/** Compare results with Common decomposition */
 public void compareCommon() {
   final CholeskyDecompositionResult resultOG = CDOG.evaluate(A3);
   final CholeskyDecompositionResult resultC = CDC.evaluate(A3);
   checkEquals(resultC.getL(), resultOG.getL());
   checkEquals(ALGEBRA.getTranspose(resultC.getL()), resultOG.getLT());
   assertEquals("Determinant", resultC.getDeterminant(), resultOG.getDeterminant(), 1.0E-10);
 /** Tests solve Ax = b from A and b. */
 public void solveVector() {
   final CholeskyDecompositionResult result = CDOG.evaluate(A5);
   double[] b = new double[] {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, -1.0};
   double[] x = result.solve(b);
   DoubleMatrix1D ax = (DoubleMatrix1D) ALGEBRA.multiply(A5, new DoubleMatrix1D(x));
       "Cholesky decomposition OpenGamma - solve", b, ax.getData(), 1.0E-10);
 /** Tests solve AX = B from A and B. */
 public void solveMatrix() {
   final CholeskyDecompositionResult result = CDOG.evaluate(A5);
   double[][] b = new double[][] {{1.0, 2.0}, {2.0, 3.0}, {3.0, 4.0}, {4.0, -2.0}, {-1.0, -1.0}};
   DoubleMatrix2D x = result.solve(new DoubleMatrix2D(b));
   DoubleMatrix2D ax = (DoubleMatrix2D) ALGEBRA.multiply(A5, x);
       "Cholesky decomposition OpenGamma - solve", b[0], ax.getData()[0], 1.0E-10);
       "Cholesky decomposition OpenGamma - solve", b[1], ax.getData()[1], 1.0E-10);
 /** Tests A = L L^T. */
 public void recoverOrginal() {
   final CholeskyDecompositionResult result = CDOG.evaluate(A3);
   final DoubleMatrix2D a = (DoubleMatrix2D) ALGEBRA.multiply(result.getL(), result.getLT());
   checkEquals(A3, a);
 @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void testNullObjectMatrix() {
   CDOG.evaluate((DoubleMatrix2D) null);