Exemplo n.º 1
  /** Initialize the various data structures that we will use */
  private void init(final Database catalog_db) {
    // Build the paths from columns to their ancestors based on foreign keys
    for (Table catalog_tbl : catalog_db.getTables()) {
      assert (catalog_tbl != null);
      final Set<String> tbl_ancestors = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
      String table_key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_tbl);
      this.table_descendants.put(table_key, new HashSet<String>());

      // Columns
      // LOG.info("Getting foreign key dependencies for " + catalog_tbl +
      // "\n" + CatalogUtil.getForeignKeyDependents(catalog_tbl));
      for (Column catalog_col : CatalogUtil.getForeignKeyDependents(catalog_tbl)) {
        assert (catalog_col != null);
        final List<String> col_ancestors = new ArrayList<String>();

        new AbstractTreeWalker<Column>() {
          protected void populate_children(
              AbstractTreeWalker.Children<Column> children, Column element) {
            // For the current element, we need to look at it's
            // parents in the
            // DependencyGraph and select the one that our foreign
            // key column points to
            Column catalog_fkey_col = CatalogUtil.getForeignKeyParent(element);
            if (catalog_fkey_col != null) children.addAfter(catalog_fkey_col);

          protected void callback(Column element) {
            if (element != this.getFirst()) {
        this.column_ancestors.put(CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_col), col_ancestors);
      } // FOR
      this.table_ancestors.put(table_key, tbl_ancestors);
    } // FOR
    // Build a reverse index so that we know all the columns that depend
    // somewhere down the line for each column
    for (String key : this.table_ancestors.keySet()) {
      for (String ancestor_key : this.table_ancestors.get(key)) {
      } // FOR
    } // FOR
    for (String key : this.column_ancestors.keySet()) {
      for (String ancestor_key : this.column_ancestors.get(key)) {
        if (!this.column_descendants.containsKey(ancestor_key)) {
          this.column_descendants.put(ancestor_key, new HashSet<String>());
      } // FOR
    } // FOR
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Return an unordered set of foreign key descendant columns for the given column
  * @param catalog_col
  * @return
 public Collection<Column> getDescendants(Column catalog_col) {
   Database catalog_db = (Database) catalog_col.getParent().getParent();
   Set<Column> ret = new HashSet<Column>();
   String key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_col);
   if (this.column_descendants.containsKey(key)) {
     for (String dependent_key : this.column_descendants.get(key)) {
       Column dependent_col = CatalogKey.getFromKey(catalog_db, dependent_key, Column.class);
       // If the table is missing, that's ok...
       if (dependent_col != null) ret.add(dependent_col);
     } // FOR
   return (ret);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Return an ordered list of all the foreign ancestor columns for the given column.
  * @param catalog_col
 public List<Column> getAncestors(Column catalog_col) {
   Database catalog_db = (Database) catalog_col.getParent().getParent();
   List<Column> ret = new ArrayList<Column>();
   String key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_col);
   for (String ancestor_key : this.column_ancestors.get(key)) {
     // If this table is missing from the catalog, then we want to stop
     // the ancestor list
     Column ancestor_col = CatalogKey.getFromKey(catalog_db, ancestor_key, Column.class);
     if (ancestor_col == null) break;
     // Otherwise, add it to our list
   } // FOR
   return (ret);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Return an unordered set all the foreign key ancestor tables for the given table
  * @param catalog_tbl
 public Collection<Table> getAncestors(Table catalog_tbl) {
   Database catalog_db = (Database) catalog_tbl.getParent();
   Set<Table> ret = new LinkedHashSet<Table>();
   String key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_tbl);
   for (String ancestor_key : this.table_ancestors.get(key)) {
     // If this table is missing from the catalog, then we want to stop
     // the ancestor list
     Table ancestor_tbl = CatalogKey.getFromKey(catalog_db, ancestor_key, Table.class);
     if (ancestor_tbl == null) break;
     // Otherwise, add it to our list
   } // FOR
   return (ret);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Return an unordered set of foreign key descendant tables for the given table
  * @param catalog_tbl
  * @return
 public Collection<Table> getDescendants(Table catalog_tbl) {
   Database catalog_db = (Database) catalog_tbl.getParent();
   Set<Table> ret = new HashSet<Table>();
   String key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_tbl);
   boolean contains = this.table_descendants.containsKey(key);
   if (contains == false) {
     LOG.warn("Missing " + key + "???");
     // System.out.println(this.table_descendants.keySet());
   assert (contains) : "No table descendants for " + key + " (" + contains + ")";
   for (String dependent_key : this.table_descendants.get(key)) {
     Table dependent_tbl = CatalogKey.getFromKey(catalog_db, dependent_key, Table.class);
     // If the table is missing, that's ok...
     if (dependent_tbl != null) ret.add(dependent_tbl);
   } // FOR
   return (ret);