Exemplo n.º 1
   * Operation parser. Parse the Operation of a CLASS and recursively adds it to the inputed CLASS
   * before giving back control to the Classe parser.
   * @param c The Classe
   * @return The Classe with the operations
   * @throws InvalidUMLException
  private Classe parse_operations(Classe c) throws InvalidUMLException {
    Classe classe = c;
    Operation operation;
    ArrayList<Argument> arguments;
    String name, type;

    // Terminate the operations parsing when there is a semicolon;
    if (this.current_token.equals(";")) {
      return classe;
    } else if (valid_identifier(this.current_token) && !classe.get_operations().isEmpty()) {
      // Throw an exception if the current token is a valid identifier and the operations array is
      // not empty.
      // It means that we are missing a comma.
      throw new InvalidUMLException("Missing `,` between multiple OPERATIONS");
    } else if (this.current_token.equals(",")) {
      // Read the comma

    if (!valid_identifier(this.current_token))
      throw new InvalidUMLException("Invalid OPERATIONS IDENTIFIER");
    name = this.current_token;

    if (!this.current_token.equals("(")) throw new InvalidUMLException("Expecting `(`");

    // If the parenthesis is not closed right after the opened one, we need to parse the arguments
    if (!peek_token().equals(")")) {
      arguments = parse_arguments();
    } else {
      arguments = new ArrayList<Argument>();

    // Read the closing parenthesis

    // Read the colon

    if (!this.current_token.equals(":")) throw new InvalidUMLException("Expecting `:`");

    // Validate the type
    if (!valid_identifier(this.current_token))
      throw new InvalidUMLException("Invalid OPERATION type IDENTIFIER");
    type = this.current_token;

    // Create the operation and add it to the class
    operation = new Operation(name, type, arguments);

    return parse_operations(classe);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void constrClasseFormu(
     Programme prog, StringBuffer buf, int indent, String msg, String p_pere, Argument arg) {
   this.constrLabelFormu(prog, buf, indent, msg, p_pere, arg);
   Classe cl = (Classe) arg.getClasse(prog);
   String p_zone = "p_" + arg.nom;
   p_zone = Divers.remplacer(p_zone, ".", "_");
   int nb_prop = cl.proprietes.size() - cl.compterMode("OUT");
   Divers.ecrire(buf, p_zone + "=new JPanel(new GridLayout(" + (2 * nb_prop) + "," + 1 + ")); ");
   Divers.ecrire(buf, p_pere + ".add(" + p_zone + ");");
   for (Iterator<org.javascool.proglets.plurialgo.langages.modele.Variable> iter =
       iter.hasNext(); ) {
     Variable prop = (Variable) iter.next();
     if (prop.isOut()) continue;
     String msg1 = prog.quote(prop.nom);
     Argument arg1 = new Argument(arg.nom + "." + prop.nom, prop.type, arg.mode);
     constrFormu(prog, buf, indent, msg1, p_zone, arg1);
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Attribute parser. Parse the attribute of a CLASS and recursively adds them to the CLASS in
   * input before sending back the control to the class parser.
   * @param c The Classe
   * @return The Classe with the attributes
   * @throws InvalidUMLException
  private Classe parse_attributes(Classe c) throws InvalidUMLException {
    Classe classe = c;
    Attribute attribute;
    String name, type;

    // Return the classe, we are done with attributes
    if (peek_token().equals("OPERATIONS")) return classe;


    if (valid_identifier(this.current_token) && !classe.get_attributes().isEmpty()) {
      // Throw an exception if the current token is a valid identifier and the operations array is
      // not empty.
      // It means that we are missing a comma.
      throw new InvalidUMLException("Missing `,` between multiple ATTRIBUTES");

    // Read the next token if it is a comma.
    if (this.current_token.equals(",")) read_token();

    // Validate the identifier
    if (!valid_identifier(this.current_token))
      throw new InvalidUMLException("Invalid ATTRIBUTES IDENTIFIER");
    // Set the name of the attribute
    name = this.current_token;

    if (!this.current_token.equals(":"))
      throw new InvalidUMLException("Expecting `:` after ATTRIBUTE name");

    if (!valid_identifier(this.current_token))
      throw new InvalidUMLException("Invalid TYPE IDENTIFIER");
    type = this.current_token;

