Exemplo n.º 1
  // construct the linear gradient from XML
  public RadialGradient(XMLUtility XMLUtility, Node root) throws ParseException {

    // get the transformation matrix
    Node matrixNode = XMLUtility.findNode(root, "Matrix");
    TransformationMatrix m = new TransformationMatrix(XMLUtility, matrixNode);

    fCenterX = m.getTranslateX();
    fCenterY = m.getTranslateY();

    double radius1 = 819.2 * m.getMatrix()[0][0]; // a
    double radius2 = 819.2 * m.getMatrix()[1][1]; // d

    if (radius1 == radius2) // circle
      fRadius = radius1;
    } else // oval
      // this is a stab in the dark at a filthy hack
      // I think 'a' and 'c' in the transform are modifiers for the radius of the ellipse
      // can't find any documentation on this, and for the flas I'm working with this
      // looks acceptable
      fRadius = 819.2 * m.getMatrix()[1][0]; // c

    // get the gradient entries
    Vector<Node> nodes = XMLUtility.findNodes(root, "GradientEntry");
    for (Node node : nodes) {
      double ratio = XMLUtility.getDoubleAttribute(node, "ratio", 0.0);
      String colorCode = XMLUtility.getAttribute(node, "color", "#000000");
      Color color = Color.parseColor(colorCode);
      color.setAlpha(XMLUtility.getDoubleAttribute(node, "alpha", 1.0));
      fColorStops.add(new ColorStop(ratio, color));