Exemplo n.º 1
  public boolean tryDamageSkill(String rem, String cut, String output) {

    if (cut.length() > 0)
      if (rem.indexOf(cut) == 0) {
        rem = rem.substring(cut.length(), rem.length());
        rem = Utility.clearWhiteSpace(rem);

    target = owner.getRoom().findEntity(owner, rem);

    if ((target == null) && (owner.getPlayerState() == Utility.PSTATE_FIGHTING))
      target = owner.getTarget();

    if (target == null) {
      return false;

    if (!Combat.canAttack(owner, target, false, true)) return false;

    tn = target.getName();
    Tn = target.getPName();
    ty = Utility.possessive(tn);
    Ty = Utility.possessive(Tn);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  public boolean itemCast(String rem, Item I, boolean first) {


    boolean OK = false;

    target = caster.getRoom().findEntity(caster, rem);

    if (rem.length() <= 0) caster.echo("Who do you want to use it on?");
    else if (target == null) caster.echo("There's nobody around by that name.");
    else if (caster.getRoom().getFlag(Room.FLAG_NO_MAGIC))
      caster.echo("Your magic doesn't seem to work here.");
    else OK = true;

    if (target != caster) {

      if ((first) && ((effect.getHarmful()) && (!Combat.canAttack(caster, target, true, true))))
        return false;

      if ((!first)
          && ((effect.getHarmful()) && (!Combat.canAttackSilent(caster, target, true, true))))
        return false;

    if (!OK) return false;


    tn = target.getName();
    Tn = target.getPName();
    ty = Utility.possessive(tn);
    Ty = Utility.possessive(Tn);

    boolean self = (target == caster);

    if (first) tryItemUse(I);
    appendOutput(self, false);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
  public boolean cast(String rem) {


    boolean OK = false;

    target = caster.getRoom().findEntity(caster, rem);

    if (rem.length() <= 0) caster.echo("Who do you want to cast it on?");
    else if (target == null) caster.echo("There's nobody around by that name.");
    else if (caster.getRoom().getFlag(Room.FLAG_NO_MAGIC))
      caster.echo("Your magic doesn't seem to work here.");
    else if (caster.getCurrentMN() < manacost)
      caster.echo("You don't have enough mana to cast " + name + ".");
    else if ((effect.getHarmful()) && (!Combat.canAttack(caster, target, true, true))) OK = false;
    else OK = true;

    if (!OK) return false;


    if (effect.getHarmful()) Combat.engage(caster, target, false);
    caster.setCurrentMN(caster.getCurrentMN() - manacost);

    tn = target.getName();
    Tn = target.getPName();
    ty = Utility.possessive(tn);
    Ty = Utility.possessive(Tn);

    boolean self = (target == caster);

    appendOutput(self, true);

    return true;