    // Create attribute
    attribute = new Attribute(name, type);

    return parse_attributes(classe);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void constrTabClasseFormu(
     Programme prog, StringBuffer buf, int indent, String msg, String p_pere, Argument arg) {
   this.constrLabelFormu(prog, buf, indent, msg, p_pere, arg);
   Classe cl = (Classe) arg.getClasseOfTab(prog);
   Divers.indenter(buf, indent);
   String p_zone = "p_" + arg.nom;
   p_zone = Divers.remplacer(p_zone, ".", "_");
   String zone = "zone_" + arg.nom;
   zone = Divers.remplacer(zone, ".", "_");
   int nb_prop = cl.proprietes.size() - cl.compterMode("OUT");
   Divers.ecrire(buf, p_zone + "=new JPanel(new GridLayout(" + 2 + "," + nb_prop + ")); ");
   Divers.ecrire(buf, p_pere + ".add(" + p_zone + ");");
   for (Iterator<org.javascool.proglets.plurialgo.langages.modele.Variable> iter =
       iter.hasNext(); ) {
     Variable prop = (Variable) iter.next();
     if (prop.isOut()) continue;
     String msg1 = prog.quote(prop.nom);
     String label1 = "new JLabel(" + msg1 + ")";
     Divers.indenter(buf, indent);
     Divers.ecrire(buf, p_zone + ".add(" + label1 + ");");
   for (Iterator<org.javascool.proglets.plurialgo.langages.modele.Variable> iter =
       iter.hasNext(); ) {
     Variable prop = (Variable) iter.next();
     if (prop.isOut()) continue;
     instr_pere.addVariable(new Variable("ii", "ENTIER"));
     if (prop.isSimple()) {
       Argument arg1 = new Argument(arg.nom + "." + prop.nom, "TAB_" + prop.type, arg.mode);
       String msg1 = null;
       constrTabFormu(prog, buf, indent, msg1, p_zone, arg1, "ii");
     if (prop.isTabSimple()) {
       Argument arg1 =
           new Argument(arg.nom + "." + prop.nom, "MAT_" + prop.getTypeOfTab(), arg.mode);
       String msg1 = null;
       constrMatFormu(prog, buf, indent, msg1, p_zone, arg1);
   * Constructs the object from the current row in the resultSet.
   * @param resultSet the resultSet to operate on, already pointing to the correct row. Not null.
   * @param a possible offset in the columns to be considered (if previous columns contain other
   *     objects), or 0 for no offset.
   * @param criteria The criteria which created the result set. If set, the attributes to set in the
   *     data object are determined from the select columns in the criteria; if no matching column
   *     can be found, null is returned. If not set, all of the table's columns are read from the
   *     result set in the order defined in the table definition.
   * @return the mapped object, not null.
   * @throws TorqueException when reading fields from the RecordSet fails or if a Criteria is passed
   *     which contains select columns other than the columns in the classe table.
  public Classe processRow(ResultSet resultSet, int offset, CriteriaInterface<?> criteria)
      throws TorqueException {
    Classe classe = new Classe();

    try {
      if (criteria == null) {
        classe.setClasseId(getClasseId(resultSet, offset + 1));
        classe.setNom(getNom(resultSet, offset + 2));
      } else {
        // try to get columns to be mapped
        // from criteria's select columns
        boolean columnMapped = false;
        int totalOffset = offset + 1;
        List<Column> selectColumns = criteria.getSelectColumns();
        List<Column> columnsWithoutOffset = selectColumns.subList(offset, selectColumns.size());
        for (Column column : columnsWithoutOffset) {
          if (BaseClassePeer.CLASSE_ID.getSqlExpression().equals(column.getSqlExpression())) {
            classe.setClasseId(getClasseId(resultSet, totalOffset));
            columnMapped = true;
          } else if (BaseClassePeer.NOM.getSqlExpression().equals(column.getSqlExpression())) {
            classe.setNom(getNom(resultSet, totalOffset));
            columnMapped = true;
        if (!columnMapped) {
          log.debug("no columns to map found in criteria, " + "returning null");
          return null;
    } finally {
    return classe;