throws IOException {
    if (ComponentRedraws.beforeRedraw(false) >= 0) throw new InternalError("Not possible: " + comp);

    final String extra;
    try {
      if (comp != null) {
        outDivTemplateBegin(out, comp.getUuid());
        outDivTemplateEnd(comp.getPage(), out);

      out.write("<script class=\"z-runonce\" type=\"text/javascript\">\nzkmx(");

      if (comp != null) ((ComponentCtrl) comp).redraw(out);
      else out.write("null"); // no component at all
    } finally {
      extra = ComponentRedraws.afterRedraw();

    outEndJavaScriptFunc(exec, out, extra, false);
    // generate extra, responses and ");"
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Returns the HTML content representing a page.
   * @param au whether it is caused by asynchronous update
   * @param exec the execution (never null)
  public static final void outPageContent(Execution exec, Page page, Writer out, boolean au)
      throws IOException {
    final Desktop desktop = page.getDesktop();
    final PageCtrl pageCtrl = (PageCtrl) page;
    final Component owner = pageCtrl.getOwner();
    boolean contained = owner == null && exec.isIncluded();
    // a standalone page (i.e., no owner), and being included by
    // non-ZK page (e.g., JSP).
    // Revisit Bug 2001707: OK to use exec.isIncluded() since
    // we use PageRenderer now (rather than Servlet's include)
    // TODO: test again

    // prepare style
    String style = page.getStyle();
    if (style == null || style.length() == 0) {
      style = null;
      String wd = null, hgh = null;
      if (owner instanceof HtmlBasedComponent) {
        final HtmlBasedComponent hbc = (HtmlBasedComponent) owner;
        wd = hbc.getWidth(); // null if not set
        hgh = hbc.getHeight(); // null if not set

      if (wd != null || hgh != null || contained) {
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(32);
        HTMLs.appendStyle(sb, "width", wd != null ? wd : "100%");
        HTMLs.appendStyle(sb, "height", hgh != null ? hgh : contained ? null : "100%");
        style = sb.toString();

    RenderContext rc = null, old = null;
    final boolean aupg = exec.isAsyncUpdate(page); // AU this page
    final boolean includedAndPart = owner != null && !aupg;
    // this page is included and rendered with its owner
    final boolean divRequired = !au || includedAndPart;
    final boolean standalone = !au && owner == null;
    if (standalone) {
      rc =
          new RenderContext(
              out, new StringWriter(), desktop.getWebApp().getConfiguration().isCrawlable(), false);
      setRenderContext(exec, rc);
    } else if (owner != null) {
      old = getRenderContext(exec); // store
      final boolean crawlable =
          old != null && old.temp != null && desktop.getWebApp().getConfiguration().isCrawlable();
      setRenderContext(exec, crawlable ? new RenderContext(old.temp, null, true, true) : null);

    // generate div first
    if (divRequired) {
      outDivTemplateBegin(out, page.getUuid());
    if (standalone) { // switch out
      // don't call outDivTemplateEnd yet since rc.temp will be generated before it
      out = new StringWriter();
    } else if (divRequired) {
      outDivTemplateEnd(page, out); // close it now since no rc.temp

    if (includedAndPart) {
      out = new StringWriter();
    } else if (divRequired) {
      // generate JS second
      out.write("\n<script class=\"z-runonce\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n");

    exec.setAttribute(ATTR_DESKTOP_JS_GENED, Boolean.TRUE);
    final int order = ComponentRedraws.beforeRedraw(false);
    final String extra;
    try {
      if (order < 0) {
        if (aupg) out.write('[');
        else {
          out.write(divRequired ? "zkmx(" : "zkx(");
      } else if (order > 0) // not first child
      out.write("\n[0,'"); // 0: page

      final StringBuffer props = new StringBuffer(128);
      final String pgid = page.getId();
      if (pgid.length() > 0) appendProp(props, "id", pgid);
      if (owner != null) {
        appendProp(props, "ow", owner.getUuid());
      } else {
        appendProp(props, "dt", desktop.getId());
        appendProp(props, "cu", getContextURI(exec));
        appendProp(props, "uu", desktop.getUpdateURI(null));
        appendProp(props, "ru", desktop.getRequestPath());
      final String pageWgtCls = pageCtrl.getWidgetClass();
      if (pageWgtCls != null) appendProp(props, "wc", pageWgtCls);
      if (style != null) appendProp(props, "style", style);
      if (!isClientROD(page)) appendProp(props, "z$rod", Boolean.FALSE);
      if (contained) appendProp(props, "ct", Boolean.TRUE);

      for (Component root = page.getFirstRoot(); root != null; root = root.getNextSibling())
        ((ComponentCtrl) root).redraw(out);

    } finally {
      extra = ComponentRedraws.afterRedraw();

    if (order < 0) {
      outEndJavaScriptFunc(exec, out, extra, aupg);

    if (standalone) {
      setRenderContext(exec, null);

      StringBuffer sw = ((StringWriter) out).getBuffer();
      out = rc.temp;
      if (divRequired) outDivTemplateEnd(page, out);
      // close tag after temp, but before perm (so perm won't be destroyed)
      Files.write(out, ((StringWriter) rc.perm).getBuffer()); // perm

      // B65-ZK-1836
          out, new StringBuffer(sw.toString().replaceAll("</(?i)(?=script>)", "<\\\\/"))); // js
    } else if (owner != null) { // restore
      setRenderContext(exec, old);

    if (includedAndPart) {
      ((Includer) owner).setRenderingResult(((StringWriter) out).toString());
    } else if (divRequired) {